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UN humanitarian officials, Chinese envoy calls for end to Gaza crisis




UN humanitarian officials, Chinese envoy calls for end to Gaza crisis

2024-08-30 13:54 Last Updated At:17:57

UN humanitarian affairs officials and Chinese envoy on Thursday have called on a real, sustainable ceasefire between the warring parties in the Gaza Strip, as the Israel's continuous attack on the besieged enclave has made humanitarian works facing unprecedented difficulties.

Joyce Msuya, UN assistant secretary-general for humanitarian affairs, said at the meeting that in the past week, due to the evacuation order issued by the Israeli army, the UN lost several offices and warehouses in the area, with limited supplies continuing to deplete.

Msuya said the action by the Israeli army violated the norms of international humanitarian law, and called on the Security Council to take action to ease the tension in Gaza.

Michael Ryan, executive director of the WHO Health Emergencies Program, briefed the meeting on the upcoming polio vaccination campaign in Gaza, and called for a sustainable ceasefire to alleviate the public health disaster in Gaza.

Israel and Hamas have agreed to three separate, zoned three-day pauses in fighting in the Gaza Strip for the polio vaccination campaign starting Sept. 1, WHO announced Thursday.

At the meeting, representatives of many countries condemned Israel's attack on a World Food Program's humanitarian vehicle on Tuesday, and called on Israel to ensure the safety of UN staff.

Various parties also expressed concern about Israel's military operations in the West Bank and called on it not to issue new evacuation orders during the polio vaccination campaign.

Geng Shuang, China's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, stated that China condemns all attacks against civilians, and stressed that ceasefire negotiations cannot be delayed indefinitely, nor can atrocities that violate international law continue to be committed in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank under the guise of negotiations.

Geng said that since the outbreak of the Gaza conflict more than 10 months ago, more than 40,000 civilians have been killed and an unprecedented humanitarian disaster has occurred.

Geng said Israel has continued to increase its suppression and restrictions on humanitarian agencies, frequently refusing to transport fuel and other supplies, which further impaired the humanitarian aid system in Gaza.

Geng pointed out that China supports the call by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and urges Israel to provide security and convenience for polio vaccination to avoid further deterioration of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Geng also strongly condemned Israel for its continued violation of international law and Security Council resolutions in the West Bank, its continuous expansion of settlements, and its intensified searches, arrests and attacks on Palestinians.

"Recently, senior Israeli government officials have said that they will take the same actions in the West Bank as in Gaza. We are shocked and seriously concerned about such outrageous remarks. Gaza has now become a hell on earth. We must not allow the humanitarian tragedy in Gaza to be repeated in the West Bank and turn the West Bank into another hell on earth," said Geng.

Geng Shuang said that the top priority is to fully implement the four resolutions adopted by the Security Council on the situation in Gaza, promote an immediate and lasting ceasefire in Gaza, and effectively alleviate the humanitarian disaster in Gaza.

UN humanitarian officials, Chinese envoy calls for end to Gaza crisis

UN humanitarian officials, Chinese envoy calls for end to Gaza crisis

UN humanitarian officials, Chinese envoy calls for end to Gaza crisis

UN humanitarian officials, Chinese envoy calls for end to Gaza crisis

UN humanitarian officials, Chinese envoy calls for end to Gaza crisis

UN humanitarian officials, Chinese envoy calls for end to Gaza crisis

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China's first tire factory in Europe begins mass production in Serbia

2024-09-14 19:09 Last Updated At:19:37

China's first tire factory in Europe officially started mass production in Zrenjanin, Serbia, on Friday.

More than 300 people, including Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Serbian government officials and Chinese Ambassador to Serbia Li Ming, attended the inauguration ceremony.

Vucic said that China has always been an important partner of Serbia, and this largest greenfield investment project in Serbia so far will promote regional development and become a strong witness of cooperation between the two countries.

"No matter how the international situation changes, China will remain a reliable partner for all countries seeking common development. [China] not only considers its own interests, but also thinks about its partners, and works for our wellbeing and achievements," said Vucic.

The total investment of the project is 990 million U.S. dollars, with 97 hectares of planned land area, about 500,000 square meters of the total construction area. The planned production capacity is 12 million passenger car tires, 1.6 million commercial vehicle tires and 220,000 off-highway tires.

Vucic highlighted the economic benefits the factory will bring to Zrenjanin and the surrounding region, with a projected boost to the city's budget, which will fund new infrastructure projects. It is expected that the factory will achieve export value of 200 million euros this year, and may increase to 500 million euros next year.

China's first tire factory in Europe begins mass production in Serbia

China's first tire factory in Europe begins mass production in Serbia

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