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Paris organizers ready to deliver 'innovative' opening ceremony, memorable fan experience: official




Paris organizers ready to deliver 'innovative' opening ceremony, memorable fan experience: official

2024-07-25 21:45 Last Updated At:22:07

Paris 2024 organizers say they are excited for the Olympic event to get underway and have been working hard to increase public participation in the forthcoming Games with dozens of fanzones set up across the city and efforts being made to galvanize interest across France.

Delphine Moulin, the Games' Director of Celebrations, told the China Global Television Network (CGTN) that the event promises to deliver a thrilling spectacle, and said Friday's eagerly-awaited opening ceremony promises to be an unforgettable occasion.

For the first time ever at an Olympics, the opening ceremony will not be held inside a sports stadium, with organizers instead spending months organizing a unique performance along the River Seine in Paris.

"After six years of work, it's a great excitement, first of all, for the visitors who are coming, and also offering the city and the country to be really happy, to have this experience 100 years after the last Games here. In France, it's a great opportunity for us. We are super excited. And it's also a proudness, to be part of that. So, I think it will be a great opening ceremony in the city, and there's some great innovation. So, let's start!" said Moulin.

She also hinted at a series of other innovations which are set to feature at Paris 2024, including the Champions Park, a special venue set up at the foot of the iconic Eiffel Tower which will allow fans the chance to see and meet athletes, as well as watch all the sporting action unfold on giant screens against the famous city backdrop.

"We want to have all territories involved in the Games, not only Paris, but to have all the country [involved]. So we have 180 'Club 2024' [locations] which are the fanzone live sites, which will offer to the public for free, of course, and for everyone, the possibility to [see live broadcasts of the Games] on the giant screen, to have some sport animation, sport activities, to see the mascot, to see the athletes. And for us, it's also an opportunity to the visitors or to the people who doesn't have tickets to come and to enjoy the Games. So, we are super happy that this is spread in the country, giving this opportunity to live the Games everywhere," she said.

Moulin is also in charge of the torch relay -- one of the great historical symbols of the Olympic movement -- and stressed how the arrival of the Olympic flame in the city of Marseille on May 8 really announced the start of celebrations ahead of the Games.

"Since then, it's a great, popular moment. People are happy to see the flame. They are happy to come. And we feel that they understand the Games are coming. And for us, it's also a warm-up for the people and the warm-up of the territory, to be proud to have the Games and also to be part of it," she said.

The Paris Olympics will get underway with Friday's opening ceremony and will run through August 11, while the Paralympic Games are set to follow from August 28 to September 8.

Paris organizers ready to deliver 'innovative' opening ceremony, memorable fan experience: official

Paris organizers ready to deliver 'innovative' opening ceremony, memorable fan experience: official

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China-Africa Industrial Cooperation Conference held in Beijing

2024-09-07 22:54 Last Updated At:09-08 01:27

The China-Africa Industrial Cooperation Conference was held in Beijing on Saturday, drawing over 500 attendees, including Chinese and African business leaders and diplomats.

Themed "Sharing Development Opportunities of Modernization", the event sought to foster collaboration between China and Africa across various sectors following the 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, the largest diplomatic event hosted by China in recent years, which concluded on Friday.

"Certainly, we expect a lot more cooperation, particularly in the areas of energy. We have a serious challenge in terms of energy in my country Zambia following the effects of climate change and the droughts. The electricity generation capacity has been wiped out, so we need to diversify our energy sources with the expansion in solar and wind," said Ivan Zyuulu, Zambian Ambassador to China.

Abubakar Hassan Abubakar, assistant minister at Kenya’s Ministry of Trade, Investments and Industry, emphasized the importance of China's vast market to Kenyan producers who would benefit from strengthening trade ties between China and Kenya.

"Of course, we are expecting more cooperation because, as I had said, China is the largest trading partner in Kenya and now, we want to position ourselves for Kenya to be the largest investment partner. We want them to invest in and produce either agricultural or industrial products and serve the rest of the world, but also serve China itself because you can see that President Xi Jinping is opening up this market, and we want to take advantage of that market," he said.

The Alliance of Chinese Business in Africa for Social Responsibilities (ACBASR) published a new Blue Book at the conference about the "One Hundred Enterprises and One Thousand Villages" initiative, estimated to have benefited 10,000 people in Africa by supporting work to protect the rights and interests of women and children and promote environmental sustainability and community development.

China-Africa Industrial Cooperation Conference held in Beijing

China-Africa Industrial Cooperation Conference held in Beijing

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