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Hong Kong Invites EOIs for Innovative Smart Green Transit Systems in Kai Tak and East Kowloon


Hong Kong Invites EOIs for Innovative Smart Green Transit Systems in Kai Tak and East Kowloon


Hong Kong Invites EOIs for Innovative Smart Green Transit Systems in Kai Tak and East Kowloon

2024-08-29 16:18 Last Updated At:23:54

Government invites market to submit expressions of interest regarding Smart and Green Mass Transit Systems in Kai Tak and East Kowloon

The Transport and Logistics Bureau (TLB), jointly with the Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) and the Highways Department (HyD), today (August 29) invites relevant system suppliers and operators to submit expressions of interest (EOI) for the smart and green mass transit systems (SGMTS) in Kai Tak and East Kowloon, respectively, to gather views from the market.

A spokesperson for the TLB said, "Since the Chief Executive announced the implementation of the SGMTS in Kai Tak and East Kowloon in the 2023 Policy Address, the Government has been taking forward the preparation work of the projects, with the award of the consultancy agreements in mid this year to conduct the investigation and design of these two projects in full swing. Given that this will be the first time the SGMTS is introduced in Hong Kong, through this EOI invitation, we would like to further ascertain the interest and capability of the market in constructing and operating these two SGMTS and obtain feedback on different aspects, including the feasibility of expanding the system alignments in the future and measures to expedite the commissioning of the systems.

"The Government has always been advocating the mindset of 'policy innovation' and 'approach innovation' in implementing the two projects so that the public can enjoy the benefits as soon as possible. As regards the Kai Tak project, we will adopt an innovative implementation approach, including further advancing the tender invitation and arranging part of the statutory processes to be carried out in tandem with the detailed design stage. We strive to bring forward the tender invitation to next year with the goal of awarding the works contract in 2026. As regards the East Kowloon project, we target to strive to invite tenders in 2026 with an aim to award the works contract in 2027. In addition, we will continue to explore different procurement options and will make reference to the views gathered from the EOI exercise to review the viability of compressing the programmes in various stages from planning, design to construction, such as adopting Design for Manufacturing and Assembly, Multi-trade Integrated Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing, in order to further shorten the overall programme of the two projects."

The SGMTS in Kai Tak is about 3.5 kilometres long with five proposed stations. Adopting a dedicated and elevated corridor (in the form of viaducts/track systems) design, it connects the former runway area of Kai Tak to the MTR Kai Tak Station, strengthening the connectivity with the residential and commercial developments, tourism, culture and recreation, sports and community facilities, as well as connecting with the existing railway network, serving the population and employment of about 50 000 as well as the tourists in the area.

The SGMTS in East Kowloon is about 7km long with eight proposed stations. It provides a convenient and fast feeder service for the uphill areas in Kwun Tong and facilitates the public to gain access to the MTR Choi Hung Station and Yau Tong Station with an aim to improve the overall transportation of East Kowloon and unleash development potential. Its alignment will pass through Choi Wan, Shun Lee, Shun On, Sau Mau Ping, Po Tat and Ma Yau Tong, serving over 300 000 residents in these areas. The system will mainly operate on a dedicated and elevated corridor. A tunnel section from Ma Yau Tong to Yau Tong near Lam Tin North is proposed, but the feasibility of non-tunnel options will also be explored.

For these two projects, the Government proposes a single party to be responsible for each project for undertaking the detailed design and construction of the system, as well as its operation and maintenance during the contract period of around 20 to 30 years, and handing over the system in good operation conditions to the Government at the end of the contract period. The future operators need to run the systems on a commercial basis and provide high-quality public transportation services with publicly acceptable fare. If necessary, the Government will explore providing financial support for the projects, including granting property development rights at the proposed depot sites.

"The views obtained from the EOI will help us gain a deeper understanding of various technical aspects of the projects, including system characteristics, operation capabilities, maintenance and repair requirements, and enable us to explore with the market a delivery mode that meets public interests and is financially viable. Such information will serve as a reference for ascertaining the technical details, delivery mode and financial arrangement at a later stage. We encourage interested suppliers and operators to submit their EOI. This EOI exercise is not a tender exercise, nor is it part of the procurement exercise," the spokesperson continued.

