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Pope to meet Papua New Guinea Catholics who embrace both Christianity and Indigenous beliefs


Pope to meet Papua New Guinea Catholics who embrace both Christianity and Indigenous beliefs


Pope to meet Papua New Guinea Catholics who embrace both Christianity and Indigenous beliefs

2024-09-06 14:46 Last Updated At:14:50

MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) — Pope Francis’s visit to Papua New Guinea will take him to a remote part of the South Pacific island nation where Christianity is a recent addition to traditional spiritual beliefs developed over millennia.

Francis will visit the diocese of Vanimo on the main island of New Guinea, one of the most remote and disadvantaged in a poor and diverse nation, according to local Bishop Francis Meli.

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FILE - Painted warriors practice their performance on May 6, 1984, in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, before the arrival of Pope John Paul II. (AP Photo/Jeff Widener, File)

MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) — Pope Francis’s visit to Papua New Guinea will take him to a remote part of the South Pacific island nation where Christianity is a recent addition to traditional spiritual beliefs developed over millennia.

FILE - Pope John Paul II is greeted by Papua New Guinea Highland natives on his visit to Mt. Hagen, Papua New Guinea, on May 8, 1984. (AP Photo, File)

FILE - Pope John Paul II is greeted by Papua New Guinea Highland natives on his visit to Mt. Hagen, Papua New Guinea, on May 8, 1984. (AP Photo, File)

In this undated photo provided by UNICEF PNG, East Sepik massacre survivors play a game at a care center in Angoram, Papua New Guinea. (Noreen Chambers/UNICEF PNG via AP)

In this undated photo provided by UNICEF PNG, East Sepik massacre survivors play a game at a care center in Angoram, Papua New Guinea. (Noreen Chambers/UNICEF PNG via AP)

In this undated photo provided by UNICEF PNG, East Sepik massacre survivors play volleyball at a care center in Angoram, Papua New Guinea. (Noreen Chambers/UNICEF PNG via AP)

In this undated photo provided by UNICEF PNG, East Sepik massacre survivors play volleyball at a care center in Angoram, Papua New Guinea. (Noreen Chambers/UNICEF PNG via AP)

In this undated photo provided by UNICEF PNG, East Sepik massacre survivors participate in a class in a care center in Angoram, Papua New Guinea. (Noreen Chambers/UNICEF PNG via AP)

In this undated photo provided by UNICEF PNG, East Sepik massacre survivors participate in a class in a care center in Angoram, Papua New Guinea. (Noreen Chambers/UNICEF PNG via AP)

This undated photo provided by Fr Tomas Ravaioli shows young villagers posing for a photo with him in Rabaul, Papua New Guinea. (Fr Tomas Ravaioli via AP)

This undated photo provided by Fr Tomas Ravaioli shows young villagers posing for a photo with him in Rabaul, Papua New Guinea. (Fr Tomas Ravaioli via AP)

This undated photo provided by Fr Tomas Ravaioli shows a local villager posing for a photo with him in Goroka, Papua New Guinea. (Fr Tomas Ravaioli via AP)

This undated photo provided by Fr Tomas Ravaioli shows a local villager posing for a photo with him in Goroka, Papua New Guinea. (Fr Tomas Ravaioli via AP)

This undated photo provided by Fr Tomas Ravaioli shows local villagers posing for a photo with him in Goroka, Papua New Guinea. (Fr Tomas Ravaioli via AP)

This undated photo provided by Fr Tomas Ravaioli shows local villagers posing for a photo with him in Goroka, Papua New Guinea. (Fr Tomas Ravaioli via AP)

Trappings of modernity are scarce. There is no running water for the more than 120,000 people who live in the diocese, according to a church website. Electricity is a luxury for the few who can afford solar panels or portable generators.

The visit is an extraordinary religious highlight in an area where Christian missionaries did not arrive until 1961, and where the religion coexists with traditional ancestor worship, animism and sorcery.

The pope will meet around a dozen missionary nuns and priests from his native Argentina during his visit scheduled for Sept. 8. He will also inspect a church-built high school and crisis center for abused women and girls.

Argentinian missionary Tomas Ravaioli, a priest of the Institute of the Incarnate Word, said he came to the Vanimo Diocese 14 years ago after his superiors told him there was “a big need for priests.”

While Christian churches are full, Indigenous “customs and traditions are very much rooted,” Ravaioli said.

“Sometimes for people, it’s not easy to live Christianity 100% because they have traditions that are pagan,” Ravaioli said.

