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FEHD Cracks Down on Sale of Frozen Meat Disguised as Fresh Meat


FEHD Cracks Down on Sale of Frozen Meat Disguised as Fresh Meat


FEHD Cracks Down on Sale of Frozen Meat Disguised as Fresh Meat

2024-08-09 20:50 Last Updated At:20:58

FEHD strives to crack down on sale of chilled or frozen meat disguised as fresh meat

The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) has all along been committed to combating the sale of chilled or frozen meat disguised as fresh meat. To enhance enforcement efficiency, the FEHD has launched a pilot enforcement operation codenamed "Pearl" in the Eastern and Sha Tin districts since late June. Targeting suspected cases of selling chilled or frozen meat as fresh meat for sale, inspections to licensed Fresh Provision Shops (FPSs) were stepped up, and corresponding follow-up actions were taken against other violations found during the inspections. After conducting in-depth investigations and gathering intelligence, the FEHD raided a licensed FPS in Sha Tin District suspected of selling frozen meat as fresh meat in a blitz operation today (August 9).

During the operation, FEHD officers raided a licensed FPS at Saddle Ridge Garden Arcade in Ma On Shan, and seized and immediately destroyed around 91 kilograms of suspected frozen pork. The licensee of the FPS concerned is suspected of breaching the licensing condition for the display and sale of frozen meat as fresh meat, and the FEHD is proceeding with the cancellation of the FPS's licence.

FEHD officers also initiated prosecution against the operator for dirtiness of the premises, while warning letter was issued to the operator for non-compliance with relevant licensing condition by failing to provide delivery notes for inspection.

The FEHD will strictly enforce the current policies to prevent FPSs whose licences have been cancelled due to violations resuming business at the same location using different identities. During the pilot enforcement operation, the department uncovered a case of suspected false declaration in a licence application using the aforementioned method and has rejected the related application. The department will scrutinise the relevant applications and, if any are found to involve suspected false declarations or other criminal offences, will consider referring them to the relevant law enforcement departments for handling.

A spokesman for the FEHD said, "Selling of chilled meat or frozen meat disguised as fresh meat breaches the licensing condition and causes food safety problems. Also, this profiteering practice is unfair to other shops that comply with the requirements."

The spokesman added, "Anyone selling chilled or frozen meat without permission commits an offence and is liable to a maximum fine of $50,000 and six months' imprisonment on conviction. The department will continue to conduct regular inspections at licensed FPSs and market meat stalls, and will actively handle complaints. In detecting any irregularities, the FEHD will carry out immediate investigations and take appropriate enforcement action. In addition, the FEHD also proactively investigates suspected cases from time to time and conducts surprise inspections and enforcement actions as necessary. If there is sufficient evidence, prosecutions will be initiated and follow-up action will be taken on any breach of licensing conditions or tenancy agreements. The licences of those FPSs breaching licensing conditions may be cancelled, while the tenancies of market meat stalls breaching tenancy agreements may be terminated."

​The spokesman stressed that the FEHD is very concerned and has been committed to combating the sale of chilled or frozen meat disguised as fresh meat by taking stringent enforcement actions against the violations. For licence applicants who intend to evade regulations by making false declarations, the FEHD must handle such cases in accordance with the law.

FEHD strives to crack down on sale of chilled or frozen meat disguised as fresh meat  Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

FEHD strives to crack down on sale of chilled or frozen meat disguised as fresh meat Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

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LCSD Hosts National Day Celebrations with Fun Runs and Pet Events on September 22

2024-09-10 19:00 Last Updated At:19:08

LCSD to hold "Celebrating the National Day - Harbour Run For Fun" and "People and Pets in Celebration of the National Day" on September 22

​The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) will hold "Celebrating the National Day - Harbour Run For Fun" and "People and Pets in Celebration of the National Day" on September 22 (Sunday) for members of the public to experience the joyful atmosphere of celebrating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

"Celebrating the National Day - Harbour Run For Fun", which was open for enrolment earlier, received overwhelming support from the public, and the registration quota was reached rapidly. "People and Pets in Celebration of the National Day", including the "Carnival for People and Pets" and the "Cute Pet Parade and Grooming Competition", will take place in the vicinity of the Central and Western District Promenade (Central Section) and Tamar Park from 10am to 1pm. Admission is free. Activities in the "Carnival for People and Pets" include different parent-child game booths, workshops on Chinese culture, an exhibition showcasing the achievements of Hong Kong athletes and a park orienteering activity and various performances to celebrate National Day, such as dragon and lion dances, Chinese martial arts, fitness exercises, Chinese ethnic dances and rope skipping. Citizens are welcome to join on the spot. Participants will receive souvenirs if they collect stamps.

"Cute Pet Parade and Grooming Competition" will be organised in the pet garden at the Central and Western District Promenade (Central Section) on the event day, welcoming citizens to join with their pets. Participants can showcase their creativity by dressing their pets in National Day-themed costumes, competing for the Best Dressed Pet Award and the Best Teamwork Award.

Each participant in the above competition will receive a certificate and souvenirs. Interested persons can enrol online through the website, between 8.30am on September 12 (Thursday) and 11.59pm on September 18 (Wednesday). The enrolment quota is 25 participants. Enrolment is free and on a first-come, first-served basis. Once the quota is full, an announcement will be made via the website and the "LCSD Plusss" Facebook page. If there are remaining spots, citizens can enrol on-site between 9.30am and 10am. Entrants will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Moreover, a free pet play area will also be set up at the pet garden. There will be various play facilities for citizens to enjoy with their pets. No reservation is required.

For more information about the competition and the points to note for participants, citizens can visit the website. For enquiries, please contact the Central and Western District Leisure Services Office at 2853 2566 during office hours.

Source: AI-generated images

Source: AI-generated images

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