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Financial Secretary Discusses Kai Tak Sports Hub and Support for Struggling SMEs in Hong Kong.


Financial Secretary Discusses Kai Tak Sports Hub and Support for Struggling SMEs in Hong Kong.


Financial Secretary Discusses Kai Tak Sports Hub and Support for Struggling SMEs in Hong Kong.

2024-09-06 17:35 Last Updated At:09-07 01:08

Remarks by FS at media session 

Following are the remarks by the Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, at a media session after attending an event today (September 6):

Reporter: The first one is about the Kai Tak sports hub which will open next year. Other than Coldplay, what other big names or artists or mega events is the Government working on attracting? And the second one is about SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises). As you know, a fitness chain, Physical, announced today that it will shut down their branches. How do you evaluate the SME situation and is there any outcome from your meeting with the SME task force, maybe any emergency measures to support the SMEs?

Financial Secretary: The Kai Tak Sports Park, opening in the first half of next year, will be a very significant sports infrastructure in recent decades. There have been a number of events being lined up for the launch of this particular facility and to make good use of it. The details will be announced in due course. But I should stress that it is not just a sports complex, but also a wonderful venue for entertainment and cultural events. It can seat up to 50 000 spectators. There will also be ancillary training and other facilities. The detailed programmes for the Park will be announced in due course.

As to the current situation of the SMEs in Hong Kong, we understand that given the higher for longer interest rate environment, economic growth not as strong as some expected, and changing spending patterns of local residents and incoming tourists, SMEs in some sectors are facing challenges. We are helping them on three fronts.

One is providing liquidity support. We met with the banks and the SME sector. My colleagues in the Hong Kong Monetary Authority in particular asked the banks to be accommodative and supportive, even in the case where the value of collaterals that their clients pledged to secure banking facilities came down in light of the asset market situation. If those companies can still service their loan, there is no reason to call for early repayment or early partial repayment, or reduction in facilities merely because of the fall in the collateral’s value. This message had been communicated to banks loud and clear. We gather from the banks that they are supportive of this position, and they would ensure that this information and policy would be brought to their frontline colleagues in handling different cases.

Apart from providing liquidity support, we are also helping SMEs to expand their businesses, depending on their sectors. For example, there is funding support under the BUD Fund (Dedicated Fund on Branding, Upgrading and Domestic Sales) to support SMEs to explore new markets, including the Mainland, as well as the Middle East, ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) and other economies that have signed free trade agreements with Hong Kong. We also have different schemes and marketing funds to facilitate them to go out and do marketing. There has also been relaxation to other funding schemes, for example, supporting SMEs to participate not just in overseas exhibitions, but also local exhibitions. I should mention that we support SMEs to move with the times and take part in e-commerce, and upgrade their business models and use e-commerce platforms to do business, particularly in opening the Mainland market. There are funding support schemes in these areas.

Third, we are helping SMEs to expedite their digital transformation. That includes technology vouchers. Apart from that, Cyberport has been administering a scheme to assist the SMEs in the retail and catering sectors to adopt off-the-shelf software solutions to assist their digital transformation. In a nutshell, we offer assistance on multiple fronts. Thank you.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the remarks.)

Remarks by FS at media session Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

Remarks by FS at media session Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

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EDB Opens Applications for Primary One Discretionary Places Starting September 19

2024-09-16 15:00 Last Updated At:15:08

Parents reminded to submit application form for admission to Primary One

The Education Bureau (EDB) today (September 16) reminded parents who wish to apply for a Primary One (P1) place for their child in any government or aided school in September 2025 to submit their applications for discretionary places under the Primary One Admission (POA) System via the POA e-platform (ePOA) starting from this Thursday (September 19), or in paper form starting from next Monday (September 23).

Submission of applications for discretionary places


An EDB spokesman said, "Parents intending to apply for a P1 place of a particular government or aided primary school for their child at the Discretionary Places Admission stage under the POA System via ePOA should first register as ePOA ( users and bind their account to "iAM Smart+", and submit their applications via ePOA between September 19 and 27. For details, please refer to the Parent's Guides on the EDB website ( If parents choose to submit paper application forms, they should submit the completed application form together with all supporting documents directly to the school during school office hours between September 23 and 27. Parents who are unable to submit the application form in person may authorise in writing a representative to bring along the above-mentioned documents to the school on their behalf."

"Irrespective of whether the application is submitted via ePOA or in paper form, parents should submit only one application for their child. If parents have applied to more than one government or aided primary school, their application for a POA discretionary place would be rendered void. In addition, parents should not submit duplicate applications via ePOA and in paper form for the same child," the spokesman added.

The spokesman reminded parents that schools would process the applications in accordance with the established procedures and criteria at the Discretionary Places Admission stage. As such, there is no need for parents to prepare portfolios for their child.

In addition, children who have accepted the offer of P1 places in Direct Subsidy Scheme primary schools would not be allocated P1 places in government or aided primary schools through the POA System.

Application for Central Allocation only


If parents are applying only for the POA Central Allocation for their child, they should submit the application to the EDB via ePOA or in paper form on or before January 17, 2025. For submission in paper form, they should return the completed application form and supporting documents to the School Places Allocation Section (Primary One Admission) of the EDB at Podium Floor, West Block, Education Bureau Kowloon Tong Education Services Centre, 19 Suffolk Road, Kowloon Tong.

Residential address


"When completing the POA Application Form, parents should fill in the actual residential address of their child. If a false address is given by parents to secure a P1 place for their child under the POA System, the application would be rendered void and the P1 place allocated would be withdrawn. If a false instrument has been used or a false statutory declaration has been made in the application, the offender is liable on conviction to imprisonment for 14 years or imprisonment for two years and to a fine respectively under the Crimes Ordinance. Suspected cases of using a false address for POA applications may be reported to the School Places Allocation Section by calling its hotline at 2832 7700," the EDB spokesman emphasised.

Source: AI-generated images

Source: AI-generated images

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