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23-year-old new mom attempts to become 1st woman to win gender-neutral title in ACL cornhole event


23-year-old new mom attempts to become 1st woman to win gender-neutral title in ACL cornhole event


23-year-old new mom attempts to become 1st woman to win gender-neutral title in ACL cornhole event

2024-06-22 06:41 Last Updated At:06:50

The recreational game of cornhole wouldn’t seem to have any characteristics that would give men an inherent advantage. Yet no woman ever has won a championship in the nine-year-old American Cornhole League’s gender-neutral pro singles division.

Cheyenne Bubenheim wants to change that. The 23-year-old Floridian and new mother is one of four semifinalists competing Saturday in an ACL pro event open to men and women in the Milwaukee suburb of New Berlin, Wisconsin.

“This is the ultimate goal for me,” Bubenheim said. “It would mean absolutely everything to me.”

Bubenheim has accomplished plenty since turning pro five years ago in a pastime known best as a popular recreational outlet at tailgates and parties. The game calls for players to toss underhand four 6-by-6-inch bags toward a board 27 feet away that includes a 6-inch hole. Players take turns tossing and aim to get each of their bags through the hole for points.

The game has exploded in popularity since the turn of the century, with recreational leagues cropping up across North America. With that interest, national groups have surfaced, such as the American Cornhole Organization and the ACL, which launched in 2015. Some events are on ESPN and sponsors back both group and professional players like Bubenheim. There is a World Cup set for Germany in September.

McKenna Ballew of Bay City, Michigan, won an ACO pro tour event featuring both men and women in January in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Bubenheim was about 15 when she started playing cornhole with family members and friends in Plant City, Florida. She kept on improving and turned pro in 2019. She played well enough to put her residential cleaning business on the back burner to make cornhole her full-time gig.

Bubenheim said she earned $90,000 in prize money in 2022, a sum that doesn’t include what she made in sponsorships. She earned $77,000 last year, playing while expecting her son, Brantley, who is four months old and accompanies her to various tournaments.

Bubenheim, who now lives in DeLand, Florida, is a three-time women’s singles world champion and a three-time women’s doubles world champion. She is the top-ranked woman in the world and ranked 22nd among all ACL players regardless of gender.

“She’s been kind of revolutionary in the game because she was kind of first to do it, and there’s always something about being the first to get there,” said Trey Ryder, the ACL’s chief strategy officer.

Bubenheim is one of only two women ever to win a gender-neutral pro doubles event. Now she wants to become the first woman to win a gender-neutral singles championship. She reached this final round once before, back in 2021.

Cornhole is a game that doesn’t necessarily reward extraordinary size or athleticism. Nor is age much of a factor, considering the ACL has professionals ranging from 12 to 69 years old. Ryder noted that Bubenheim’s semifinal opponent Saturday is 13-year-old Ryan Traiteur of Waterloo, Iowa.

So why hasn’t a woman won any ACL pro competition yet?

“I would say to an extent it’s something of a numbers game,” Ryder said.

There are only 32 women playing at the professional level, he said, compared to about 200 men. This represents the highest percentage of women the ACL has ever had, but it is a discrepancy that helps explain why men are more likely to win open-division events.

Bubenheim also said men also tend to have a wider variety of shooting styles. She referred specifically to a “roll shot” or “flop shot,” in which a bag actually rolls over another bag that might have been intended to block the hole.

“When I first started, that shot wasn’t around,” Bubenheim said. “A lot of the women haven’t really developed that shot. For myself, I don’t try to learn that shot. I don’t feel like I necessarily need it. But I do feel like – not that the men have more of a skill-set than we do – but it’s just they are creating those shots and working on those a little bit more, I think.”

As more women start playing professionally, Bubenheim said she believes it is inevitable that someone breaks through in an ACL event.

“I definitely do think it’s a matter of time before a woman does win one of these pro tournaments,” Bubenheim said. “There’s definitely women like myself who have all the skills they need to do it. It’s just (a matter of) when it happens.”

She’s hoping that time comes Saturday.

