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UN chief "deeply concerned" over exchanges of fire across Lebanon-Israel frontier




UN chief "deeply concerned" over exchanges of fire across Lebanon-Israel frontier

2024-08-28 14:24 Last Updated At:14:37

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expressed deep concern over a significant escalation of hostilities along the Blue Line between Lebanon and Israel, urging both sides to cease fire and adhere to international resolutions.

These actions put both the Lebanese and Israeli populations at risk, as well as threatening regional security and stability, Guterres said in a statement delivered by his spokesman, Stephane Dujarric, at the UN headquarters in New York on Monday

The spokesman highlighted, the Secretary-General called for an urgent and immediate return to a cessation of hostilities, emphasizing the importance of fully implementing UN Security Council Resolution 1701 (2006), which outlines the terms for the cessation of hostilities between Hezbollah and Israel.

The escalation, which intensified over the weekend, has prompted concerns from UN peacekeepers in the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), who continue to monitor the exchanges of fire across the Blue Line. While the increased violence has not yet led to a significant humanitarian impact, the ongoing conflict continues to severely affect civilians on both sides, according to Dujarric.

Dujarric highlighted the challenges faced by humanitarian efforts in Lebanon, which are being constrained by a lack of funding.

"The ongoing conflict continues to severely impact civilians on both sides of the Blue Line. Along with our partners, we continue to scale up relief efforts in support of the Lebanese Government-led response. However, humanitarian response efforts are being undermined by funding constraints, and we urgently need additional resources. We call on all parties to follow and to abide by their obligations under international humanitarian law, emphasizing the need to protect civilians, including children, and civilian infrastructure at all times," said Dujarric.

UN chief "deeply concerned" over exchanges of fire across Lebanon-Israel frontier

UN chief "deeply concerned" over exchanges of fire across Lebanon-Israel frontier

China's top political advisor Wang Huning on Friday urged political advisors to intensify research and consultation to offer valuable suggestions for advancing the cause of people with disabilities.

Wang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), made these remarks while presiding over a biweekly consultation session of the national committee.

Wang underlined that ensuring a happy and fulfilling life for people with disabilities is an essential requirement for promoting Chinese modernization.

He called upon political advisors to focus on the new situations and challenges in advancing the cause for such individuals while urging more targeted and practical proposals based on thorough investigations and research.

Democratic oversight should be strengthened to ensure the effective implementation of policies supporting those with disabilities, Wang noted.

Several national political advisors also made their remarks during the session. They called for efforts to create unobstructed career development pathways for people with disabilities, advance research and application of assistive technologies, and enhance the quality of public services to continuously improve their quality of life.

China's top political advisor stresses boosting services for people with disabilities

China's top political advisor stresses boosting services for people with disabilities

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