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South African academic calls for common standards regarding China-Africa cooperation




South African academic calls for common standards regarding China-Africa cooperation

2024-08-28 00:20 Last Updated At:02:17

A scholar from South Africa has called on African nations to be vigilant and discerning in navigating dual narratives surrounding cooperation between China and Africa.

Speaking in a news program on China Global Television Network (CGTN) broadcast on Monday, David Monyae, Director of Centre for Africa-China Studies at the University of Johannesburg, pointed out the hypocrisy of Western nations lending money to African countries while simultaneously accusing China of creating a "debt trap."

"We have seen that in the case of Zambia and the negotiations over Zambia's debt. At the end of the day, it was found out it is not China that is a problem in terms of Zambia's debt. It's the very same lenders from the Western world," said Monyae.

He also highlighted the contradiction of Western powers constructing transport corridors for critical minerals while criticizing China's infrastructure projects.

"On infrastructure as well, criticism of China on the one hand, and we see Americans and Europeans building the Lobito Corridor from Angola to the Democratic Republic of Congo into Zambia to deal with issues of critical minerals," Monyae said.

Emphasizing the importance of African nations critically evaluating their relationships with both China and Western countries, Monyae stressed the necessity of establishing common standards for engagement.

"There is a need for Africans to take stock and ensure that you close the gap in terms of partnership with China, as well as the Western world, to ensure that there are common standards that are used," said Monyae.

South African academic calls for common standards regarding China-Africa cooperation

South African academic calls for common standards regarding China-Africa cooperation

China's top political advisor Wang Huning on Friday urged political advisors to intensify research and consultation to offer valuable suggestions for advancing the cause of people with disabilities.

Wang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), made these remarks while presiding over a biweekly consultation session of the national committee.

Wang underlined that ensuring a happy and fulfilling life for people with disabilities is an essential requirement for promoting Chinese modernization.

He called upon political advisors to focus on the new situations and challenges in advancing the cause for such individuals while urging more targeted and practical proposals based on thorough investigations and research.

Democratic oversight should be strengthened to ensure the effective implementation of policies supporting those with disabilities, Wang noted.

Several national political advisors also made their remarks during the session. They called for efforts to create unobstructed career development pathways for people with disabilities, advance research and application of assistive technologies, and enhance the quality of public services to continuously improve their quality of life.

China's top political advisor stresses boosting services for people with disabilities

China's top political advisor stresses boosting services for people with disabilities

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