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South African farmers are accused of killing 2 women and feeding them to pigs


South African farmers are accused of killing 2 women and feeding them to pigs


South African farmers are accused of killing 2 women and feeding them to pigs

2024-09-10 20:37 Last Updated At:20:41

JOHANNESBURG (AP) — Three men in South Africa are accused of killing two women and feeding their bodies to pigs on their farm in a case that has outraged the public.

The men appeared in court Tuesday in the northern province of Limpopo. The state wants them to remain behind bars until their trial is concluded.

Farm owner Zachariah Johannes Olivier, supervisor Andrian Rudolph de Wet and employee William Musora face two counts of premeditated murder, one count of attempted murder and possession of an unlicensed firearm. Musora, a Zimbabwean national, also faces charges of being in the country illegally.

It is alleged that in August, a truck belong to a dairy company dumped potentially expired goods at Olivier's farm, prompting the women, Locadia Ndlovu and Maria Makgatho, to trespass and try to collect the products.

Both were shot and killed. A man with them was injured and crawled to a nearby road to scream for help. He told police, who found the women's decomposed bodies in a pigsty.

Several political parties protested outside Mankweng Magistrates Court, calling for the men to be denied bail and face the harshest possible sentence. The South African Human Rights Commission called on the public not to take the law into their hands in retaliation.

Violent crimes on South Africa's farms have been a concern for years, including the killing of farmers by criminals and farmers' abuse of workers.

The case will continue next month.

Protestors demonstrate outside the court in Polokwane South Africa, Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024, where three men accused of killing two women and feeding their bodies to pigs appear in court. (AP Photo)

Protestors demonstrate outside the court in Polokwane South Africa, Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024, where three men accused of killing two women and feeding their bodies to pigs appear in court. (AP Photo)

Three men accused of killing two women and feeding their bodies to pigs, from right to left, farm-owner, Zachariah Olivier, supervisor, Adrian Rudolph de Wet and employee, William Musora appear in court Polokwane, South Africa, Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024. (AP Photo)

Three men accused of killing two women and feeding their bodies to pigs, from right to left, farm-owner, Zachariah Olivier, supervisor, Adrian Rudolph de Wet and employee, William Musora appear in court Polokwane, South Africa, Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024. (AP Photo)

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On jury duty, David Letterman auditioned for a role he's never gotten

2024-09-17 09:27 Last Updated At:09:30

NEW YORK (AP) — The longtime host of “The Late Show with David Letterman” found himself answering questions rather than asking them when a federal judge in New York City put the entertainer through an audition of sorts on Monday for a possible role as a juror in a criminal trial.

It was the serious setting of a criminal trial over a cryptocurrency fraud when Judge P. Kevin Castel confronted the famous bearded comedian, identified in court only as “Juror 16,” with questions just as he did three dozen other potential jurors to determine who would be on a panel of 12 jurors and four alternates.

The prospective jurors had already survived a general round of questioning in which individuals are dismissed for hardship reasons, such as medical issues or jobs from which they cannot be spared. The trial is expected to last less than two weeks.

When Letterman, who stepped down from his show in 2015, made it to what could be the final round for admittance on the jury, the judge lobbed a softball: “Where do you live?”

“Hartford,” Letterman responded, proving that he couldn't make it through a single word without delivering a joke.

“No, it's a joke,” Letterman quickly let the judge know. Hartford is in Connecticut, which would have disqualified him from the jury because it is outside the area where jurors are drawn from.

“Nice try,” the judge responded, adding, “You figured you would forgo Queens,” another location outside the area covered by the Southern District of New York. Queens is located in the Eastern District of New York.

After Letterman revealed his true area of residence — Westchester County — the pair began a volley of questions and answers totaling nearly three dozen exchanges.

Along the way, the judge, lawyers and three dozen or so prospective jurors learned a lot that the world already knows about Letterman. He was born in Indianapolis, obtained a degree from Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana, and has a 20-year-old son in college in Massachusetts.

Asked what he does for a living, Letterman said he was currently “working for a company called Netflix.”

“Spouse or significant other?” Castel asked.

“I've had both. Currently I just have the spouse,” Letterman responded.

Asked how he gets his news, Letterman gave a nod to the past, saying: “Every morning I used to pick up the paper off the front porch. Now, I turn on the computer and it's an aggregation of news sources from all over the United States and around the world.”

Asked what he likes to watch besides any Netflix programs he's involved with, Letterman said, “I like sports.”

“I'm happy football is here. I'm happy it's this time in the baseball season. I like motor sports. I like pretty much what most Americans watch on TV,” he said.

The judge asked him if he's an Indianapolis Colts football fan.

“Big Colts fan. 0 and 2, but still a fan,” he said, referring to the fact that the Colts have lost their first two games this season.

For hobbies, Letterman said he likes to fish, ski and be outdoors.

“Ever called as a juror?” the judge asked.

“Been called many times. Just couldn't make it happen,” Letterman answered.

“You know, this may be the charm,” Castel said, aware that Letterman had a 50-50 chance to make it onto the panel.

“It would be a pleasure,” Letterman said.

In the end, shortly before the jury was sworn in, Letterman was ejected when a prosecutor exercised what is known as a “strike,” which allows lawyers on either side to release a certain number of potential jurors from the panel for any reason at all. It was the third of four strikes exercised by prosecutors. No reason was given.

David Letterman arrives at federal court in New York, Monday Sept. 16, 2024. (AP Photo/Stefan Jeremiah)

David Letterman arrives at federal court in New York, Monday Sept. 16, 2024. (AP Photo/Stefan Jeremiah)

David Letterman arrives at federal court in New York, Monday Sept. 16, 2024. (AP Photo/Stefan Jeremiah)

David Letterman arrives at federal court in New York, Monday Sept. 16, 2024. (AP Photo/Stefan Jeremiah)

David Letterman arrives at federal court in New York, Monday Sept. 16, 2024. (AP Photo/Stefan Jeremiah)

David Letterman arrives at federal court in New York, Monday Sept. 16, 2024. (AP Photo/Stefan Jeremiah)

David Letterman arrives at federal court in New York, Monday Sept. 16, 2024. (AP Photo/Stefan Jeremiah)

David Letterman arrives at federal court in New York, Monday Sept. 16, 2024. (AP Photo/Stefan Jeremiah)

David Letterman arrives at federal court in New York, Monday Sept. 16, 2024. (AP Photo/Stefan Jeremiah)

David Letterman arrives at federal court in New York, Monday Sept. 16, 2024. (AP Photo/Stefan Jeremiah)

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