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DEVB appoints new URF Board members to oversee urban renewal projects for next three years.


DEVB appoints new URF Board members to oversee urban renewal projects for next three years.


DEVB appoints new URF Board members to oversee urban renewal projects for next three years.

2024-08-14 14:00 Last Updated At:08-16 02:01

Appointments to Board of Urban Renewal Fund

The Development Bureau (DEVB) today (August 14) announced the appointment of five persons, nominated by the DEVB, as Chairman/directors of the Board of the Urban Renewal Fund (URF Board). The URF is an independent company limited by guarantee incorporated to manage the Urban Renewal Trust Fund.

In accordance with the Articles of Association of the URF, the Secretary for Development nominated Mr Timothy Ma Kam-wah for appointment as Chairman of the URF Board, and nominated Ms Grace Chan Man-yee, Dr Fok Yeung-yeung, Ms Nadine Eden Maurellet and Ms Sunnie Lau Sing-yeung for appointment as directors of the URF Board. The term is three years from August 15, 2024. The above nominees have all been appointed in accordance with the Articles of Association of the URF.

"I am very pleased that Mr Timothy Ma Kam-wah will serve as Chairman of the URF Board. Mr Ma is a veteran registered social worker with extensive experiences in social services. Having served as a director of the URF Board since August 2020, he has been actively involved in URF’s work and provided invaluable advice. I am confident that under the leadership of Mr Ma, the URF Board will continue to make the best use of the Urban Renewal Trust Fund to achieve its objectives," the Secretary for Development, Ms Bernadette Linn, said.

Ms Linn also thanked the outgoing Chairman, Professor Steven Ngai Sek-yum. She said, "Professor Ngai has been the Board Chairman since August 2017 and spared no effort in promoting the work of the URF. Under the excellent leadership of Professor Ngai, the URF has not only been commissioning social service teams to provide suitable support to the owners and tenants affected by the redevelopment projects of the Urban Renewal Authority (URA), but also promoting urban renewal heritage preservation and supporting projects initiated by local residents and community organisations in response to the needs and characteristics of the districts concerned through a district revitalisation funding scheme, with a view to improving residents' living quality and fostering their sense of belonging to the community. I sincerely thank Professor Ngai for his invaluable contributions to the work of the URF.”

The membership of the URF Board with effect from August 15, 2024, is as follows:



Mr Timothy Ma Kam-wah



Ms Fanny Ang Bing-hun

Ms Grace Chan Man-yee

Ms Kitty Chau Shuk-king

Dr Fok Yeung-yeung

Mr Sunny Ho Lap-kee

Ms Janice Lai Wai-man

Mr Dominic Lam Kwong-ki

Ms Sunnie Lau Sing-yeung

Mr David Lui Yin-tat

Ms Nadine Eden Maurellet

Mr Steven Pun Chi-ho

Ms Renee So Yi-ha

Mr Wai Chi-sing

Mr Wong Wai-kit



Ms Erica Chui Cheuk-wah

The URF, incorporated as a company limited by guarantee on August 15, 2011, was set up pursuant to section 6(2)(s) of the Urban Renewal Authority Ordinance to act as the trustee and settlor of the Trust Fund. The Trust Fund, with funding support from the URA, provides an independent funding source to support the operation of the social service teams that render assistance to the affected owners and tenants of the urban redevelopment projects implemented by the URA. The Trust Fund also supports planning and related studies by the District Urban Renewal Forum as well as initiatives related to heritage preservation and district revitalisation proposed by non-governmental organisations and other stakeholders in the overall context of urban renewal. Pursuant to the Articles of Association of the URF, the directors of the URF Board shall be nominated by the Secretary for Development and appointed by the URF. The establishment of the Trust Fund was one of the major initiatives under the Urban Renewal Strategy promulgated by the Government in February 2011.