This Aug. 3, 2023, photo provided by the American Cornhole League shows Cheyenne Bubenheim competing in the ACL Women's Singles World Championship in Rock Hill, S.C. The recreational game of cornhole wouldn’t seem to have any characteristics that would give men an inherent advantage over women. Yet no woman ever has won a championship in the nine-year-old American Cornhole League’s gender-neutral pro singles division. Cheyenne Bubenheim wants to change that.(Haleigh Shedd/American Cornhole League via AP)

This Aug. 3, 2023, photo provided by the American Cornhole League shows Cheyenne Bubenheim competing in the ACL Women's Singles World Championship in Rock Hill, S.C. The recreational game of cornhole wouldn’t seem to have any characteristics that would give men an inherent advantage over women. Yet no woman ever has won a championship in the nine-year-old American Cornhole League’s gender-neutral pro singles division. Cheyenne Bubenheim wants to change that.(Haleigh Shedd/American Cornhole League via AP)

This Aug. 3, 2023, photo provided by the American Cornhole League shows Cheyenne Bubenhein celebrating her win in the ACL Pro Shootout Championship in Rock Hill, S.C. The recreational game of cornhole wouldn’t seem to have any characteristics that would give men an inherent advantage over women. Yet no woman ever has won a championship in the nine-year-old American Cornhole League’s gender-neutral pro singles division. Cheyenne Bubenheim wants to change that. (Haleigh Shedd/American Cornhole League via AP)

This Aug. 3, 2023, photo provided by the American Cornhole League shows Cheyenne Bubenhein celebrating her win in the ACL Pro Shootout Championship in Rock Hill, S.C. The recreational game of cornhole wouldn’t seem to have any characteristics that would give men an inherent advantage over women. Yet no woman ever has won a championship in the nine-year-old American Cornhole League’s gender-neutral pro singles division. Cheyenne Bubenheim wants to change that. (Haleigh Shedd/American Cornhole League via AP)

ATLANTA (AP) — The first general election debate of the 2024 season kicked off Thursday evening in Atlanta, with U.S. President Joe Biden and his Republican rival, Donald Trump, squaring off as the candidates attempt to lure currently undecided voters. Biden, the Democratic incumbent, has the opportunity to reassure voters that, at 81, he’s capable of guiding the U.S. through a range of challenges. Meanwhile, the 78-year-old Trump could use the moment to try to move past his felony conviction in New York and convince an audience of tens of millions that he’s temperamentally suited to return to the Oval Office. Thursday’s debate in Atlanta marks at least a couple of firsts — never before have two White House contenders faced off at such advanced ages, and never before has CNN hosted a general election presidential debate.


— How the Biden-Trump debate could change the trajectory of the 2024 campaign

— How to watch the presidential debate, which begins at 9 p.m. EDT

— Here’s what’s at stake for Biden and Trump in this week’s presidential debate

— A look at the false claims candidates may present mid-debate

— Most Americans plan to watch the Biden-Trump debate, and many see high stakes, an AP-NORC poll finds

Here’s the latest:

In first half hour of debate, a raspy Joe Biden has delivered rambling answers that sometimes trail off as he defends his policies and record.

Donald Trump has countered with falsehoods on issues including the economy, abortion and NATO members’ defense spending.

The two have also exchanged deeply personal attacks.

Joe Biden pushed back at Donald Trump bragging about pushing European allies to put more money into defense. “This is a guy who wants to pull out of NATO,” Biden said, adding that he “got 50 other nations” to support Ukraine against Russia’s invasion.

Biden forcefully responded to Trump’s NATO comments, saying: “He has no idea what the hell he’s talking about.”

About 6 in 10 Americans see NATO membership as a very or somewhat good thing for the U.S., while about one-quarter say it’s neither good nor bad and only about 1 in 10 say it’s very or somewhat bad, according to an AP-NORC poll conducted in February.

The questioning during Thursday's debate turned to foreign policy beginning with the Russian war in Ukraine, which is now in its third year.

Former President Donald Trump suggested Russia never would have attacked Ukraine if he had been in office.

“If we had a real president, a president that knew that was respected by Putin, he would have never he would have never invaded Ukraine,” he said.

Trump has a long history of positive comments about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s toughness, including calling Putin’s tactics in the 2022 invasion of Ukraine “genius” and “very savvy.”

Trump expresses no such warmth for Ukraine or Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, most recently calling him a “salesman” this month for the Ukrainian leader’s military aid requests to the United States.

Former President Donald Trump complained that migrants who arrive in the country illegally are housed in “luxury hotels” while veterans are on the street.

As expected, he also leaned heavily on discussing migrant crime. He also said migrants are coming into the U.S. illegally from “mental institutions” and “insane asylums.” He has not provided evidence for that claim, which he has frequently made at rallies.

Trump also said he had the “safest border border in history” — a highly questionably claim and a familiar talking point.

President Joe Biden has stuck to his talking points on immigration, highlighting 40% drop in arrests for illegal immigration since issuing an executive order suspending asylum.

He’s trying to gain ground on immigration, which has risen as a national priority, not just among Republicans.

Just 3 in 10 Americans approve of Biden’s handling of immigration, according to an AP-NORC poll from June. About 6 in 10 Democrats approve of Biden’s approach to the issue, but only about 2 in 10 Independents and fewer than 1 in 10 Republicans agree.

Joe Biden lost his train of thought during Thursday's debate while trying to make a point about tax rates and the number of billionaires in America.