“But honestly, I think Christianity here in Papua New Guinea is very, very strong,” he added.

Papua New Guinea is an overwhelmingly Christian country — a 2000 census showed 96% of the population identified with the religion — but the spiritual beliefs that developed during 50,000 years of human habitation remain part of the fabric of the nation’s culture.

Michael Mel is a 65-year-old academic who was baptized as a baby by one of the first missionaries to reach his village in the remote highlands. An Indigenous man, he said he also “aligns” with traditional spirituality and cautions against abandoning Indigenous culture.

“Western civilization is great. The West has brought us reading and writing and technology and all of the rest of it, but there are some things where I think our sensibilities were much, much better,” Mel said, giving Indigenous forest care as an example.

Mining has widened the country’s economic divide and pitted the haves against the have-nots.

“We need to balance ourselves. We cannot just gung ho throw our knowledge away and accept Western civilization completely,” Mel said.

But traditional beliefs can also contribute to the deadly tribal violence that is creating an unprecedented internal security threat across the country, especially allegations of witchcraft, known in local languages as sanguma.

Sorcery allegations typically arise in reaction to unexpected deaths or illness. But some suspect they also reflect jealousies and rivalries arising from major societal changes in recent decades that have more to do with rapid modernization and uneven development than religion.

As traditional bows and arrows are being replaced by more lethal assault rifles, the toll of fighting is getting deadlier, and police fear that they are outgunned. Mercenaries are also now a feature of what were once conflicts limited to tribal rivals.

“Even though they believe in God and they believe in Jesus Christ, ... they fear witchcraft,” said Bishop Meli, who was born east of Vanimo on an island off New Britain.

Authorities don’t condone the persecution of supposed witches. Parliament in 2013 repealed the Sorcery Act which had made an accusation of sorcery a partial defense against a murder charge. But a study has found that prosecutions for violence against accused sorcerers remain rare compared to how commonplace witch hunts are.

Another enduring source of conflict is land ownership. Almost all the land in Papua New Guinea is customarily owned, which means it belongs to a distinct tribe or group instead of individuals. With no clear borders between customary lands, territorial disputes regularly lead to violence.

Both were among the complex combination of causes blamed for a massacre in East Sepik province, east of Vanimo, on July 17 when 30 men armed with guns, axes, spears, knives and sling shots launching sharpened steel rods killed at least 26 villagers.

Four weeks later, police reported a single suspect had been arrested. They remained hopeful that the rest of the culprits would be found. The U.N. children agency UNICEF said 395 survivors of the attack, including 220 children, remained homeless more than a month later because their houses were torched.

Meli said tribal violence was not a problem in his diocese, where he described the population as “friendly and peaceful.”

Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape relished the attention the papal visit would bring his country, noting that 80 members of the international media had registered to travel there for the event.

Marape said South Pacific leaders he met at the Pacific Islands Forum on Tonga in late August had proposed sending delegations to meet the pontiff.

He also noted that Catholics were the largest Christian denomination in Papua New Guinea. Catholics accounted for 26% of the population, according to a 2011 census.

"We look forward to the visit,” Marape told The Associated Press at the Tongan capital, Nuku’alofa.

The Vatican is highlighting Papua New Guinea on the international stage at a time the United States and China struggle over the former World War II battleground for strategic influence.

The United States and close ally Australia, concerned by China’s growing influence in the South Pacific, have struck new security agreements with Papua New Guinea. Australia’s latest pact addresses Port Moresby’s concerns about deteriorating internal security problems. China is also reportedly pursuing a bilateral policing pact with Papua New Guinea.

The Vatican. meanwhile, has been working for years to try to improve relations with China that were officially severed over seven decades ago when the Communists came to power. A renewed agreement between China and the Vatican on the appointment of Chinese bishops is expected to be signed in October.

Bishop Meli said the faithful in his diocese were amazed that they would be included in the itinerary of the first visit by a pontiff to Papua New Guinea since Pope John Paul II in 1995.

“They are so excited and people are full of jubilation and joy because this is historic,” Meli said.

“They don’t think any pope in history will be able to come again to Vanimo,” he said.

Associated Press writer Charlotte Graham-McLay in Nuku’alofa, Tonga, contributed to this report.

This story corrects the spelling of the priest's name to Ravaioli instead of Ravailoli.

