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Chinese anti-aircraft artillery unit conducts live fire exercise in northwestern desert




Chinese anti-aircraft artillery unit conducts live fire exercise in northwestern desert

2024-06-22 20:56 Last Updated At:21:27

The anti-aircraft artillery unit of an air defense brigade from the 83rd group army of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) recently carried out a live fire exercise in a desert in northwest China to test and hone its combat capability in emergencies and extreme conditions.

During the drill, the anti-aircraft artillery unit quickly maneuvered around 500 kilometers to the designated battle area, while several simulated enemy aircraft were taking mountains as cover and flying at ultra-low altitudes to harass the position.

Upon judgment of the situation, the commander decisively ordered the unit to launch take-turns shooting and concentrated firing on the enemy aircraft, successful destroying the first batch of targets.

"During this combat against low and ultra-low targets, the key is to be fast, which not only requires radars to find and identify targets in limited time so that shooters have the best timing, but also requires us the commanders to make faster judgments and decisions," said Li Zijian, an anti-aircraft artillery company commander.

After the first round of attack, the alarm was suddenly sounded as many "enemy" planes were conducting low-altitude penetration against the unit's position. At the very moment, radars malfunctioned.

Through data analysis, radar technicians identified the cause of malfunction and immediately sent operators to examine and repair the facilities, who revived the radar system before the "enemy" planes approached the position. The planes were later shot down. "Such exercises in harsh desert conditions have comprehensively improved the anti-aircraft artillery unit's capabilities for cross-regional, quick response, and high-intensity continuous combats, and tested our strategies and tactics in extreme conditions, laying a solid foundation for fulfilling diverse missions," said Liu Xiaoning, an officer of the brigade.

Chinese anti-aircraft artillery unit conducts live fire exercise in northwestern desert

Chinese anti-aircraft artillery unit conducts live fire exercise in northwestern desert

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CNSA official on Chang'e-6's major breakthroughs

2024-06-27 22:50 Last Updated At:23:07

The Chang'e-6 mission made three major technological breakthroughs and a world-first accomplishment, an official of the China National Space Administration (CNSA) said at a press conference about the lunar exploration mission in Beijing on Thursday.

Vice Administrator of CNSA Bian Zhigang noted that the Chang'e-6 mission is a lunar exploration mission adopted with most advanced technologies to date in China's space exploration endeavors.

"The Chang'e-6 mission made breakthroughs in lunar retrograde orbit design and control, intelligent sampling on the moon and lunar ascent from its far side, and realized the first unmanned automatic sample collection and return from the far side of the moon in the world, setting another world record for China's aerospace program," Bian said.

Samples collected from the far side of the moon may help mankind further study the planet, said Li Chunlai, deputy chief designer of the Chang'e-6 mission, at the press conference.

"The samples collected from the South Pole-Aitken Basin may be very different from the samples collected from the front side, which is conducive to a more comprehensive understanding of the geological evolution history of the moon," Li said.

The mission also carried out cooperation with the European Space Agency, France, Italy and Pakistan on four scientific payloads to obtain valuable first-hand scientific data.

"We promised the orbiter and lander will each reserve a volume of 10 kg for international payloads. We fulfilled the promise and accumulated experience for us to perform more complex tasks in the future," Hu Hao, chief designer of the Chang'e-6 mission, told reporters.

CNSA official on Chang'e-6's major breakthroughs

CNSA official on Chang'e-6's major breakthroughs

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