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Palestine's bid for full UN membership still under evaluation: UNGA president




Palestine's bid for full UN membership still under evaluation: UNGA president

2024-09-10 14:26 Last Updated At:18:57

Palestine's pursuit of full membership in the United Nations has not reached a dead end as the final decision has not been made, said the president of the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).

In an interview with the China Central Television (CCTV), Dennis Francis, president of the 78th Session of the UNGA, said the Security Council is following the necessary procedures to evaluate Palestine's application.

"The overwhelming majority of member states in the General Assembly voted in favor of the resolution for Palestine to become a full member state of the United Nations and of the General Assembly. But since the Security Council had not itself pronounced on that, under the rules of procedure, the General Assembly sent it back to the Security Council. We must now wait to see what the Security Council's decision will be, so I don't accept that it's a dead end. We must await the response of the Security Council. So let us give the council the opportunity and space to study the matter based on the results of the vote in the assembly and come up with its own response," said Francis.

Francis said the General Assembly (GA) will not pressure the Security Council on Palestine's full membership.

"The GA doesn't seek to put pressure. The GA acts in its own deliberate judgment, and they have, by voting overwhelmingly in support of Palestine being designated as a full member state of the United Nations. The consequences of that would be for us to see," said Francis.

In the Security Council vote on April 18, the resolution supporting the Palestinian bid to become a full UN member was vetoed by the United States, as a permanent member of the Security Council.

On May 10, the 10th Emergency Special Session (ESS) of the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution with 143 votes in favor and nine against, including the United States and Israel, while 25 countries abstained. The resolution recommended that the Security Council reconsider the matter favorably.

According to the UN Charter, the admission of new members must be approved by both the Security Council and the General Assembly. General Assembly resolutions are not binding on member states, but are an expression of the international will, which will be implemented by UN bodies.

Palestine's bid for full UN membership still under evaluation: UNGA president

Palestine's bid for full UN membership still under evaluation: UNGA president

Palestine's bid for full UN membership still under evaluation: UNGA president

Palestine's bid for full UN membership still under evaluation: UNGA president

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In'tl Red Cross Committee vice president hails deepening ties with China

2024-09-17 18:58 Last Updated At:19:17

Vice President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Gilles Carbonnier on Saturday said he was encouraged by the humanitarian organization's deepening relationship with China.

In an interview with China Global Television Network (CGTN) during the 11th Xiangshan Forum, Carbonnier said the ICRC has not only been engaged in dialogue with China and other states, but has also welcomed the country's involvement in the launch of programs to help people affected by conflicts.

"China is definitely a major player. We really are very encouraged to see that our relationship with the PLA, with the People's Liberation Army, with the Ministry of Defense deepening on several issues of common interest, especially on International Humanitarian Law and humanitarian priorities. We at the ICRC really look forward to developing this dialogue, of course, here in Beijing, but also as we're doing in Geneva, in New York, as well as in the field, for example, where Chinese peacekeepers are also active," he said.

The three-day Xiangshan Forum opened on Thursday in Beijing, attracting more than 500 representatives of official delegations from more than 100 countries and international organizations, and over 200 experts and scholars to discuss global security.

At the forum, Carbonnier delivered a speech on the topic of the international mechanism and global security governance.

In'tl Red Cross Committee vice president hails deepening ties with China

In'tl Red Cross Committee vice president hails deepening ties with China

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