FILE - Painted warriors practice their performance on May 6, 1984, in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, before the arrival of Pope John Paul II. (AP Photo/Jeff Widener, File)

FILE - Painted warriors practice their performance on May 6, 1984, in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, before the arrival of Pope John Paul II. (AP Photo/Jeff Widener, File)

FILE - Pope John Paul II is greeted by Papua New Guinea Highland natives on his visit to Mt. Hagen, Papua New Guinea, on May 8, 1984. (AP Photo, File)

FILE - Pope John Paul II is greeted by Papua New Guinea Highland natives on his visit to Mt. Hagen, Papua New Guinea, on May 8, 1984. (AP Photo, File)

In this undated photo provided by UNICEF PNG, East Sepik massacre survivors play a game at a care center in Angoram, Papua New Guinea. (Noreen Chambers/UNICEF PNG via AP)

In this undated photo provided by UNICEF PNG, East Sepik massacre survivors play a game at a care center in Angoram, Papua New Guinea. (Noreen Chambers/UNICEF PNG via AP)

In this undated photo provided by UNICEF PNG, East Sepik massacre survivors play volleyball at a care center in Angoram, Papua New Guinea. (Noreen Chambers/UNICEF PNG via AP)

In this undated photo provided by UNICEF PNG, East Sepik massacre survivors play volleyball at a care center in Angoram, Papua New Guinea. (Noreen Chambers/UNICEF PNG via AP)

In this undated photo provided by UNICEF PNG, East Sepik massacre survivors participate in a class in a care center in Angoram, Papua New Guinea. (Noreen Chambers/UNICEF PNG via AP)

In this undated photo provided by UNICEF PNG, East Sepik massacre survivors participate in a class in a care center in Angoram, Papua New Guinea. (Noreen Chambers/UNICEF PNG via AP)

This undated photo provided by Fr Tomas Ravaioli shows young villagers posing for a photo with him in Rabaul, Papua New Guinea. (Fr Tomas Ravaioli via AP)

This undated photo provided by Fr Tomas Ravaioli shows young villagers posing for a photo with him in Rabaul, Papua New Guinea. (Fr Tomas Ravaioli via AP)

This undated photo provided by Fr Tomas Ravaioli shows a local villager posing for a photo with him in Goroka, Papua New Guinea. (Fr Tomas Ravaioli via AP)

This undated photo provided by Fr Tomas Ravaioli shows a local villager posing for a photo with him in Goroka, Papua New Guinea. (Fr Tomas Ravaioli via AP)

This undated photo provided by Fr Tomas Ravaioli shows local villagers posing for a photo with him in Goroka, Papua New Guinea. (Fr Tomas Ravaioli via AP)

This undated photo provided by Fr Tomas Ravaioli shows local villagers posing for a photo with him in Goroka, Papua New Guinea. (Fr Tomas Ravaioli via AP)

WASHINGTON (AP) — Sunday was to be a day of relative rest for Donald Trump, a rare breather this deep into a presidential campaign. Aside from sounding off on social media, golf was on the agenda.

Then the Secret Service spotted the muzzle of a rifle sticking out of a fence in bushes at Trump's West Palm Beach golf club, and everything changed.

For the second time in just over two months, someone apparently tried to shoot Trump and came dangerously close to the former president in that effort — within 500 yards Sunday, law enforcement officials said. This time, the gunfire came from the Secret Service, before the suspect could get any shots off at his target.

The episode raised sharp questions about how to keep the former president safe -- not only while he is campaigning across the country, but while he spends time at his own clubs and properties.

Trump has had stepped-up security since the assassination attempt on him in July, when he was wounded in the ear during an attack that laid bare a series of Secret Service failures. When he has been at Trump Tower in New York, parked dump trucks have formed a wall outside the building. And at outdoor rallies, he now speaks from behind bulletproof glass.

But unlike typical VIPs, who live in private residences with tall fences, Trump, while in Florida, resides at a club open to dues-paying members, and often spends his down time at his golf courses. And this a toxic era in the nation's politics.

“The threat level is high," Rafael Barros, special agent in charge of the Secret Service’s Miami field office, told reporters Sunday. “We live in danger times."

Sunday in the political world opened with Trump assailing a pop star on social media who had endorsed Kamala Harris — “I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT” — complaining about the post office and hitting the links. Running mate JD Vance riffed on TV about that thoroughly debunked conspiracy theory concerning immigrants and pets, refusing to disown it. Democrats were apoplectic.

All that was standard fare for the most tumultuous presidential campaign in anyone’s memory. But shortly before 2 p.m., the subject abruptly changed and this election was thrust ever deeper into unprecedented territory.

