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China,Tajikistan in fruitful cooperation on transport: minister




China,Tajikistan in fruitful cooperation on transport: minister

2024-07-05 19:00 Last Updated At:20:27

China and Tajikistan have achieved fruitful outcomes in bilateral cooperation on transportation and infrastructure, according to Tajik Transport Minister Azim Ibrohim.

In an interview with the China Global Television Network (CGTN) prior to Chinese President Xi Jinping's arrival in Dushanbe on Thursday to pay a state visit to Tajikistan, Ibrohim said that this year marks the 20th anniversary of the opening of the crossing called Kulma Karasu on the common border between China and Tajikistan -- a key infrastructure project built and operated in fruitful bilateral cooperation.

"Over the past three decades, Tajikistan has implemented many strategic plans with our neighbor China, particularly in relation to transport projects, which are very important. In 1996, an initiative was taken to open a temporary crossing called Kulma Karasu, and in 1997 the point of connection for this crossing was determined, and the construction of roads began. Finally, on May 25, 2004, this crossing was opened, and recently representatives from our two countries celebrated the 20th anniversary of this crossing," said Ibrohim.

Ibrohim said multinational frameworks such as the Belt and Road Initiative and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization have facilitated the advancement of transportation infrastructure in Tajikistan, and promoted regional integration.

"The Belt and Road Initiative, proposed by [Chinese President] Xi Jinping, was supported by our president, and today, within the framework of this initiative, many works are being carried out in Tajikistan. For example, one of the multimodal routes from China through Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkey, and Europe is located on this route. And today we strive to meet international standards for this road," said the minister.

Ibrohim also said the cooperation of transportation infrastructure projects stimulated job creation and fostered economic growth in the regions.

"About 11 Chinese companies operate in Tajikistan, and if 10 to 15 percent of [the staff on] these projects are Chinese specialists, the remaining 80 to 85 to 90 percent are all local employees who receive good salaries. This, of course, ensures jobs and decent living conditions," he said.

Xi landed in Dushanbe after attending the 24th Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Astana, and a state visit to Kazakhstan.

China,Tajikistan in fruitful cooperation on transport: minister

China,Tajikistan in fruitful cooperation on transport: minister

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CMG broadcast vehicles for Paris Olympics unloaded at Port of Rotterdam

2024-07-08 21:22 Last Updated At:21:47

A new batch of China Media Group's (CMG) 8K ultra-high-definition (UHD) live broadcast vehicles for the Paris Olympics was unloaded in the Netherlands on Sunday local time, before heading to France.

In addition to the broadcast van in red, an auxiliary vehicle was also disembarked at the Port of Rotterdam, the largest port in Europe.

With a length of 17 meters, a width of 2.5 meters and a weight of 40 tons, the live broadcast vehicle, carrying state-of-the-art broadcast equipment, has very high requirements on the port's lifting capacity.

To ensure smooth unloading, the Port of Rotterdam convened a pre-ship meeting and specifically designed a customized lifting plan. Prior to the actual lift, over two hours were spent testing and adjusting the lifting equipment.

As planned, the broadcast vehicles will run all the way from Rotterdam to Belgium, and sail to Paris. As a leading broadcaster and the international media organization with the most broadcasting rights for the Paris Olympic Games, CMG is set to orchestrate its largest-scale Olympic Games coverage to date.

A production and technical service team of over 2,000 technicians will be responsible for producing pool signals for the four major events: gymnastics, table tennis, badminton, and rock climbing.

Meanwhile, the live broadcast will last over 400 hours, with more than 11,000 hours of high-quality signals for the competitions broadcast and distributed through television channels and new media terminals.

For the first time abroad, CMG's Olympic broadcast production will be delivered entirely in 4K ultra-high-definition.

CMG broadcast vehicles for Paris Olympics unloaded at Port of Rotterdam

CMG broadcast vehicles for Paris Olympics unloaded at Port of Rotterdam

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