Source: AI-generated images

Source: AI-generated images

DH signs Co-operation Arrangement on Research for Quality Testing and Standards of Chinese Medicines with Experimental Research Center of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences to promote implementation of innovation and high-quality development of traditional Chinese medicine

The Director of Health, Dr Ronald Lam, today (September 11) witnessed in Beijing the Department of Health (DH) and the Experimental Research Center (ERC) of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences (CACMS), which is a subsidiary organisation under the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (NATCM), signing a Co-operation Arrangement on Research for Quality Testing and Standards of Chinese Medicines (Co-operation Agreement) that covers a period of five years. The Co-operation Agreement reinforces the exchange and collaboration, jointly promote the modernisation and innovation of Chinese medicines, as well as the advancement of high-quality development of Chinese medicines.

Witnessed by Dr Ronald Lam, Director of the Department of International Co-operation (Office of Hong Kong, Macao & Taiwan Affairs) of the NATCM, Mr Wu Zhendou, and the Vice President of the CACMS, Dr Yang Hongjun, the Co-operation Agreement was signed by the Assistant Director of Health (Chinese Medicine), Dr Edmund Fong, and the Deputy Director of the ERC, Dr Yuan Yuan.

The areas of collaboration include reinforcement on research and standardization of Chinese medicines quality testing, establishment of Chinese medicines quality testing data platforms, holding expert meetings on different fields of Chinese medicines jointly. The Co-operation Agreement enhances the standard of local Chinese medicines testing technology, reinforces the exchange and collaboration on testing technology, nurtures innovative talents and further foster the internationalisation of Chinese medicines, so as to align with the national development strategies for Chinese medicines as outlined in the Development Plan for Traditional Chinese Medicine during the 14th Five-Year Plan Period.

"I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the NATCM and the CACMS for their continuous support to the DH, including sending Chinese medicine experts to join Hong Kong to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, arranging acupuncture experts to provide guidance and training for local Chinese medicine practitioners on smoking cessation services with the Chinese medicine and acupuncture, sending Chinese medicine experts to assist Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) in conducting the Chinese Medicine Practitioners Licensing Examination, and inviting HKSAR Government to participate in the 'the Fourth National Survey of Chinese Materia Medica Resources' and providing guidance in various technical aspects. We have maintained close collaboration on the inheritance and innovation of Chinese medicine and to the development of global health over the years. I earnestly look forward to deepening our co-operation and exchange in Chinese medicine through the Co-operation Agreement signed today, and continue to work together to build a healthy China, healthy Greater Bay Area, and a healthy Hong Kong!", Dr Lam said.

After the signing ceremony, Dr Lam visited the ERC and the National Resource Center for Chinese Materia Medica of the CACMS, to learn about the latest development of Chinese medicines testing and research work in the Mainland and had discussion with professional staff in the laboratories. Dr Lam stated that upon the completion and commissioning of the new building of the Government Chinese Medicines Testing Institute, there will be more opportunities for both parties to collaborate on Chinese medicines research, allowing more research results to be published in the new journal Science of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

The DH has been actively facilitating exchange and co-operation with the NATCM in the testing and reference standard research of Chinese medicines. Both parties will implement the work related to promoting the high-quality development of the traditional Chinese medicines industry as outlined in the Development Plan for Traditional Chinese Medicine during the 14th Five-Year Plan Period, including the joint construction of a quality testing platform for Chinese medicines, and accelerating the standardisation, informatisation, modernisation and internationalisation of Chinese medicines. Under this synergistic effect, it can further promote the Chinese medicines industry towards high-quality development.

DH signs Co-operation Arrangement on Research for Quality Testing and Standards of Chinese Medicines with Experimental Research Center of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences to promote implementation of innovation and high-quality development of traditional Chinese medicine  Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

DH signs Co-operation Arrangement on Research for Quality Testing and Standards of Chinese Medicines with Experimental Research Center of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences to promote implementation of innovation and high-quality development of traditional Chinese medicine Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

DH signs Co-operation Arrangement on Research for Quality Testing and Standards of Chinese Medicines with Experimental Research Center of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences to promote implementation of innovation and high-quality development of traditional Chinese medicine  Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

DH signs Co-operation Arrangement on Research for Quality Testing and Standards of Chinese Medicines with Experimental Research Center of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences to promote implementation of innovation and high-quality development of traditional Chinese medicine Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

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