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China calls on India to properly handle border issue, start normal exchanges




China calls on India to properly handle border issue, start normal exchanges

2024-07-05 16:13 Last Updated At:16:57

China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi Thursday called on India to stick to positive thinking, properly handing border situation and actively carrying out normal exchanges.

Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, made the remarks during his meeting with Indian External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Astana, Kazakhstan.

Against the backdrop of rapid global changes unseen in a century, China and India, as two ancient civilizations and also two representatives of developing countries and emerging economies, both stand at the crossroads of national rejuvenation. Upholding good-neighborly friendship and achieving common development are in the fundamental interests of the two countries and peoples, and conform to the correct historical logic, said Wang.

The two countries should handle bilateral relations at a strategic level, enhancing communications and properly managing disputes to ensure a healthy and sound development of China-India relations, said Wang.

Following the important consensus previously reached by two heads of state, Wang noted China is ready for mutual understanding and trust, and will care for and support each other with India, to explore the right path of coexistence between two big neighboring countries.

Wang called on India to adhere to positive thinking, properly handle and control border issues on the one hand, and actively carry out normal exchanges on the other. The two countries should achieve mutual reinforcement and walk towards the same direction.

Wang stressed this year marks the 70th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. Back then, Chinese leader together with Indian and Burmese leaders advocated the Principles, contributing Eastern wisdom and setting a correct benchmark for building the post-war international order and handling state-to-state relations. Seventy years later, China and India have the responsibility and obligation to carry forward the spirit of Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and inject it with new connotations of the times.

As two Global South countries, China and India should join hands to oppose unilateral bullying and bloc confrontation, safeguard common interests of developing countries and make contribution to regional and global peace, stability and development, said Wang.

For his part, Jaishankar said developing stable and predicable ties between China and India is in the interest of both sides. India hopes to work with China, guided by the grand vision agreed by two heads of state, to constructively solve disputes and open a new page for China-India relations soon.

China will soon take over the rotating presidency of the SCO for 2024-2025. India supports China to perform its duties and is willing to enhance coordination and cooperation within multilateral frameworks. India will uphold independent foreign policy, stick to multilateralism, promote multipolarity and safeguard common interests of developing countries, said Jaishankar.   The two foreign ministers agreed to work for stability in the border areas and start new rounds of consultation on border issues as soon as possible.

China calls on India to properly handle border issue, start normal exchanges

China calls on India to properly handle border issue, start normal exchanges

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CMG broadcast vehicles for Paris Olympics unloaded at Port of Rotterdam

2024-07-08 21:22 Last Updated At:21:47

A new batch of China Media Group's (CMG) 8K ultra-high-definition (UHD) live broadcast vehicles for the Paris Olympics was unloaded in the Netherlands on Sunday local time, before heading to France.

In addition to the broadcast van in red, an auxiliary vehicle was also disembarked at the Port of Rotterdam, the largest port in Europe.

With a length of 17 meters, a width of 2.5 meters and a weight of 40 tons, the live broadcast vehicle, carrying state-of-the-art broadcast equipment, has very high requirements on the port's lifting capacity.

To ensure smooth unloading, the Port of Rotterdam convened a pre-ship meeting and specifically designed a customized lifting plan. Prior to the actual lift, over two hours were spent testing and adjusting the lifting equipment.

As planned, the broadcast vehicles will run all the way from Rotterdam to Belgium, and sail to Paris. As a leading broadcaster and the international media organization with the most broadcasting rights for the Paris Olympic Games, CMG is set to orchestrate its largest-scale Olympic Games coverage to date.

A production and technical service team of over 2,000 technicians will be responsible for producing pool signals for the four major events: gymnastics, table tennis, badminton, and rock climbing.

Meanwhile, the live broadcast will last over 400 hours, with more than 11,000 hours of high-quality signals for the competitions broadcast and distributed through television channels and new media terminals.

For the first time abroad, CMG's Olympic broadcast production will be delivered entirely in 4K ultra-high-definition.

CMG broadcast vehicles for Paris Olympics unloaded at Port of Rotterdam

CMG broadcast vehicles for Paris Olympics unloaded at Port of Rotterdam

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