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Could Democrats replace Biden as their nominee? Here's how it could happen, and why it's unlikely


Could Democrats replace Biden as their nominee? Here's how it could happen, and why it's unlikely


Could Democrats replace Biden as their nominee? Here's how it could happen, and why it's unlikely

2024-07-02 02:07 Last Updated At:02:10

As President Joe Biden attempts to reassure supporters following his widely panned debate performance on Thursday, Democrats still worried about having him at the top of the ticket in November have few realistic options at their disposal, at least as far as party rules and historical precedent are concerned.

Those fretting over Biden as the Democratic nominee have some alternative, albeit unlikely, scenarios to consider: One involves Biden stepping aside voluntarily, the other, and by far the least likely, involves an 11th-hour effort to defeat him at the convention by winning over pledged delegates he has won in the nominations contests, who are technically obligated to support him only by “good conscience” in the party’s rules.

Challenges to the presumptive nominee can occur, but there are significant hurdles, according to Elaine Kamarck, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and an expert in the party's nominating process.

“It has been tried, and it usually fails,” said Kamarck, who is a longtime member of the Democratic National Committee's Rules and Bylaws Committee.

“You would need a strong and persuasive alternative to Biden, and right now there isn’t one," she added.

The path to picking a new standard-bearer would be clearer if Biden were to step aside voluntarily, which he’s given no indication that he’s considering.

For some Democrats, the idea that Biden won't be the nominee remains a ludicrous hypothetical scenario. “It’s typical Democratic overreacting,” said Bill DeMora, the convention director for the Ohio Democratic Party.

Under the Democratic presidential nomination process, candidates are entitled to a share of delegates in each state in rough proportion to the votes they received in that state’s primary or caucus. The candidate who receives a majority of delegate votes wins the party’s nomination.

In 2024, Biden swept all but one primary or caucus and the vast majority of delegates at stake in those contests. Those delegates are considered to be “pledged” to Biden, which means they were selected to fill delegate slots that Biden won as a result of his vote performances in various primaries and caucuses. However, under party rules, that pledge is more of a strong expectation rather than an iron-clad, legal obligation.

DNC rules encourage but don’t specifically require delegates to vote for the candidate they’re pledged to support. Instead, the rules say, “All delegates to the National Convention pledged to a presidential candidate shall in all good conscience reflect the sentiments of those who elected them.”

In other words, the thousands of delegates Biden won during the primary season are bound only by their consciences to actually cast their votes for Biden when it comes time to select a nominee, although it would be unprecedented for delegates on a wide scale to support a candidate other than the one they were pledged to support.

One feature of the party's rules that makes a delegate revolt against the presumptive nominee unlikely is that the candidate has the right to review and make changes to their slate of delegates in each state, ensuring that delegate slots are filled by supporters loyal to the candidate.

The DNC adopted the “good conscience” language in 1982 after multiple rounds of reforms to its presidential nomination process.

In 1980, the Democratic National Convention adopted a rule requiring delegates to vote for the candidate that they were selected to support. The rule was an effort by supporters of then-President Jimmy Carter to bolster his reelection campaign against the insurgent candidacy of Sen. Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts. Kennedy supporters dubbed the measure “the robot rule,” in that it would not allow delegates to exercise their own discretion when casting their votes at the convention.

After Carter’s defeat to Republican Ronald Reagan, the party passed additional reforms in 1982 in an effort chaired by then-North Carolina Gov. Jim Hunt. The Hunt Commission repealed “the robot rule” and replaced it with the “good conscience” language, loosening the party’s grip over its pledged delegates, though leaving in place the expectation that they will follow the will of primary and caucus voters in their states. The Commission also created unpledged delegate slots for certain party leaders and elected officials, positions that have been informally called “superdelegates.”

The 2024 convention rules don’t directly address what happens if the candidate with the most pledged delegates drops out before the convention. However, there’s a general understanding that if a candidate drops out, the delegates pledged to that candidate are free to support another candidate of their choice. That’s how Democrats interpreted the rules when Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota ended his presidential primary bid in March; Phillips said he would encourage delegates that he won to vote for Biden instead.

“There are not always rules for things that aren’t likely to happen, like the leading candidate dropping out," said Hans Noel, an associate professor at Georgetown University's Department of Government.