Biden trailed off and looked down before mumbling about COVID and saying something to the effect that “we finally beat Medicare.”

When he tried to come back to finish his point, moderator Jake Tapper cut him off because his time was up.

Trump quickly interjected: “He’s right he did beat Medicare. He beat it to death.”

President Joe Biden blamed Donald Trump during teh debate for the deluge of state abortion restrictions since the fall of Roe v. Wade.

As president, Trump appointed three justices to the U.S. Supreme Court who helped form the majority that overturned the constitutional right to abortion — and he has taken credit for that during his campaign.

Highlighting Trump’s connection to the overturning of Roe v. Wade and its impact on pregnant people across the U.S. has become a cornerstone of Biden’s campaign. Biden has also warned that a second Trump term could lead to nationwide abortion restrictions.

Trump said on the debate stage that he believes in abortion ban exceptions “for rape, incest and the life of the mother.”

Those exceptions are at the heart of a case the U.S. Supreme Court issued a ruling on Thursday. Under Idaho’s abortion ban, women have been unable to get abortions in medical emergencies because the state only has an exception to save the life of the mother — not to save her health.

Trump repeated his catchall states-rights response when abortion rights came up, touting that he returned the abortion question to individual states after the overturning of Roe v. Wade, which once granted a federal right to abortion.

It’s an attempt to find a more cautious stance on the issue, which has become a vulnerability for Republicans and driven turnout for Democrats.

While Trump has repeatedly claimed “the people” are now the ones deciding abortion access, that’s not true everywhere.

Voters don’t have a direct say through citizen-led ballot measures in about half the states. In those that do allow such measures, abortion rights coalitions in several states this year have faced intense efforts by anti-abortion groups to thwart citizen initiatives on reproductive rights.

Voters in seven states, including conservative ones such as Kentucky, Montana and Ohio, have either protected abortion rights or defeated attempts to curtail them in statewide votes over the past two years.

Both Joe Biden and Donald Trump made multiple factual missteps as the debate began on Thursday.

Biden started out his debate with a gaffe, claiming he had created 15,000 jobs. The correct number is more than 15 million, a dramatic undercount by someone trying to renew voters’ confidence in his economic leadership.

Biden also said, “It’s $15 for an insulin shot, as opposed to $400.” But out-of-pocket insulin costs for older Americans on Medicare were capped at $35 in the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act that President Joe Biden signed into law. The cap took effect last year, when many drugmakers announced they would lower the price of the drug to $35 for most users on private insurance.

Trump said the U.S. economy was ready to start paying down its national debt before the pandemic. That’s not true. Budget deficits were increasing under Trump because his 2017 tax cuts didn’t pay for themselves as he had promised they would. Trump inherited a budget deficit of $585 billion and it ballooned to $984 billion in 2019, only to climb above $3 trillion in 2020 after the pandemic hit, according to the White House Office of Management and Budget.

And Trump’s claim that “millions” were admitted to the country from prisons and mental institutions is unsubstantiated. There is no evidence of that.

Donald Trump opened Thursday's debate by bragging about the state of the economy while he was in office as well as his handling of the pandemic.

He said: “Everything was rocking good.

He also said the U.S. economy was ready to start paying down its national debt before the pandemic.

But that’s not true. Budget deficits were increasing under Trump because his 2017 tax cuts didn’t pay for themselves as he had promised they would. Trump inherited a budget deficit of $585 billion and it ballooned to $984 billion in 2019, only to climb above $3 trillion in 2020 after the pandemic hit, according to the White House Office of Management and Budget.

With the economy as the first issue of the debate, Joe Biden detailed what he described as an American economy “in freefall,” while Trump bragged about the state of the economy while he was in office, as well as his handling of the pandemic.

About 3 in 10 Americans said the economy was the most important problem facing the country in a May Gallup poll, but that included a range of economic issues.

About 1 in 10 pointed specifically to the high cost of living or inflation. About 2 in 10 Americans said immigration was the top problem facing the country, and another 2 in 10 said the government/poor leadership were the most important problem.

Thursday's debate has begun with a recitation of the rules by the hosts, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash. No audience is present.

President Joe Biden and presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump both slowly walked to their respective podiums as they arrived on the debate stage. They did not shake hands.

The Republicans seen as Donald Trump’s most likely picks for his running mate will be among those speaking on his behalf to the media after Thursday's debate.

Ohio Sen. JD Vance, North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio will be advocating for Trump in the post-debate analysis, according to a person familiar with the plan who was not authorized to speak publicly.

They’re all seen as being on Trump’s shortlist for a potential running mate and their performances tonight are expected to be a factor in their audition for the role.

