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Chinese PLA Aerobatic Team presents stunning performance above Giza Pyramids




Chinese PLA Aerobatic Team presents stunning performance above Giza Pyramids

2024-08-29 17:59 Last Updated At:08-30 00:37

A stunning aerobatic display performed by Chinese air force's Y-20 transport plane and J-10 fighter jets in the skies above Egypt's Giza Pyramids wowed audiences on Wednesday.

Eight aircraft, part of the Bayi Aerobatic Team from the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force, were invited to participate in the inaugural Egypt International Air Show, which will be held from September 3 to 5.

The flight formation includes one Y-20, China's domestically developed large transport aircraft, and seven J-10 fighter jets, according to the air force.

"Today, the Chinese PLA Air Force's military planes, one Y-20 and six J-10 fighter jets, and the pyramids were caught on camera in the same picture for the first time in history. It symbolizes that a connection of exchange overcoming the distance of thousands of miles has been built. I believe this represents the fusion of civilizations, a testament to peace, and an upgrade of friendship," said Li Bin, member of Bayi Aerobatic Team.

This also marks the debut performance made by the Y-20 overseas.

"The Y-20 aircraft also made its debut performance abroad. Its flying in formation with the J-10 fighter jets over the pyramids brings greetings from the East and showcases the beautiful path shared by China and Egypt," said Pang Rongqi, pilot of the Y-20.

The Egypt air show marks the Bayi team's first performance on the African continent and represents the farthest distance they have traveled for an international event.

"China and Egypt enjoy a traditional friendship. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries. I believe this historical picture of Chinese military planes and Egyptian pyramids is not only a visual impact but also reflects the perfect integration of modern technology and historical relics, leaving a historical testament to the profound friendship between China and Egypt," said military expert Wang Mingzhi.

Established in 1962, the Bayi Aerobatic Team is mainly tasked to escort and perform for honorable guests of the State. Since its establishment, the team has conducted over 600 performances. Currently the team uses China's independently developed third-generation fighter jet J-10 for aerobatic display.

Chinese PLA Aerobatic Team presents stunning performance above Giza Pyramids

Chinese PLA Aerobatic Team presents stunning performance above Giza Pyramids

Chinese PLA Aerobatic Team presents stunning performance above Giza Pyramids

Chinese PLA Aerobatic Team presents stunning performance above Giza Pyramids

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Chinese envoy urges US to desist from creating antagonism

2024-09-14 14:59 Last Updated At:15:07

A Chinese envoy urged the United States on Friday to desist from undermining international solidarity, creating division and antagonism, and provoking bloc confrontations on the Ukraine crisis.

"In the ongoing Ukraine crisis, there has been a steady influx of large quantities of weapons and ammunition into the battlefield," which will only lead to escalated situation and the loss of more civilian lives, Geng Shuang, China's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, said at the UN Security Council briefing on arms supply to Ukraine.

High Representative for Disarmament Affairs Izumi Nakamitsu said at the meeting that any transfer of weapons and ammunition must comply with the applicable international legal framework and Security Council's resolutions. She called on all parties to act in accordance with international humanitarian law, protect civilians and civilian facilities, and resolve the current conflict through political means at an early date.

In the discussion that followed, Vasily Nebenzya, Russian permanent representative to the UN, said that using long-range missiles supplied by Western countries to strike Russia will result in severe consequences. He reiterated that Russia is open to negotiations with Ukraine, while the Western nations are unwilling to engage in dialog.

In response to remarks by the U.S. representative, Geng emphasized that "China did not create the Ukraine crisis, much less are we a party to the conflict."

China has not supplied weapons to either party, and has consistent and rigorous controls over dual-use items, said Geng, adding China maintains normal trade and economic cooperation with all countries around the world, including Russia and Ukraine.

He called on the parties to the conflict to demonstrate their political will, meet each other halfway, put an early end to the hostilities, and relaunch peace talks. He also called on the international community to pave the way to this end by providing tangible assistance and facilitation, and urged all parties concerned to put peace and humanity first and re-channel their resources and energy to ending hostilities through diplomacy.

Underscoring that China's position on the Ukraine issue "is objective and impartial," the ambassador said that for over two years, China has been working hard to promote peace and encourage and facilitate peace talks.

He elaborated the efforts made by China and other countries on the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis, including the six-point consensus jointly issued by China and Brazil in May this year. This fully demonstrates that diplomatic negotiations and a political settlement meet the common expectations of the majority of countries and represent the will of the international community, Geng added.

"We hope that the United States will not continue to turn a deaf ear to these calls for peace, that it will desist from discrediting and obstructing the diplomatic efforts of China and other countries concerned, undermining international solidarity, creating division and antagonism, and provoking bloc confrontations, and that it will truly play a constructive role in bringing an early end to the war and achieving peace," Geng said.

Chinese envoy urges US to desist from creating antagonism

Chinese envoy urges US to desist from creating antagonism

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