China demands Japan to stop political manipulation on China's internal affairs, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said on Tuesday, in response to the release of a joint statement involving China's foreign policy issued by the U.S. and Japan after their "2+2" talks in Tokyo a day earlier.
"In disregard of China's grave concerns, Japan and the U.S. have blatantly interfered in China's internal affairs on issues related to Taiwan, Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Xizang, smeared and attacked China on maritime issues, manipulated group politics with a Cold War mentality, and stoked bloc confrontation, seriously undermining regional peace and stability and the security interests of other countries," Lin said at a press conference in Beijing.
"China is firmly opposed to this and has made serious démarches to Japan through diplomatic channels, demanding the Japanese side to establish an objective and rational understanding of China, stop political manipulation on China's internal affairs, stop stirring up trouble and making provocations on maritime issues, stop drawing forces outside the region into stoking division and confrontation in the region, earnestly follow the path of peaceful development, and win the trust of its Asian neighbors and the rest of the international community with concrete actions," Lin said.

China demands Japan to stop political manipulation on China's internal affairs

China demands Japan to stop political manipulation on China's internal affairs