Associated Press writer Michelle Price contributed to this report from Washington.

President Joe Biden took a jab at Donald Trump’s insinuations that he’s using drugs to enhance his debate performance.

Biden posted photos on social media and a message that he’s been drinking a canned beverage called “Dark Brandon’s Secret Sauce.” It’s just water in a can, but the ingredient label notes Trump’s 34 felony convictions and stresses that the main ingredient in the aluminum can is “MAGA Tears.”

While Biden has tried not to dignify Trump’s criticisms, his campaign is now selling the canned water for $4.60 apiece. Biden noted that his wife, Jill, took the photos of him holding the beverage.

President Joe Biden has arrived at CNN in Atlanta for Thursday's general election debate. He was accompanied by his wife Jill.

Former Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy says he hasn’t been asked by Trump to serve in an administration but says he’d be happy to do so.

Ramaswamy told reporters in the spin room ahead of the debate that he’d be “honored” to serve in some capacity, like White House chief of staff.

Ramaswamy also noted that he saw copious Trump supporters on his way to the debate and said the former president’s backers would “walk on hot coals” to support him.

Vivek Ramaswamy speaks to reporters in the spin room before a presidential debate between President Joe Biden and Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump in Atlanta, Thursday, June 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Vivek Ramaswamy speaks to reporters in the spin room before a presidential debate between President Joe Biden and Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump in Atlanta, Thursday, June 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

President Joe Biden, right, and Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump, left, during a presidential debate hosted by CNN, Thursday, June 27, 2024, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

President Joe Biden, right, and Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump, left, during a presidential debate hosted by CNN, Thursday, June 27, 2024, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

Rep. Byron Donalds, R-Fla., speaks with reporters in the spin room before a presidential debate between President Joe Biden and Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump, hosted by CNN in Atlanta, Thursday, June 27, 2024.(AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Rep. Byron Donalds, R-Fla., speaks with reporters in the spin room before a presidential debate between President Joe Biden and Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump, hosted by CNN in Atlanta, Thursday, June 27, 2024.(AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Corey Lewandowski speaks with reporters in the spin room before a presidential debate between President Joe Biden and Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump, hosted by CNN in Atlanta, Thursday, June 27, 2024.(AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Corey Lewandowski speaks with reporters in the spin room before a presidential debate between President Joe Biden and Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump, hosted by CNN in Atlanta, Thursday, June 27, 2024.(AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

California Gov. Gavin Newsom speaks during an interview in the spin room before a presidential debate between President Joe Biden and Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump in Atlanta, Thursday, June 27, 2024. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)

California Gov. Gavin Newsom speaks during an interview in the spin room before a presidential debate between President Joe Biden and Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump in Atlanta, Thursday, June 27, 2024. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)

Former Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young, shakes hands with President Joe Biden, right, as Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens looks on, as Biden arrives at Dobbins Air Reserve Base, Thursday, June 27, 2024, in Marietta, Ga., en route to Atlanta to attend the presidential debate. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Former Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young, shakes hands with President Joe Biden, right, as Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens looks on, as Biden arrives at Dobbins Air Reserve Base, Thursday, June 27, 2024, in Marietta, Ga., en route to Atlanta to attend the presidential debate. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

President Joe Biden arrives on Air Force One at Dobbins Air Reserve Base, Thursday, June 27, 2024, in Marietta, Ga., en route to Atlanta to attend the presidential debate. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

President Joe Biden arrives on Air Force One at Dobbins Air Reserve Base, Thursday, June 27, 2024, in Marietta, Ga., en route to Atlanta to attend the presidential debate. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

FILE - Ben Starett, lighting programmer for CNN, sets up lights in the spin room for the presidential debate between President Joe Biden and Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump in Atlanta, Wednesday, June 26, 2024. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

FILE - Ben Starett, lighting programmer for CNN, sets up lights in the spin room for the presidential debate between President Joe Biden and Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump in Atlanta, Wednesday, June 26, 2024. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

FILE - This combination of photos taken in Columbia, S.C. shows former President Donald Trump, left, on Feb. 24, 2024, and President Joe Biden on Jan. 27, 2024. (AP Photo)

FILE - This combination of photos taken in Columbia, S.C. shows former President Donald Trump, left, on Feb. 24, 2024, and President Joe Biden on Jan. 27, 2024. (AP Photo)

FILE - In this combination of photos, President Joe Biden speaks on Aug. 10, 2023, in Salt Lake City, from left, former President Donald Trump speaks on July 8, 2023, in Las Vegas. (AP Photo, File)

FILE - In this combination of photos, President Joe Biden speaks on Aug. 10, 2023, in Salt Lake City, from left, former President Donald Trump speaks on July 8, 2023, in Las Vegas. (AP Photo, File)

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