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Over 300 high-tech products make debut at expo in Beijing




Over 300 high-tech products make debut at expo in Beijing

2024-07-13 21:24 Last Updated At:21:37

The 26th China Beijing International High-tech Expo officially opened on Saturday at the Beijing National Convention Center, focusing mainly on cutting-edge technology, emerging industries and up-and-coming sectors.

The expo, which will last until July 16, attracts more than 300 companies and institutions from home and abroad, displaying more than 1,000 sci-tech innovation achievements, of which more than 300 are unveiled for the first time.

This year's expo is mainly divided into three parts: exhibition, trade and investment promotion activities, and online display and matchmaking. The total exhibition area is about 22,000 square meters, with six themed areas including information technology, intelligent manufacturing, and medical health.

"This year's high-tech expo highlights elements of green, sci-tech, and cost saving. For the first time, an online consultation system has been launched, enabling real-time interaction and precise matchmaking between exhibitors, traders, investors, and professional visitors," said Guo Huaigang, chairman of Beijing sub-council of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade.

The non-contact emotion measurement device is one of the new sci-tech products making its debut at this expo. It can measure the slight vibration of the user's facial muscles through a digital video camera, and then quickly process the image through a high-speed computer to obtain the user's psychological state. It can be used in hospitals and schools to monitor the psychological state of patients and students.

Originated in 1998, the China Beijing International High-tech Expo is China's first large-scale international exchange and cooperation exhibition with science and technology as its theme. In the previous 25 sessions, a total of more than 1,000 foreign delegations participated, achieving more than 5,700 results of various types.

Over 300 high-tech products make debut at expo in Beijing

Over 300 high-tech products make debut at expo in Beijing

The Luban Workshop, a vocational education program jointly carried out by China and its partner countries, has groomed plenty of talents for Ethiopia's social and economic development.

As one of the world's most fast-growing economies, Ethiopia is trying to diversify its economic structure in recent years. As a result,vocational trainings have become incredibly crucial.

Located in Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia, the Luban Workshop opened its first summer school this year.

Jiang Jiang, Chinese dean of Luban Workshop in Ethiopia, said the workshop has changed a lot since he first got here in 2011.

"Now, the students' enthusiasm for learning is much higher than the beginning. We often have to arrange extra classes to meet the learning needs of students. At the start, the number of students was fewer than 10, but now there are over 30 students in one class," Jiang said.

With over a decade of growth, the workshop now has many local teachers. In this summer school, some of them have already begun teaching.

"Only when Ethiopia's local excellent teachers, engineers and technicians be fostered in large number are they able to teach, develop and apply techniques independently, which is the foundation for Ethiopia's indigenous industry to grow on its own. Since the opening of the Luban Workshop for over the past three years, local teachers can basically run the workshop by themselves, and the reputation of Luban Workshop in society is also growing," Jiang said.

For many students, the training has been a rewarding experience as they can acquire a lot of useful knowledge very quickly with practical operation.

"This training is so valuable for me. I can easily understand every equipment. Within a few days, we can understand much more details about the robotic system and we learn it with practicality. And we also practice by ourselves. That really motivates me," said Henok Amanuel Emiru, a summer school student.

With years of efforts, students of the workshop have generally become talents who can contribute to Ethiopia's social and economic development.

"Luban Workshop is a very important workshop which links Asia - Africa. It's a very important link for the economic development in Africa by helping young people acquire new skills which are necessary for them to become part of the economy," said Shahbaz Khan, Director of the UNESCO office in Beijing.

China’s Luban Workshop cultivates talents for Ethiopia’s socio-economic development

China’s Luban Workshop cultivates talents for Ethiopia’s socio-economic development

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