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Xi mourns passing away of Vietnamese Communist Party general secretary




Xi mourns passing away of Vietnamese Communist Party general secretary

2024-07-20 20:28 Last Updated At:22:27

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and Chinese president, on Saturday went to the Embassy of Vietnam in Beijing to mourn the passing away of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee. At the embassy, a portrait of Trong is displayed in the condolence hall, with wreaths sent by Xi, other senior Chinese leaders, the CPC Central Committee, Chinese government organs, military, and non-governmental institutions placed in front of the portrait.

Xi stopped in front of the portrait of Trong to observe a moment of silence, bowed three times to the portrait, then left a signed message on a condolence book. Xi pointed out that Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong, as a staunch Marxist and a great leader of the CPV and the Vietnamese people, devoted his entire life to the CPV, the country, the Vietnamese people and Vietnam's cause of socialism, and is deeply supported and loved by the entire CPV, the army and the people of Vietnam.

Xi said that over the past decade and more, he and Trong had close exchanges and developed a profound camaraderie.

The two leaders jointly announced the building of a China-Vietnam community with a shared future that carries strategic significance, which Xi said is a milestone for bilateral ties.

Xi said Trong's passing away means the loss of a promoter of China-Vietnam relations and a fellow traveler in the cause of socialism, adding that Trong will always be remembered for his outstanding contribution to relations between the two parties and the two countries and to the cause of the socialist movement around the world. Xi stressed that the CPC and the Chinese government firmly support the CPV in uniting and leading the Vietnamese people on the socialist road to prosperity that suits Vietnam's national conditions.

The Chinese leader said he believes that under the strong leadership of the CPV, the Vietnamese people will surely turn grief into strength and continue to make new and greater achievements in the cause of reform, opening up and socialist construction, adding that he is convinced that the two countries will continue to work together to build a China-Vietnam community with a shared future. Vietnamese Ambassador to China Pham Sao Mai said the visit and mourning by Xi and the message of condolence sent immediately by the CPC Central Committee following the passing away of Trong have reflected the great importance attached by the CPC and the Chinese government to the relations between the two parties and the two countries, as well as Xi's special feelings for Trong, for which the Vietnamese side is deeply touched and expresses its deep gratitude.

During Trong's lifetime, he attached great importance to relations with China and made great efforts and contributions to the development of Vietnam-China friendship, Mai said, adding that the Vietnamese side will carry on the legacy of Trong, implement the important consensus reached by the top leaders of the two parties, continue to take the development of friendship and cooperation with China as a strategic choice and a top priority of Vietnam's foreign policy, and push forward the construction of the China-Vietnam community with a shared future that carries strategic significance.

Xi mourns passing away of Vietnamese Communist Party general secretary

Xi mourns passing away of Vietnamese Communist Party general secretary

Xi mourns passing away of Vietnamese Communist Party general secretary

Xi mourns passing away of Vietnamese Communist Party general secretary

Xi mourns passing away of Vietnamese Communist Party general secretary

Xi mourns passing away of Vietnamese Communist Party general secretary

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China-Africa Industrial Cooperation Conference held in Beijing

2024-09-07 22:54 Last Updated At:09-08 01:27

The China-Africa Industrial Cooperation Conference was held in Beijing on Saturday, drawing over 500 attendees, including Chinese and African business leaders and diplomats.

Themed "Sharing Development Opportunities of Modernization", the event sought to foster collaboration between China and Africa across various sectors following the 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, the largest diplomatic event hosted by China in recent years, which concluded on Friday.

"Certainly, we expect a lot more cooperation, particularly in the areas of energy. We have a serious challenge in terms of energy in my country Zambia following the effects of climate change and the droughts. The electricity generation capacity has been wiped out, so we need to diversify our energy sources with the expansion in solar and wind," said Ivan Zyuulu, Zambian Ambassador to China.

Abubakar Hassan Abubakar, assistant minister at Kenya’s Ministry of Trade, Investments and Industry, emphasized the importance of China's vast market to Kenyan producers who would benefit from strengthening trade ties between China and Kenya.

"Of course, we are expecting more cooperation because, as I had said, China is the largest trading partner in Kenya and now, we want to position ourselves for Kenya to be the largest investment partner. We want them to invest in and produce either agricultural or industrial products and serve the rest of the world, but also serve China itself because you can see that President Xi Jinping is opening up this market, and we want to take advantage of that market," he said.

The Alliance of Chinese Business in Africa for Social Responsibilities (ACBASR) published a new Blue Book at the conference about the "One Hundred Enterprises and One Thousand Villages" initiative, estimated to have benefited 10,000 people in Africa by supporting work to protect the rights and interests of women and children and promote environmental sustainability and community development.

China-Africa Industrial Cooperation Conference held in Beijing

China-Africa Industrial Cooperation Conference held in Beijing

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