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Xi says China, Türkiye should push for greater development of strategic cooperative relationship




Xi says China, Türkiye should push for greater development of strategic cooperative relationship

2024-07-05 06:34 Last Updated At:14:37

China and Türkiye should push for greater development of their strategic cooperative relationship, Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Thursday.

The two sides should also support each other in safeguarding their core interests, constantly consolidate political mutual trust and promote high-level mutually beneficial cooperation, said Xi when meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Astana.

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Xi says China, Türkiye should push for greater development of strategic cooperative relationship

China and Türkiye should push for greater development of their strategic cooperative relationship, Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Thursday.

Xi says China, Türkiye should push for greater development of strategic cooperative relationship

Xi says China, Türkiye should push for greater development of strategic cooperative relationship

Xi says China, Türkiye should push for greater development of strategic cooperative relationship

Xi says China, Türkiye should push for greater development of strategic cooperative relationship

Xi says China, Türkiye should push for greater development of strategic cooperative relationship

Xi says China, Türkiye should push for greater development of strategic cooperative relationship

Xi says China, Türkiye should push for greater development of strategic cooperative relationship

Xi says China, Türkiye should push for greater development of strategic cooperative relationship

Xi says China, Türkiye should push for greater development of strategic cooperative relationship

Xi says China, Türkiye should push for greater development of strategic cooperative relationship

Xi pointed out that China-Türkiye relations have maintained a stable development momentum. As major developing countries and members of the Global South, China and Türkiye share broad consensus on pursuing their respective national development and revitalization and upholding norms governing international relations, he said.

Xi stressed that China supports Türkiye in following a development path suited to its own national conditions, encourages both sides to expand trade, supports Chinese enterprises in increasing investment in Türkiye, promotes cooperation on infrastructure projects in an orderly manner, and encourages more Chinese citizens to travel to Türkiye.

China and Türkiye share same or similar views on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the Ukraine crisis and other issues, and should keep in close communication, Xi said, adding that China is willing to strengthen coordination with Türkiye within multilateral frameworks such as the United Nations and the Group of 20.

For his part, Erdogan said Türkiye attaches great importance to developing relations with China, unswervingly commits to promoting mutually beneficial cooperation in all fields, firmly adheres to the one-China principle and respects China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Noting that China is Türkiye's most important economic and trade partner in the world and in Asia, Erdogan said the Turkish side welcomes more Chinese enterprises to invest in Türkiye and more Chinese tourists to visit Türkiye.

It is hoped that the two sides will further align the Belt and Road Initiative with Türkiye's development strategies and expand cooperation in such fields as economy, trade, infrastructure and clean energy, he said.

The Turkish side appreciates China's significant contributions to promoting world peace, including its fair and just stance on the Palestinian issue, Erdogan said.

Türkiye hopes to strengthen multilateral communication and coordination with China, he added.

Xi says China, Türkiye should push for greater development of strategic cooperative relationship

Xi says China, Türkiye should push for greater development of strategic cooperative relationship

Xi says China, Türkiye should push for greater development of strategic cooperative relationship

Xi says China, Türkiye should push for greater development of strategic cooperative relationship

Xi says China, Türkiye should push for greater development of strategic cooperative relationship

Xi says China, Türkiye should push for greater development of strategic cooperative relationship

Xi says China, Türkiye should push for greater development of strategic cooperative relationship

Xi says China, Türkiye should push for greater development of strategic cooperative relationship

Xi says China, Türkiye should push for greater development of strategic cooperative relationship

Xi says China, Türkiye should push for greater development of strategic cooperative relationship

Xi says China, Türkiye should push for greater development of strategic cooperative relationship

Xi says China, Türkiye should push for greater development of strategic cooperative relationship

Commemorative events were held across China on Sunday, the 87th anniversary of the July 7 Incident, to mourn fallen heroes and war victims.

On July 7, 1937, Japanese soldiers attacked Chinese forces at the Lugou Bridge, which marked the start of Japan's full-scale invasion of China, and China's whole-nation resistance against the Japanese invaders.

At the Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders in Nanjing City of east China's Jiangsu Province, representatives from all walks of life, offered floral tributes to pay their respects to those who laid down their lives in fighting the Japanese aggression.

Meanwhile, a commemorative event was held at the former site of the New Fourth Army, the early communist troops, in east China's Nanchang, a city famous for an uprising that led to the establishment of the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army.

Attendees laid flower baskets and bowed to pay tribute to the victims and fallen compatriots and to pray for peace.

In Yan'an, northwest China's Shaanxi Province and Handan, north China's Hebei Province, locals sounded sirens and observed silence to mark the day.

In addition, people spontaneously visited exhibitions at the September 18th Historical Museum in Shenyang, capital of Liaoning Province, the Exhibition Hall of Evidences of Crime Committed by Unit 731 of the Japanese Imperial Army in northeast China's Harbin City, and the Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army Memorial Hall in Tonghua, Jilin Province respectively to learn about the bravery and sacrifice of the martyrs fighting in the battles against the Japanese invaders.

In Tianchang City, east China's Anhui Province, young members of the Communist Party of China (CPC) visited the Memorial Hall of the Eighth Branch of the Chinese People's Anti-Japanese Military and Political University, renewing their pledge to the Party and paying their respects to the martyrs.

In the exhibition hall showcasing Japanese invaders' germ warfare, students in Quzhou City, east China's Zhejiang Province, learned the atrocities committed by the Japanese imperial army through vivid presentations and exhibits from the war.

Meanwhile, exhibits at the Pingxingguan Battle Memorial Hall in Datong City, north China's Shanxi Province, are also good evidence of Chinese people's heroic fight against the Japanese invaders.

"I have gained a deeper insight into the courage and resilience displayed by our revolutionary predecessors during the resistance against the Japanese invaders. Their actions greatly inspired the confidence of the entire nation in the fight against the Japanese aggressors. As a Party member, I have further strengthened my unwavering commitment to sacrificing everything for the interests of the Party and the people," said Yu Haozheng, a student from the Nankai University.

Chinese armed forces also held various activities in honor of the martyrs and heroes who fought and died in the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression.

"As soldiers in the new era, we should carry forward the legacy of our revolutionary predecessors. We should put all our minds and energy on remaining combat-ready at all times and contributing to making the People's Liberation Army (PLA) stronger when we mark the centenary of its founding," said Luo Yuhao, a service member with the 72nd Group Army of the PLA.

Commemorative activities held across China to remember resistance war against Japanese aggression

Commemorative activities held across China to remember resistance war against Japanese aggression

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