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Sport For All Day 2024 Draws Over 210,000 Participants With Free Sports and Recreation Programs


Sport For All Day 2024 Draws Over 210,000 Participants With Free Sports and Recreation Programs


Sport For All Day 2024 Draws Over 210,000 Participants With Free Sports and Recreation Programs

2024-08-05 19:08 Last Updated At:08-06 00:27

More than 210 000 people join Sport For All Day 2024

The Sport For All Day 2024, organised by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD), was held yesterday (August 4). More than 210 000 people participated in free recreation and sports programmes at designated venues and enjoyed free use of the LCSD's leisure facilities as well as a live webcast. They also cheered for the national team and Hong Kong athletes participating in the 2024 Paris Olympic Games.

"The event was well-received bymembers of the public. More than 170 000 people used our free facilities yesterday. A usage rate of over 95 per cent was recorded for the main arenas of sport centres. More than 81 000 people also enjoyed swimming for free at LCSD swimming pools," a spokesman for the LCSD said today (August 5).

The theme of the Sport For All Day this year was "Parent-child Exercise for Fun and Fitness". More than 26 000 people took part in a wide variety offree recreation and sports programmes held at designated sports centres in 18 districts, including parent-child sports activities, Olympic sports-related activities, experiential activities for new sports as well as urban sports, electronic virtual sports, fitness corners, health talks, and activities for the elderly and persons with disabilities.

The LCSD organised a series of physical fitness demonstrations and fun games, and arranged a live webcast yesterday via the dedicated website ( and the "LCSD Plusss" Facebook page ( More than 17 000 viewers joined the sports demonstrations through online platforms in real time. Members of the public can also review the sports videos on the dedicated website to establish a healthy lifestyle.

The LCSD will continue to encourage public participation in various types of sports activities and develop a strong sporting culture in the community.

Source: AI-generated images

Source: AI-generated images

CE meets Governor of Qinghai Province

The Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, met the Governor of Qinghai Province, Mr Wu Xiaojun, today (September 9) to exchange views on deepening exchanges and co-operation between Hong Kong and Qinghai. The Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Erick Tsang Kwok-wai, also attended the meeting.

Mr Lee welcomed Mr Wu's visit to Hong Kong with his delegation. Mr Lee said that Qinghai is a major green resources province with abundant natural assets. Qinghai is actively promoting the development of various industries, while Hong Kong enjoys the unparalleled advantages of having the strong support of the motherland and being closely connected to the world under "one country, two systems". Mr Lee added that there is ample room for collaboration between the two places in different aspects.

He pointed out that Hong Kong, with its pool of top-notch international scientific research talent and strong capabilities in basic scientific research, can complement Qinghai's strengths, particularly in accelerating transformation of research and development outcomes, such as building a world-class salt lake industry base and a national highland for the clean energy industry. Qinghai enterprises can leverage Hong Kong's role as an international trade centre to explore markets and enhance Qinghai's position as a supplier of green organic agricultural and livestock products.

Mr Lee said that Xining in Qinghai Province has become one of the applicable cities of the Individual Visit Scheme since May this year, while direct flights between Xining and Hong Kong were also resumed in July, facilitating the flow of people between the two places. He highlighted that Qinghai can utilise Hong Kong as a platform to promote its rich and vivid cultural and tourism resources, developing itself into an international ecotourism destination and bringing new impetus for co-operation between Qinghai and Hong Kong. Mr Lee welcomes Qinghai tourists to visit Hong Kong to experience in person the city’s unique charm as a metropolis where East meets West, with a view to further promoting cultural exchanges between the two places.

CE meets Governor of Qinghai Province  Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

CE meets Governor of Qinghai Province Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

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