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CPC third plenum reflects shared global aspirations: chairman of UK 48 Group




CPC third plenum reflects shared global aspirations: chairman of UK 48 Group

2024-07-21 13:58 Last Updated At:07-22 02:27

Opposing China and restricting trade won't halt its progress or benefit the UK and Europe; rather, openness, modernization and innovation highlighted by Chinese president Xi Jinping at the third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) reflect shared global aspirations, according to Jack Perry, chairman of the 48 Group on Thursday.

Jack Perry, chairman of the 48 Group, a London-based nonprofit organization with over 600 British and Chinese members dedicated to promoting Sino-British relations, recently led a significant delegation tour to China, engaging with over 100 companies and high-ranking government officials to strengthen economic tie-ups.

When Perry talked about the trip, he highlighted the biotech and biopharmaceutical cooperation between the two countries and noted a strong eagerness from the UK side to explore possibilities in China.

"We just recently went to Beijing when we signed a strategic agreement with the Beijing Economic-Technology Development Zone for biotech and biopharmaceuticals. So we took Christopher Evans there, the chairman of Ellipses, and Ellipses is a cancer development company in the UK and they're doing a lot of work here. But also their biggest drug is a Chinese drug and what they've done with it is phenomenal, and it shows what can be done with the UK and with China in high technology," he said in an interview with the China Global Television Network (CGTN).

Despite the ongoing geopolitical tensions, he said he could sense China's vigorous drive for trade and cooperation.

"I think it's the geopolitical situation has made people weary, so I think when business go there, they're trying to find out what is really possible and as soon as you get there, you find out there's a hunger from the Chinese side to do trade and to do a lot of business, and we're seeing that," he said.

Looking ahead, Perry believes that western countries' containment and restrictions will not stop China's development, emphasizing the need for British companies to pursue partnerships with China.

"I think if you're looking at stance against China, it's a time where you think, okay, you can do that and you can make that position against China, but it's not gonna make a huge difference. China is gonna continue, [and] they are gonna accelerate. And how does that help our economy? We're not in a good stance right now. We need to grow and we're not doing, so we need to look where is investment coming into. You look at China, our fourth biggest trade nation in the world. So we need to find out where those policies are, how we can attract the investment, and how UK companies can explore working in partnership with other nations," he said.

He also believes that cooperation and openness bear vibrant significance today.

"When you look at partnerships, one of the key partnerships around the world is China. So if you ignore it or you don't go there, you take a huge amount of access away from your companies. Companies here in the UK, we benefit hugely to be able to do business in China, because their focus is outward thinking and open up and modernization right now," the chairman said.

Regarding the message he absorbed from the third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the CPC, held from Monday to Thursday in Beijing, Perry noted that Xi's focus on openness, modernization, innovation and reform aligns with the interests of all countries, presenting a positive outlook for global companies seeking trade and cooperation with China.

"I think the whole world is watching right now what's coming out of China from the third plenum. I think you've seen that Xi Jinping has talked about opening up, modernization, innovation, reform in key areas. I think the connectivity of what China are trying to do match up to what we're trying to do here in the UK and countries around the world for openness. I think there's a lot of opportunities ahead. I think the benefits that have come out from the plenum today are actually somewhere where the companies can say, okay, there's possibilities to be able to go to China and work with China," he said.

CPC third plenum reflects shared global aspirations: chairman of UK 48 Group

CPC third plenum reflects shared global aspirations: chairman of UK 48 Group

CPC third plenum reflects shared global aspirations: chairman of UK 48 Group

CPC third plenum reflects shared global aspirations: chairman of UK 48 Group

CPC third plenum reflects shared global aspirations: chairman of UK 48 Group

CPC third plenum reflects shared global aspirations: chairman of UK 48 Group

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FOCAC Beijing summit charts path for China, Africa to jointly promote modernization

2024-09-06 23:32 Last Updated At:09-07 02:17

The 2024 summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) has set a clear direction and path for China and Africa to jointly advance modernization, said Chinese President Xi Jinping as he hosted what has been hailed as a grand reunion of the China-Africa family in Beijing from Wednesday to Friday.

Themed "Joining Hands to Advance Modernization and Build a High-Level China-Africa Community with a Shared Future", the 2024 FOCAC summit marks the first time in six years that the event has been held in China. The gathering attracted over 50 African leaders, who highlighted the common pursuit of China and African countries in realizing modernization.

During the summit, both sides unanimously adopted two important documents -- a declaration on jointly building an all-weather China-Africa community with a shared future for the new era, and an action plan of the FOCAC for the next three years.

In his keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the summit on Thursday, President Xi proposed that bilateral relations between China and all African countries having diplomatic ties with China be elevated to the level of strategic relations.

To materialize the modernization vision, Xi proposed 10 partnership actions which will be implemented in the next three years, cover the areas of mutual learning among civilizations, trade prosperity, industrial chain cooperation, connectivity, development cooperation, health, agriculture and livelihoods, people-to-people and cultural exchanges, green development and common security.

The "China-Africa Week" continued in Beijing on Friday with President Xi holding multiple bilateral activities with foreign leaders attending the summit.

"At this summit, we jointly summed up the historical experience of China-Africa friendship, established the new positioning of China-Africa relations in the new era, made clear the direction and path for China and Africa to jointly promote modernization and announced a series of major measures in this regard," said Xi when holding talks with President Denis Sassou Nguesso of the Republic of the Congo on Friday morning.

"The major achievements of the summit have far-reaching significance for guiding the development of China-Africa relations and realizing modernization in both China and Africa," Xi said to Sassou as he summarized the summit.

Attendees have hailed how friendships new and old were forged strengthened through the communication and exchanges which took place at this landmark FOCAC Beijing summit.

FOCAC Beijing summit charts path for China, Africa to jointly promote modernization

FOCAC Beijing summit charts path for China, Africa to jointly promote modernization

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