Trump and golf partner Steve Witkoff were on the fifth hole of the course and about to putt when they heard the “pop, pop, pop, pop," said Fox News host Sean Hannity, a close friend of the former president who spoke with him several times afterward as well as with Witkoff.

Moments later, Hannity said, a "fast cart” with steel reinforcement and other protection whisked Trump away.

After the Secret Service noticed the rifle and then the suspect, an agent fired on him but apparently missed.

Secret Service agents immediately used their bodies to shield Trump and moved him to the golf course’s clubhouse, where he remained until he went back to Mar-a-Lago about 15 minutes away, according to a person with knowledge of the situation who was not authorized to discuss it publicly and described it on condition of anonymity.

About an hour later, Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said the agency and Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office were investigating an unspecified “protective incident involving former President Donald Trump," adding he was safe.

The meaning was highly unclear. It could have been an unrelated shooting or disturbance near Trump, for all the country knew at first. "There were about 20 or more cop cars flying from nearby streets,” said Max Egusquiza, of Palm Beach, describing the emergency response he witnessed.

The Trump campaign issued a statement saying “President Trump is safe following gunshots in his vicinity." Again, no word whether he was the intended target.

But it soon became known that the Secret Service had fired shots. And about an hour after that happened, Donald J. Trump Jr. posted on X that an AK-style rifle was discovered in the bushes, “per local law enforcement."

All of that was finally followed by an FBI statement saying it is investigating "what appears to be an attempted assassination of former President Trump.”

The suspect quickly vanished but law enforcement had managed to identify his vehicle.

Martin County Sheriff William D. Snyder said his deputies “immediately flooded” northbound I-95, deploying to every exit between the Palm Beach County line to the south and St. Lucie County line to the north.

The suspect was apprehended within minutes of the FBI, Secret Service and Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office putting out a “very urgent BOLO” — or be-on-the-lookout alert — detailing the specific vehicle sought, license plate number and description of the driver.

“One of my road patrol units saw the vehicle, matched the tag and we set up on the vehicle,” Snyder said, “We pinched in on the car, got it safely stopped and got the driver in custody."

Snyder added: "He never asked, ‘What is this about?’ Obviously, law enforcement with long rifles, blue lights — a lot going on. He never questioned it.”

With that, police arrested Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, of Kaaawa, Hawaii, three law enforcement officials told The Associated Press. The officials identified the suspect to AP but spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the investigation.

The suspect had left behind an AK-style rifle with a scope, two backpacks hanging on a fence with ceramic tile inside and a GoPro camera, Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw said.

The sheriff said the suspect was 400 to 500 yards away from Trump hidden in shrubbery, while the former president played golf on a nearby hole.

“It was certainly an interesting day! ” Trump posted on Truth Social on Sunday night. He effusively thanked law enforcement for keeping him “SAFE.”

Associated Press writers Jill Colvin, Colleen Long, Eric Tucker, Alanna Durkin Richer, Mike Balsamo and Michael R. Sisak contributed to this report.

Police crime scene vehicles are seen at Trump International Golf Club after police closed off the area following the apparent assassination attempt of Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump in West Palm Beach, Fla., Sunday, Sept. 15, 2024. (AP Photo/Terry Renna)

Police crime scene vehicles are seen at Trump International Golf Club after police closed off the area following the apparent assassination attempt of Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump in West Palm Beach, Fla., Sunday, Sept. 15, 2024. (AP Photo/Terry Renna)

Laura Loomer uses her cell phone near Trump International Golf Club after police closed off the area following the apparent assassination attempt of Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump in West Palm Beach, Fla., Sunday, Sept. 15, 2024. (AP Photo/Terry Renna)

Laura Loomer uses her cell phone near Trump International Golf Club after police closed off the area following the apparent assassination attempt of Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump in West Palm Beach, Fla., Sunday, Sept. 15, 2024. (AP Photo/Terry Renna)

Trump was on the links taking a breather from the campaign. Then the Secret Service saw a rifle

Trump was on the links taking a breather from the campaign. Then the Secret Service saw a rifle

Trump was on the links taking a breather from the campaign. Then the Secret Service saw a rifle

Trump was on the links taking a breather from the campaign. Then the Secret Service saw a rifle

Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump arrives at Harry Reid International Airport to board a plane after a campaign trip, Saturday, Sept.14, 2024, in Las Vegas. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump arrives at Harry Reid International Airport to board a plane after a campaign trip, Saturday, Sept.14, 2024, in Las Vegas. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

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