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Panel approves Pompeo for secretary of state


Panel approves Pompeo for secretary of state


Panel approves Pompeo for secretary of state

2018-04-24 13:19 Last Updated At:17:17

 The Latest on the nomination of Mike Pompeo as secretary of state (all times local):

In this April 12, 2018, photo CIA Director Mike Pompeo testifies on his nomination to be the next secretary of state on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

In this April 12, 2018, photo CIA Director Mike Pompeo testifies on his nomination to be the next secretary of state on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

6:30 p.m.

President Donald Trump's choice for secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, has cleared the Senate Foreign Relations Committee with a favorable recommendation, narrowly avoiding a rare rebuke as his confirmation heads to the full Senate.

Democrats put up stiff resistance and voted against Pompeo, who is now the CIA director. Only a last-minute switch from Kentucky Republican Rand Paul — whom Trump called before the vote — enabled Pompeo to win committee approval.

It would have been the first time since the committee starting keeping records in 1925 that a secretary of state nominee faced an unfavorable report.

Pompeo's nomination now goes to the full Senate, where votes are tallying in his favor. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says he looks forward to voting to confirm Pompeo this week.

5:25 p.m.

Sen. Rand Paul says he now supports Mike Pompeo as secretary of state.

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., the sole Republican who had earlier opposed President Donald Trump's nominee for secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, tells the Senate Foreign Relations Committee he is changing his vote to yes, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Monday, April 23, 2018. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., the sole Republican who had earlier opposed President Donald Trump's nominee for secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, tells the Senate Foreign Relations Committee he is changing his vote to yes, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Monday, April 23, 2018. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

The Kentucky Republican announced his position after talking with President Donald Trump moments before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee was set to consider the nominee. Pompeo hasn't had sufficient support from the panel for a favorable recommendation, but Paul's support could change that outcome.

Paul says on Twitter that after talking with Trump and meeting with the nominee he received assurances that Pompeo believes the Iraq war "was a mistake, that regime change has destabilized the region, and that we must end our involvement with Afghanistan."

With those assurances, the senator says he has "decided to support his nomination to be our next secretary of state."

3:40 p.m.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says he's looking forward to voting to confirm President Donald Trump's nominee for secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, later this week in the Senate.

McConnell is making the upbeat assessment after two more Democratic senators announced support for Pompeo, now the CIA director, despite steep opposition expected Monday evening at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The panel is unlikely to have the votes to give a favorable recommendation, but the nominee is expected to find wider support in the full Senate.

McConnell says that with Pompeo, "the United States will have a chief diplomat who enjoys the total confidence of the president."

The Republican leader says he looks "forward to upholding the tradition of this body and voting to confirm him this week."

1:30 p.m.

Mike Pompeo's nomination for secretary of state has received a boost because two Democratic senators announced they would support his confirmation before the full Senate.

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker, R-Tenn., and Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., the ranking member, right, oversee the confirmation vote on President Donald Trump's nominee for secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, who has faced considerable opposition before the panel, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Monday, April 23, 2018. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker, R-Tenn., and Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., the ranking member, right, oversee the confirmation vote on President Donald Trump's nominee for secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, who has faced considerable opposition before the panel, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Monday, April 23, 2018. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Sen. Joe Donnelly of Indiana both backed Pompeo when he was confirmed as CIA director. But other Democrats have been peeling away, and Pompeo is not likely to have enough support Monday for a favorable recommendation from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Neither Manchin nor Donnelly is on the panel, but their votes will help push Pompeo's nomination before the full Senate vote expected later this week.

Manchin says "during this sensitive diplomatic time, it's important our next secretary of state understands the grave threats facing our nation and can offer diplomatic solutions to avoid conflict, as soon as possible."

9:30 a.m.

President Donald Trump is attacking Democrats as he seeks Senate confirmation of Mike Pompeo as secretary of State.

Trump says on Twitter Monday: "Hard to believe Obstructionists May vote against Mike Pompeo for Secretary of State. The Dems will not approve hundreds of good people, including the Ambassador to Germany. They are maxing out the time on approval process for all, never happened before. Need more Republicans!"

President Donald Trump. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

President Donald Trump. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Pompeo's nomination faces serious opposition from key Democrats and at least one Republican. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee may not have enough votes to recommend him for confirmation.

The full Senate is still expected to consider Pompeo's nomination later this week. But the rebuke from the panel would be the first time in years a nominee for the position did not receive a favorable vote.

President Donald Trump's nominee for secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, is facing serious opposition before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

The panel may not have enough votes to recommend him for confirmation Monday as all Democrats, and at least one Republican, have said they will oppose him.

The full Senate is still expected to consider Pompeo's nomination later this week. But the rare rebuke from the panel, even after Pompeo's recent visit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, would be the first time in years a nominee for the high-level Cabinet position did not receive a favorable vote.

The chairman of the committee, Republican Sen. Bob Corker, blames partisan politics for opposition to Pompeo, saying the CIA chief is just as qualified as past nominees for secretary of state.

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AP Decision Notes: What to expect in New Hampshire's state primaries

2024-09-07 02:04 Last Updated At:02:10

WASHINGTON (AP) — New Hampshire is among the smallest states in the country, but its state primaries on Tuesday have enough intrigue to fill a much larger state.

