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Chinese premier says developing China-Australia ties in fundamental interests of two countries




Chinese premier says developing China-Australia ties in fundamental interests of two countries

2024-06-18 20:10 Last Updated At:21:37

Chinese Premier Li Qiang said here Monday that the steady and continuous development of China-Australia relations best serves the fundamental interests of the two countries and is conducive to regional peace, stability and prosperity.

Li made the remarks when meeting with Australian Opposition Leader Peter Dutton.

The Chinese premier noted that China is ready to work with various sectors of Australian society to further strengthen dialogue and communication, deepen mutual political trust, expand mutually beneficial cooperation, and properly handle differences, so as to achieve new and greater development of the China-Australia comprehensive strategic partnership and deliver more benefits to the people of the two countries.    Li said that since the establishment of diplomatic ties in 1972, China-Australia relations have long been at the forefront of China's relations with Western countries, as fruitful practical cooperation has brought big benefits to the people of both countries. This fully demonstrates that the respective development of China and Australia is an important opportunity for each other.

Li also expressed the hope that all walks of life in Australia will continue to view China's development objectively, support the deepening of mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries, and contribute to the healthy and steady development of China-Australia relations.

Stressing that the Chinese side considers Australia an important force in the world's multi-polarization process, Li said that China is willing to strengthen communication and coordination with Australia in multilateral fields, and work together to safeguard multilateralism, advocate free trade, and jointly address global challenges such as climate change.

For his part, Dutton noted that the Australia-China relationship is of vital importance. He said his party is happy to see China's development and prosperity and regards China as a partner. He also expressed his hope that the relationship between Australia and China will develop steadily. The opposition is willing to maintain communication and exchanges with the Chinese side to continue deepening bilateral ties, he added.

Chinese premier says developing China-Australia ties in fundamental interests of two countries

Chinese premier says developing China-Australia ties in fundamental interests of two countries

Chinese premier says developing China-Australia ties in fundamental interests of two countries

Chinese premier says developing China-Australia ties in fundamental interests of two countries

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Summer Davos reveals top 10 emerging technologies set to have global impact

2024-06-27 04:16 Last Updated At:07:17

The ongoing 2024 Summer Davos, which opened in northeast China's coastal city of Dalian on Tuesday, released the Top 10 Emerging Technologies report, featuring technologies with the greatest potential to positively impact the world over the next three to five years.

According to Frederick Fenter, chief executive editor of Frontiers, the report's co-publisher, the 10 technologies were selected from a group of 70 candidate technologies, applying criteria including novelty, applicability, depth, and power.

Artificial intelligence-powered scientific discovery, high-altitude platform stations, and genomics for transplants are among the 10 listed technologies that focus on applications in health, communication, infrastructure, and sustainability.

The report also provided an overview of integrated sensing and communication and the advent of 6G networks, which facilitate simultaneous data collection and transmission. The technology enables environmental monitoring systems that help in smart agriculture, environmental conservation, and urban planning.

China's scientific and technological innovations have been supporting and driving world economic growth by promoting international cooperation, said the attendees of the event.

Attendees praised the ongoing emergence of innovative technologies in China, highlighting these advancements as significant opportunities for global economic development.

"I think technological innovation is certainly going to be a source of growth going forward. And China is very much at the forefront of that, so when I come to China, and I live in the West, I see a country that's really sort of embracing the future and embracing the technologies of the future," said one of the attendees.

"Green innovation is being a really core area to help drive or propel sort of new economic forces. China, how to engage with China, how to continue to build businesses and thrive in this market is a top CEO agenda item," said another attendee.

Other attendees noted that the "next frontiers" reflected in the event's theme "Next Frontiers for Growth," represent the direction of world economic development. At the same time, science and technology innovation is the inevitable path to developing these frontiers.

"As China develops new quality productive forces, we will leverage new technologies to transform and upgrade traditional industries. The cultivation and growth of emerging industries will create a vast market demand, which will, in turn, bring about significant needs for the products, technologies, and services for multinational corporations," said Huang Hanquan, an attendee and head of the Chinese Academy of Macroeconomic Research affiliated to the National Development and Reform Commission.

"Through technological innovation, China boasts various application scenarios for new technologies. We will expand China's manufacturing advantages to the world, transform from solely exporting products to exporting industrial capabilities, and promote China's manufacturing advantages to create greater value globally," said Li Dongsheng, an attendee and chairman and CEO of TCL, a leading TV brand in China.

The three-day event, formally known as the World Economic Forum's 15th Annual Meeting of the New Champions, is gathering some 1,600 leading figures from the public and private sectors across nearly 80 countries and regions to jointly explore new drivers and pathways for global economic growth.

Summer Davos reveals top 10 emerging technologies set to have global impact

Summer Davos reveals top 10 emerging technologies set to have global impact

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