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Chinese president arrives at Palace of Independence for SCO Astana summit




Chinese president arrives at Palace of Independence for SCO Astana summit

2024-07-04 14:10 Last Updated At:22:07

Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived at the Palace of Independence in the Kazakh capital of Astana for the 24th Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) on Thursday.

During the summit, Xi will have in-depth exchange of views with leaders of participating countries on deepening cooperation across the board under the new circumstances and on major international and regional issues of the day, and plan for the future development of the SCO.

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Chinese president arrives at Palace of Independence for SCO Astana summit

Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived at the Palace of Independence in the Kazakh capital of Astana for the 24th Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) on Thursday.

Chinese president arrives at Palace of Independence for SCO Astana summit

Chinese president arrives at Palace of Independence for SCO Astana summit

Chinese president arrives at Palace of Independence for SCO Astana summit

Chinese president arrives at Palace of Independence for SCO Astana summit

Chinese president arrives at Palace of Independence for SCO Astana summit

Chinese president arrives at Palace of Independence for SCO Astana summit

Chinese president arrives at Palace of Independence for SCO Astana summit

Chinese president arrives at Palace of Independence for SCO Astana summit

The SCO was established in 2001 with the "Shanghai Spirit" being its founding values, which champion mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, consultation, respect for diversity of civilizations and pursuit of common development.

Chinese president arrives at Palace of Independence for SCO Astana summit

Chinese president arrives at Palace of Independence for SCO Astana summit

Chinese president arrives at Palace of Independence for SCO Astana summit

Chinese president arrives at Palace of Independence for SCO Astana summit

Chinese president arrives at Palace of Independence for SCO Astana summit

Chinese president arrives at Palace of Independence for SCO Astana summit

Chinese president arrives at Palace of Independence for SCO Astana summit

Chinese president arrives at Palace of Independence for SCO Astana summit

Chinese president arrives at Palace of Independence for SCO Astana summit

Chinese president arrives at Palace of Independence for SCO Astana summit

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Xi's speech at SCO summit forges consensus, promote peaceful development: experts

2024-07-06 20:43 Last Updated At:21:27

Chinese President Xi Jinping's speech at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit has been acknowledged by experts from various countries as instrumental for the organization to build consensus on solidarity and coordination and promote peaceful development in the region and beyond as the world is at a critical crossroads.

The two-day 24th Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, or the SCO summit, concluded in Astana, capital of Kazakhstan, on Thursday.

According to experts, Xi's speech has charted a clear direction for the future development of the SCO under the current international pretext.

"I agree with President Xi's remarks at the Astana Summit, where he mentioned the changes of the world, the times and history. We are indeed at a crossroads. As President Xi noted, solidarity and coordination have been pivotal to the SCO's past achievements, and they are imperative in navigating through turbulent times and forging a new path on the new journey. The SCO upholds principles of mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, and consultation, adhering to the purposes and principles outlined in the UN Charter and universally recognized international law. These serve as a robust foundation for cooperation within the SCO," said Zoran Milivojevic, a foreign policy analyst in Serbia.

"President Xi's statement to pursue a peaceful development and build a new type of international relations is align with his support on building a world community with a shared future. Meanwhile, it corresponds to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, and of course, on his globalist initiative. The human society has come to critical crossroad. It is crucial to the world that the Shanghai Cooperation Organization stands on the side of peace and justice," said Kostas Gouliamos, former rector of the European University Cyprus.

Chea Munyrith, president of the Cambodian Chinese Evolution Researcher Association, said Xi has emphasized the importance of building a strong sense of a global community of shared future, and the related initiatives have become vital mechanisms for mutual support and mutually beneficial cooperation among the SCO members.

"President Xi Jinping has always shown concern for global issues and made significant contributions to maintaining world peace. Cambodia also takes pride in participating in the cooperation with the SCO," he said.

Xi's speech at SCO summit forges consensus, promote peaceful development: experts

Xi's speech at SCO summit forges consensus, promote peaceful development: experts

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