Under this circumstance, a withdrawal speech would be likely in which a candidate “may or may not signal his preference for someone to replace him,” Kamarck said. “That would not bind the delegates but would obviously carry a lot of weight.”

If a Democratic nominee withdraws after the convention, the party rules are clearer. If the nominee resigns, dies or is otherwise unable to run for president, the DNC — conferring with Democratic leadership in Congress and the Democratic Governors Association — fills the vacancy. But withdrawing from the race after the convention could pose different challenges. For starters, Democrats could bump up against ballot access deadlines similar to the one in Ohio that prompted the party to plan to nominate Biden virtually before the convention, although Ohio lawmakers subsequently moved their deadline. Also, a postconvention withdrawal would leave any new nominee very little time to organize a campaign, while allowing the hand-wringing over Biden to drag on for another two months.

There's no exact precedent for replacing a presidential nominee or presumptive nominee. The last president who voluntarily chose not to run for another term in office was Lyndon Johnson, who dropped out of the 1968 race after the primaries had already begun but before officially receiving the nomination. Then-Vice President Hubert Humphrey didn't participate in the primaries but was still chosen by a large majority of delegates at the convention. The backlash to the process that resulted in Humphrey's nomination prompted the party to change its rules, resulting in today's primary system that rewards candidates based on their performance on primary and caucus ballots.

Four years later, Democratic vice presidential nominee Thomas Eagleton of Missouri withdrew from the ticket following his disclosure that he had once undergone psychiatric treatment. The DNC met the following week and held a vote selecting Sargent Shriver, brother-in-law to the late President John F. Kennedy, to replace him.

Both Presidents Gerald Ford, a Republican, and Jimmy Carter, a Democrat, faced strong challenges at their conventions when they each ran for another term in 1976 and 1980, respectively, although those challenges emerged much earlier in the calendar. In both elections, the president won the nomination but lost in the general election.

The procedures for the party nomination are set by the state party, which has leeway to change its rules at any time. In the weeks before the convention, the DNC's Rules and Bylaws Committee could vote to implement new rules addressing what happens if a leading nominee withdraws before the convention — or if it wished to, more tightly binding delegates to the presumptive nominee.

“The RNC and DNC both write their own rules,” Noel said. “And they can change them when they see a need.”


Associated Press writer Christina A. Cassidy in Atlanta contributed to this report.

President Joe Biden visits a presidential debate watch party, Thursday, June 27, 2024, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

President Joe Biden visits a presidential debate watch party, Thursday, June 27, 2024, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

WASHINGTON (AP) — A defiant President Joe Biden vowed on Wednesday to keep running for reelection, rejecting growing pressure from Democrats to withdraw after a disastrous debate performance raised questions about his readiness. But in an ominous sign for the president, a leading ally publicly suggested a way that the party might choose someone else.

“I am running. I am the leader of the Democratic Party. No one is pushing me out," Biden said in a call with staffers on his reelection campaign, according to a top aide who posted his comment on the X social media platform.

Biden was pulling every possible lever to try to salvage his reelection campaign — talking to top legislators, pumping up his campaign staff and meeting later in the day with Democratic governors before a planned weekend blitz of travel and a network TV interview.

But there were signs that support for Biden was rapidly eroding among Democrats on Capitol Hill.

Rep. Jim Clyburn, a longtime Biden ally, said he would back a “mini-primary” in the run-up to the Democratic National Convention next month if Biden were to leave the race. Clyburn, D-S.C., floated an idea that appeared to be laying the groundwork for alternatives by delegates during the Democrats’ planned virtual roll call that is scheduled before the more formal party convention.

“You can actually fashion the process that’s already in place to make it a mini-primary and I would support that,” Clyburn told CNN.

He said Vice President Kamala Harris, governors and others could join the competition. “It would be fair to everybody. ... Because if she were to be the nominee we need to have a running mate. And need a strong running mate.”

Clyburn, a senior lawmaker who is a former member of his party's House leadership team, said he has not personally seen the president act as he did on the debate stage last week.

“I saw what I saw last Thursday night, and it is concerning,” Clyburn said.

Some suggested Harris was emerging as the favorite to replace Biden if he were to withdraw, although those involved in private discussions acknowledge that Govs. Gavin Newsom of California and Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan remain viable alternatives. But for some insiders, Harris is viewed as the best prospect to quickly unify the party and avoid a messy and divisive convention fight.

