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Pakistani expert stresses SCO's pursuit of peaceful development, positive role in int'l relations




Pakistani expert stresses SCO's pursuit of peaceful development, positive role in int'l relations

2024-07-06 21:48 Last Updated At:07-07 00:17

A Pakistani expert on Thursday emphasized the importance of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) members pursuing peaceful development and highlighted their potential in positively shaping current international relations through multilateralism.

In an interview with China Global Television Network (CGTN) in Islamabad, Talat Shabbir, director of the China-Pakistan Study Center at the Institute of Strategic Studies in Islamabad, highlighted the significance of fostering peaceful development among Pakistan and other SCO members, recognizing the mutual benefits such efforts can bring to these countries.

His comments came as the two-day 24th Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, or the SCO summit, concluded in Astana, capital of Kazakhstan, on Thursday.

"From Pakistan's perspective, it's very important that regional countries, they come together, they sit together, they talk of their disputes first, they talk of peace options that are available, and I think if they talk of peace options only then they can contribute to, they can move further," Shabbir said.

According to the expert, SCO members recognize the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) proposed by China as a vital platform for promoting connectivity among all member states.

"[The] Belt and Road Initiative is an important component, important with regards to connectivity efforts that all the countries are making. One good thing is that China is part of this forum, and most countries who are part of the forum believe in Belt and Road Initiative efforts that China is doing. So, I think it is an opportunity for all the countries to take advantage of Belt and Road Initiative by China in order for promoting connectivity amongst all the member states," Shabbir said.

The expert highlighted that SCO members, under the banner of multilateralism, have the potential to positively impact current international relations.

"The countries included in the forum are very important countries, and very important countries with regards to the larger region that we talk of. So, I think if these countries decide to come to some terms with regards to peace, with regards to trade and economy, so it will greatly help the overall international atmosphere of peace and connectivity," Shabbir said.

In a major development for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Belarus was formally accepted as the 10th member state of the inter-governmental organization on Thursday.

The SCO, established in 2001, now has 10 member states, two observer states and 14 dialogue partners.

Pakistani expert stresses SCO's pursuit of peaceful development, positive role in int'l relations

Pakistani expert stresses SCO's pursuit of peaceful development, positive role in int'l relations

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Honoring of history vital to overcoming false Western narratives: Namibian president

2024-10-05 15:51 Last Updated At:16:07

Namibian President Nangolo Mbumba has encouraged China and other countries facing false narratives propagated by Western powers to embrace their own histories in order to move forward.

In an exclusive interview with China Media Group (CMG) aired on Friday, Mbumba called out Western scholars and commentators who have painted China as a "neo-imperialist" power rather than a country intent on pursuing peaceful development.

The president rejected this framing, stressing that China and African countries have fought shoulder-to-shoulder against imperialism and colonialism. That history, he said, should not be forgotten amid international efforts to pursue common development.

"I think one thing we must understand -- honoring your history. Honoring the history of the former leaders and honoring the culture and history of your own country come in many ways. Some people write about it. Some people invent things about it. Some people will produce energy, food and other things. Some other people respect and protect their own country, whether it is with their harbors or space or land or air. So, respect comes in many ways," Mbumba said.

"The 'amnesia' is the jealousy. We must admit that some people are just jealous of what China has become in such a short time getting so many millions of people out of poverty and hunger and putting them on par with the rest of the developed countries. But ours now is to make sure that we cooperate in the development around the economies, in the training of our people, in providing health to our people. You are now free, behave like free people and develop. Choose your friends and talk to your friends the way you want to talk and not to be told who to talk to and who not to engage with," added the Namibian president.

Honoring of history vital to overcoming false Western narratives: Namibian president

Honoring of history vital to overcoming false Western narratives: Namibian president

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