The CEDD and the HyD will conduct separate on-line briefing sessions for interested companies regarding the SGMTS in Kai Tak and East Kowloon. Details of the EOI invitation and on-line briefing sessions for the SGMTS in Kai Tak and East Kowloon can be found on the webpages of the CEDD ( and the HyD (, respectively.

The deadlines for submission of the EOI are as follows:

EOI for SGMTS in Kai Tak

EOI for SGMTS in East Kowloon

noon on October 24, 2024 (Thursday)

noon on November 7, 2024 (Thursday)

Source: AI-generated images

Source: AI-generated images

Deputy Commissioner of Police (National Security) inspects passing-out parade at HK Police College

The Deputy Commissioner of Police (National Security), Mr Kan Kai-yan, inspected the passing-out parade for 29 probationary inspectors and 164 recruit police constables at the Hong Kong Police College today (September 14) and witnessed the moment they became new members of the Force.

Speaking at the graduation ceremony, Mr Kan Kai-yan thanked the family and friends who attended the ceremony for their support and trust in the graduates, enabling them to be a powerful force resolutely safeguarding their “home” - Hong Kong. He was proud to see the graduates formally shoulder the mission of “safeguarding their family and country and upholding the rule of law”.

He encouraged the graduates that no matter what new challenges and difficulties they face in the future, they should not forget their original intention of joining the Force in fighting against evils and be a good policeman. He also used a popular movie quote – remember one word called “heart”, to encourage the graduates to do everything well with their hearts.

Mr Kan said that whether it is dealing with a request from citizens, solving problems in relation to people's livelihood and community security, or safeguarding national security, everyone of them should do their utmost with their “hearts”, and the public would feel the enthusiasm and professionalism that a good policeman should have.

He continued that with the change of the times and circumstances, “evils” do not only refer to fraudsters who cheat in real life and the cyber world, but also traitors who endanger national security. In addition to the ever changing modus operandi of crimes, there are also challenges in dealing with unprecedented national security risks.

“As the head of the National Security Department of the Force, I especially want to refer to the national security risks we are facing. At present, our society seems to be stable on the surface, but in fact the national security risk is secretly surging everywhere; there are still people who use “soft confrontation” to infiltrate the society and endanger national security; external forces continue to keep an eye on us, intending to curb the development of the country by interfering in Hong Kong's affairs and wantonly smearing the city and our country; and local terrorism is also going underground. In recent years, we have detected many cases involving firearms and bombs, which is enough proof of such risks. It has not only posed a threat to national security, but also seriously endangered the personal safety of every Hong Kong citizen.”

He believes that “safeguarding national security” is the responsibility of every officer, and it is also one of the strategic directions of the Force and one of the operational priorities of the Commissioner of Police.

“The Safeguarding National Security Ordinance which came to effect this year clearly stipulates that we must take national security as the most important consideration in making any decision and carrying out our duties. Therefore, in the face of the national security risks and as the forefront of protecting our people’s lives and property, all of us should have national security awareness to identify national security risk at an early stage for proper prevention and swift response, working together to fulfil the mission of safeguarding national security.”

Finally, he once again encouraged the graduates, who are about to take up their respective posts that no matter what environment and difficulties they face, they should always keep in mind and adhere to their original intention of joining the Force in fighting against evils, carrying out duties in their own post with “heart”, contributing to the Force and society, maintaining the stability and prosperity of the country and Hong Kong, and enabling every citizen to live well and thrive.

Deputy Commissioner of Police (National Security) inspects passing-out parade at HK Police College  Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

Deputy Commissioner of Police (National Security) inspects passing-out parade at HK Police College Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

Deputy Commissioner of Police (National Security) inspects passing-out parade at HK Police College  Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

Deputy Commissioner of Police (National Security) inspects passing-out parade at HK Police College Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

Deputy Commissioner of Police (National Security) inspects passing-out parade at HK Police College  Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

Deputy Commissioner of Police (National Security) inspects passing-out parade at HK Police College Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

Deputy Commissioner of Police (National Security) inspects passing-out parade at HK Police College  Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

Deputy Commissioner of Police (National Security) inspects passing-out parade at HK Police College Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

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