The New England state has an independent streak that makes it hard to categorize as red or blue. While it has voted for the Democratic presidential candidate in each of the last five elections, it’s also elected Republican Chris Sununu four times. Its four-person congressional delegation has been comprised entirely of Democrats since 2017, but Republicans currently hold slim majorities in both chambers of the state legislature.

Tuesday’s primaries will set the stage for a revealing general election. Due to the retirements of Sununu and longtime Rep. Ann Kuster, there are open races for governor and the state’s 2nd Congressional District. Both races have competitive Republican and Democratic primaries. And on top of those key executive and legislative races, all seats in the nation's largest state legislature are up for election in 2024.

The Republican gubernatorial primary will pit Kelly Ayotte, a former U.S. Senator who has promised to stay on the “Sununu path,” against former state Senate president Chuck Morse. Morse has touted himself as the “sole New Hampshire gubernatorial candidate to have endorsed Donald Trump.” Ayotte rescinded her endorsement of Trump in 2016 over his lewd comments about women but has since supported him again. Ayotte is the leading fundraiser in the race, with over $7 million raised so far.

On the Democratic side, Joyce Craig, the former mayor of Manchester, will face Cinde Warmington, the lone Democrat on the New Hampshire Executive Council (a five-member panel that approves state agency heads, judges and state contracts), and business owner Jon Kiper. Craig is the second-highest fundraiser among candidates for governor from either party, trailing only Ayotte.

The 2nd Congressional District, which stretches across the state’s western side and is the bluer of the state’s two districts, has a Republican field of more than a dozen candidates. The leading fundraiser is Vikram Mansharamani, an economist and author, with 2022 candidate Lily Tang Williams trailing by about $100,000.

But the Democratic primary, which is between political operatives Maggie Goodlander and Colin Van Ostern, has developed into the more expensive – and nastier – race.

Kuster has waded in on behalf of Van Ostern, a former staffer of hers. In an ad she filmed for him, she criticized Goodlander for not living in the district for decades. Goodlander, who worked for the late Sen. John McCain and in the Department of Justice, was born and raised in the district but owns property in the state’s other congressional district. Van Ostern, who unsuccessfully sought the governor’s job in 2016, is pitching himself as the candidate with more grassroots support.

Here’s a look at what to expect on Tuesday:

New Hampshire’s state primaries will be held Tuesday. The last polls close at 8 p.m. ET, although polls in most of the state close at 7 p.m. ET. Polls in two towns close at 7:30 p.m. ET.

The Associated Press will provide vote results and declare winners in contested primaries for governor, U.S. House, state Senate, state House and executive council.

Voters registered with a political party may vote only in their own party’s primary. In other words, Democrats can’t vote in the Republican primary or vice versa. Independent or undeclared voters may participate in any primary.

New England states report votes at the township level, not the county level. Townships are smaller subdivisions, and many towns report all or nearly all of their votes at once. The Associated Press will analyze those early returns and compare them with past election results, which may help determine whether they are providing a clear indication of the winner.

New Hampshire counts the vast majority of its votes on election night. No statewide races will be called before the last polls close at 8 p.m. Historically, less than 1 in 10 ballots in New Hampshire are cast before Election Day, as the state requires an excuse to vote absentee.

The state’s largest townships are Manchester, Nashua, Rochester, Concord, Derry and Salem. New Hampshire has multi-member state legislative districts, with the number of representatives varying by town size, so these townships will have a larger number of state legislators.

Of those, Nashua, Concord and Salem fall within the 2nd District. Goodlander was born and raised in Nashua, while Van Ostern lives in Concord.

The AP does not make projections and will declare a winner only when it’s determined there is no scenario that would allow the trailing candidates to close the gap. If a race has not been called, the AP will continue to cover any newsworthy developments, such as candidate concessions or declarations of victory. In doing so, the AP will make clear that it has not yet declared a winner and explain why.

There are no automatic recounts in New Hampshire state primaries, but a candidate may request and pay for a recount if the vote margin is either 10 votes or less than 1.5% of total ballots cast. The AP may declare a winner in a race that is eligible for a recount if it can determine the lead is too large for a recount or legal challenge to change the outcome.

As of June 28, there were about 891,000 registered voters in New Hampshire. Of those, 29% were Democrats, 34% were Republicans and 37% were independents or did not declare a political affiliation.

In 2022, turnout was 11% of registered voters in the Democratic state primaries and 17% in the Republican state primaries. About 8% of Democratic primary voters and 4% of Republican primary voters cast their ballots before primary day.

In the 2022 primaries, the AP first reported results at 7:26 p.m. ET, or 26 minutes after the first polls closed. The election night tabulation ended at 3:11 a.m. ET with about 88% of total votes counted.

As of Tuesday, there will be 56 days until the November general election.

This story has been updated to correct that the 2nd Congressional District is in the western half of New Hampshire, not the eastern half and to clarify that Kelly Ayotte also supports former President Donald Trump.

Associated Press writer Robert Yoon in Washington contributed to this report.

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FILE - The New Hampshire statehouse is pictured, June 2, 2019, in Concord. (AP Photo/Holly Ramer, File)

FILE - The New Hampshire statehouse is pictured, June 2, 2019, in Concord. (AP Photo/Holly Ramer, File)

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