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CAD and EASA Issue Urgent Inspections for A350 Aircraft Following Engine Component Failure


CAD and EASA Issue Urgent Inspections for A350 Aircraft Following Engine Component Failure


CAD and EASA Issue Urgent Inspections for A350 Aircraft Following Engine Component Failure

2024-09-06 18:10 Last Updated At:09-07 01:07

CAD actively follows up on A350 aircraft issue to enhance aviation safety

The Civil Aviation Department (CAD), since receiving notification from Cathay Pacific Airways Limited (CPA) on September 2 about the engine component failure discovered on an A350 aircraft bound for Zurich earlier that day, has been actively following up the matter. Among others, the CAD has been maintaining close communication with CPA to provide regulatory advice. The CAD also took the initiative to approach and notify relevant entities, including the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), which is the civil aviation authority of the State of Design of the aircraft, as well as the manufacturers of the aircraft and engine concerned, and co-ordinate with CPA to provide inspection results and data of relevant engine components. The CAD also held an online meeting with the EASA on September 4 to discuss the investigation direction.

After the unremitting efforts of the CAD and CPA in facilitating and providing information on investigation and engine component inspection to the relevant authorities, the EASA this morning (on the night of September 5, European time) issued an emergency airworthiness directive requiring inspections of A350 aircraft powered by the specified model of engine. The directive is applicable to all airlines that operate A350 aircraft powered by relevant engines worldwide.

As CPA has taken the initiative to carry out precautionary measures earlier, the airline has already fulfilled the requirements of the directive.

The CAD attaches great importance to aviation safety and will ensure that all A350 aircraft flying into and out of Hong Kong comply with the relevant emergency airworthiness directive. The CAD will also continue to maintain close communication with the relevant parties, including the EASA and aircraft and engine manufacturers, and closely monitor the investigation progress to ensure follow-up actions are taken in a timely manner to safeguard aviation safety.

Source: AI-generated images

Source: AI-generated images

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EDB Opens Applications for Primary One Discretionary Places Starting September 19

2024-09-16 15:00 Last Updated At:15:08

Parents reminded to submit application form for admission to Primary One

The Education Bureau (EDB) today (September 16) reminded parents who wish to apply for a Primary One (P1) place for their child in any government or aided school in September 2025 to submit their applications for discretionary places under the Primary One Admission (POA) System via the POA e-platform (ePOA) starting from this Thursday (September 19), or in paper form starting from next Monday (September 23).

Submission of applications for discretionary places


An EDB spokesman said, "Parents intending to apply for a P1 place of a particular government or aided primary school for their child at the Discretionary Places Admission stage under the POA System via ePOA should first register as ePOA ( users and bind their account to "iAM Smart+", and submit their applications via ePOA between September 19 and 27. For details, please refer to the Parent's Guides on the EDB website ( If parents choose to submit paper application forms, they should submit the completed application form together with all supporting documents directly to the school during school office hours between September 23 and 27. Parents who are unable to submit the application form in person may authorise in writing a representative to bring along the above-mentioned documents to the school on their behalf."

"Irrespective of whether the application is submitted via ePOA or in paper form, parents should submit only one application for their child. If parents have applied to more than one government or aided primary school, their application for a POA discretionary place would be rendered void. In addition, parents should not submit duplicate applications via ePOA and in paper form for the same child," the spokesman added.

The spokesman reminded parents that schools would process the applications in accordance with the established procedures and criteria at the Discretionary Places Admission stage. As such, there is no need for parents to prepare portfolios for their child.

In addition, children who have accepted the offer of P1 places in Direct Subsidy Scheme primary schools would not be allocated P1 places in government or aided primary schools through the POA System.

Application for Central Allocation only


If parents are applying only for the POA Central Allocation for their child, they should submit the application to the EDB via ePOA or in paper form on or before January 17, 2025. For submission in paper form, they should return the completed application form and supporting documents to the School Places Allocation Section (Primary One Admission) of the EDB at Podium Floor, West Block, Education Bureau Kowloon Tong Education Services Centre, 19 Suffolk Road, Kowloon Tong.

Residential address


"When completing the POA Application Form, parents should fill in the actual residential address of their child. If a false address is given by parents to secure a P1 place for their child under the POA System, the application would be rendered void and the P1 place allocated would be withdrawn. If a false instrument has been used or a false statutory declaration has been made in the application, the offender is liable on conviction to imprisonment for 14 years or imprisonment for two years and to a fine respectively under the Crimes Ordinance. Suspected cases of using a false address for POA applications may be reported to the School Places Allocation Section by calling its hotline at 2832 7700," the EDB spokesman emphasised.

Source: AI-generated images

Source: AI-generated images

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