Even as pressure around Biden mounted, he and Harris made a surprise appearance on a call with staffers from his reelection campaign and offered a pep talk, stressing the stakes of the election and returning to Biden’s previous post-debate comments that he would get back up after being knocked down. The president told those assembled that he was not leaving the race and would not be dragged out.

Asked a short time later whether Biden would consider stepping down, White House press secretary Karine Jean Pierre said “absolutely not.”

“He understands it is fair for people to ask that question.” she said, while adding, “I cannot lay out something that would change the president’s mind" about seeking a second term.

She also said Biden “is clear-eyed. And he is staying in the race.”

Democrats are unsatisfied with the explanations of Biden’s debate performance, from both White House staff and the president himself. And there is a deeper frustration among some Democrats who feel Biden should have handled questions about his stumbling debate performance much sooner and that he has put them in a difficult position by staying in the race.

White House chief of staff Jeff Zients urged people during an earlier all-staff meeting Wednesday to tune out the “noise” and focus on the task of governing.

Even as Zients acknowledged that the days since the Atlanta matchup between Biden and Republican Donald Trump have been challenging, the chief of staff stressed to more than 500 White House aides on the call the accomplishments and the track record of the Democratic administration and said governing will only become more crucial once the campaign season heats up, particularly after the Fourth of July holiday, according to a White House official.

Biden himself began making personal outreach on his own, speaking privately with senior Democratic lawmakers such as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries of New York, Delaware Sen. Chris Coons and Clyburn.

Zients tried to rally the staff’s confidence in Biden’s reelection apparatus and said Biden has always made it through tough times, despite being counted out over his decades in public office.

The chief of staff also encouraged aides to “continue being a team” and, while acknowledging the increasing political chatter, to “tune it out” and stay disciplined, according to the official, who was granted anonymity to relay Zients’ private remarks.

Staff-wide White House calls aren’t unusual, but Wednesdays’ 15-minute check-in came as Biden and senior White House officials were working to assuage rattled lawmakers, donors and other allies within the party amid sharpening questions about whether the 81-year-old president had the competency to run for a second term in office.

Biden and Harris also held one of their occasional lunches, and the president was planning on hosting an assortment of Democratic governors at the White House in the evening.

Among the Democratic governors who were planning to attend in person were Tim Walz of Minnesota, who leads the Democratic Governors Association, J.B. Pritzker of Illinois, Maura Healey of Massachusetts, Daniel McKee of Rhode Island, Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, Andy Beshear of Kentucky, Wes Moore of Maryland and Gavin Newsom of California, according to their aides. North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper and New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy were planning on attending virtually.

Associated Press writers Mary Clare Jalonick and Farnoush Amiri in Washington, Adam Beam in Sacramento, California; John O’Connor in Springfield, Illinois.; Mike Catalini in Trenton, New Jersey; Steve Karnowski in Minneapolis; Steve LeBlanc in Cambridge, Massachusetts; Marc Levy in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Joey Cappelletti in Lansing, Michigan; Dylan Lovan in Louisville, Kentucky; Makiya Seminera in Raleigh, North Carolina; and John D. Hanna in Topeka, Kansas, contributed to this report.

Vice President Kamala Harris speaks during a post debate campaign rally, Friday, June 28, 2024, in Las Vegas. (AP Photo/Ronda Churchill)

Vice President Kamala Harris speaks during a post debate campaign rally, Friday, June 28, 2024, in Las Vegas. (AP Photo/Ronda Churchill)

Vice President Kamala Harris takes the stage to speak at a post debate campaign rally, Friday, June 28, 2024, in Las Vegas. (AP Photo/Ronda Churchill)

Vice President Kamala Harris takes the stage to speak at a post debate campaign rally, Friday, June 28, 2024, in Las Vegas. (AP Photo/Ronda Churchill)

President Joe Biden speaks during a visit to the D.C. Emergency Operations Center, Tuesday, July 2, 2024, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

President Joe Biden speaks during a visit to the D.C. Emergency Operations Center, Tuesday, July 2, 2024, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

President Joe Biden listens during a visit to the D.C. Emergency Operations Center, Tuesday, July 2, 2024, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

President Joe Biden listens during a visit to the D.C. Emergency Operations Center, Tuesday, July 2, 2024, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

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