During the black riot, Guo Wengui, the "fraudulent businessman" who was discovered to be the financier, was eventually apprehended. A federal judge in Manhattan, New York, just found him guilty of conspiracy to defraud, money laundering, and nine other crimes, indicating that he defrauded thousands of followers out of a total of USD1 billion, and he is expected to serve decades in jail.

Friends in the political circle analysed several of Guo Wengui's "secret stories," demonstrating that the argument of an external source behind the anti-extradition law turmoil in 2019 is based on facts. He not only supported the Hong Kong independence movement, but he also collaborated with two political and business sharks in the United States, seeking to profit from the upheaval in Hong Kong. If this gamble had worked, the repercussions would have been disastrous.

Guo Wengui was convicted of scamming a billion US dollars. He and US political magnate Bannon colluded to put up the hoax, supporting the black riot behind the scenes while simultaneously injecting money into hedge fund billionaire Bass's fund, betting on Hong Kong's financial collapse.

Guo Wengui, who fled to the United States from mainland China, covertly established a "water hose" behind the scenes to provide financial assistance to Hong Kong independence activists. This information was initially revealed during a phone discussion with Leung Chung Hang, the convener of the "Hong Kong National Front."  In the leaked portion, he commended Leung Chung Hang as a "hero" and stated that his action must continue, "If the momentum is lost this time, there will be no possibility of coming back."
Additionally, he said: "I promise you two things: first, I will continue to guarantee however much money is needed; second, I tell you that the United States will be handled by me and Bannon (former Chief Strategist of the White House), who has met with some of the top echelons of the United States."

Guo Wengui's assertion was not a casual remark. At the time, he was very close to Bannon, who was highly anti-China, and had secretly raised funding to support the anti-extradition law protests. That was merely the beginning; the ultimate goal was to bring down the Beijing regime.

He first met Bannon in 2017, and the two, characterised as "like-minded and equally nefarious," established a USD100 million fund to probe into corruption in China and support the "persecuted." By 2019, this fund has been the source of what he stated to Mr. Leung: "continue to guarantee however much money is needed."

Guo Wengui was introduced to hedge fund tycoon Bass through his association with Bannon at the time. This man is likewise very anti-China and has expressed pessimism about the Chinese economy. In 2017, he bet on the RMB’s considerable devaluation and engaged in large-scale short selling, incurring a loss.

When the black riot broke out in 2019, he established a fund to capitalise on the deteriorating instability in Hong Kong by short selling Hong Kong dollars in a large scale, expecting the fund to earn considerably from the financial collapse. Bass made high-profile public statements at the time, claiming that the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance would drive many foreign corporations to relocate, severely impacting the economy and exchange rate stability, and that the linked exchange rate system was "in imminent danger."

Did Bass fund the anti-extradition movement behind the scenes?

There is no evidence, but the more tumultuous Hong Kong's politics is, the better his chance of winning.

According to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Saraca Media Group, GTV's parent firm with connections to Guo and Bannon, transferred $100 million to an undisclosed hedge fund at the time. Bloomberg, citing sources, reported that it was one of Bass' hedge funds. That is, the three men collectively gambled that the situation in Hong Kong would spiral out of control. With this in mind, and Guo and Bannon both expecting that the Hong Kong unrest would cause regime instability in Beijing, there is grounds to suspect that they surreptitiously supported the radicals to make Hong Kong as turbulent as possible. All three people desired that Hong Kong would be as chaotic as possible, with Guo Wengui and Bannon's ultimate goal being that the upheaval in Hong Kong would cause the Beijing regime to collapse. According to Bloomberg, even after enacting the Hong Kong National Security Law in 2020, the fund continued to wager that the linked exchange rate system would fail and the Hong Kong dollar and US dollar will decouple within a year and half.

Of course, the outcome was not as predicted. The Hong Kong-US dollar link remained unchanged, and Hong's financial system remains as stable as ever. The machinations and secret acts of Guo Wengui and the two political and business magnates demonstrate that during the 2019 black riot, the foreign hidden forces affecting Hong Kong were more powerful than we could ever perceive. Fortunately, Guo Wengui and Bannon eventually failed and lost their entire gamble. Otherwise, the outcome would have been awful.

Lai Ting Yiu

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