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Hong Kong's Health Secretary Reviews Strategies to Combat Non-Communicable Diseases at Steering Committee Meeting.


Hong Kong's Health Secretary Reviews Strategies to Combat Non-Communicable Diseases at Steering Committee Meeting.


Hong Kong's Health Secretary Reviews Strategies to Combat Non-Communicable Diseases at Steering Committee Meeting.

2024-09-11 17:17 Last Updated At:17:28

Secretary for Health chairs 15th meeting of Steering Committee on Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases

The Secretary for Health, Professor Lo Chung-mau, chaired the 15th meeting of the Steering Committee on Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases today (September 11) to review the implementation of various actions under "Towards 2025: Strategy and Action Plan to Prevent and Control Non-communicable Diseases in Hong Kong" (SAP), and discussed the strategies and measures for tackling non-communicable diseases (NCDs) with representatives of the Environment and Ecology Bureau (EEB), the Education Bureau (EDB), the Department of Health (DH), the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD), the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, the Hospital Authority and relevant organisations.

Professor Lo said, "Like many other regions and countries, Hong Kong is confronted with the threats arising from an ageing population and worsening NCDs. Major NCDs, namely cancers, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus (DM) and chronic respiratory diseases, accounted for around half (50.6 per cent) of all registered deaths in Hong Kong in 2023. We cannot turn a blind eye to such a burden brought about by NCDs on the city's healthcare system. In this connection, we must join hands with citizens and all sectors of society to prevent and control NCDs.

"The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government is committed to combating NCDs to safeguard the well-being of the public. The DH conducts territory-wide population health surveys on a regular basis to collect information on the health status and health-related behaviours of the local population so as to ensure effective surveillance of the latest situation of NCDs in Hong Kong for the formulation of public health policies, resource allocation as well as adjustments to public health services and programmes. Meanwhile, the fourth territory-wide population health survey in 2025 is in the pipeline to facilitate the review of the nine targets under the SAP and formulate the prevention and control strategies beyond 2025."

The HKSAR Government has been attaching great importance to the prevention and control of NCDs among children and adolescents. According to the DH's Student Health Service Annual Health Report for 2022-23 school year, around 90 per cent of students reported in the Health Assessment Questionnaires an insufficient level of physical activity, i.e. not meeting the World Health Organization (WHO)'s recommendation of doing at least 60 minutes of daily moderate to vigorous-intensity physical activity. Moreover, children generally do not consume enough fruits and vegetables. The DH recommends that children aged 6 to 11 should consume at least two servings of fruits and two servings of vegetables per day, whereas adolescents aged 12 to 17 should consume at least two servings of fruits and three servings of vegetables daily. However, according to the data collected by the Centre for Food Safety of the FEHD in the Food Consumption Survey in the Younger Population 2021-2022, only around 50 per cent of the surveyed children aged 9 to 11 met the DH's recommendation in terms of their average vegetable consumption, while the average consumption of fruits and vegetables among children and adolescents aged 6 to 17 was lower than the recommended level.

The DH has been promoting a healthy lifestyle among children and adolescents through life-course interventions to prevent NCDs. Apart from launching the Campaign in collaboration with the EDB and other stakeholders since the 2006/07 school year, the DH also launched the Whole School Health Programme in the 2023/24 school year with reference to the Health Promoting School Framework promulgated by the WHO and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Under the Whole School Health Programme, participating schools are offered professional advice and comprehensive support for them to conduct a systematic review and formulation of health promotion measures covering physical activity, healthy eating, mental health and social well-being according to the schools' conditions and students' health needs, thereby turning the school campus into a healthy environment conducive to living, learning and working. In addition, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food under the EEB promotes a less-salt-and-sugar dietary culture at various levels and encourages school children to develop healthy eating habits.

The Government has been pushing ahead with the work set out in the Primary Healthcare Blueprint since its release in December 2022 in a bid to build a prevention-centred primary healthcare system. Members expressed support for the Government's Chronic Disease Co-Care Pilot Scheme (CDCC Pilot Scheme) and agreed on the provision of targeted subsidies (including those for laboratory investigations and drugs) to Hong Kong citizens aged 45 or above and having no unknown medical history of hypertension (HT) or DM as an incentive for them to participate in the Scheme by matching with a family doctor. Under a co-payment model, participants can receive HT and DM screening in the private healthcare sector for early treatment and long-term health management.

District Health Centres (DHCs) and DHC Expresses across 18 districts in the city not only serve as the first contact point for citizens' enrolment in the CDCC Pilot Scheme, but also actively advocate the "Family Doctor for All" concept to foster long-term doctor-patient relationship while connecting and co-ordinating various healthcare professions and primary healthcare services in both public and private sectors at the community level. DHCs and DHC Expresses also assist citizens, with reference to their specific health needs at different stages of life, to formulate personalised Life Course Preventive Care Plan and develop a healthy lifestyle such as taking action to quit smoking, maintaining a balanced diet as well as engaging in regular and adequate physical activities, thus preventing NCDs.

The Government formulated in 2008 a strategic framework to prevent and control NCDs and set up the Steering Committee on Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases. Steering the work on NCD prevention and control, the Steering Committee advises, oversees and monitors the implementation progress of the SAP. Members of the Steering Committee include representatives of the Government, public and private sectors, academia, professional bodies, industry representatives and other key partners. The Government will continue to play a key leadership role by co-ordinating and promoting the work in local prevention and control of NCDs, and strengthening the implementation of cross-sector actions through concerted efforts with relevant stakeholders.

Secretary for Health chairs 15th meeting of Steering Committee on Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases  Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

Secretary for Health chairs 15th meeting of Steering Committee on Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

Secretary for Health chairs 15th meeting of Steering Committee on Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases  Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

Secretary for Health chairs 15th meeting of Steering Committee on Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

Wide array of activities to be held in celebration of 75th anniversary of founding of People's Republic of China

In celebration of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC), the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government and different sectors of the community will launch a series of diverse celebratory activities and special offers for members of the public to participate in and celebrate National Day together.

The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Chan Kwok-ki, accompanied by the Deputy Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Cheuk Wing-hing; the Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr Kevin Yeung; the Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, Miss Alice Mak; and the Director of Home Affairs, Mrs Alice Cheung, held a press conference today (September 17) to introduce various celebratory events, city dress-up and special offers in celebration of National Day this year.

Mr Chan said that this year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the PRC, an important milestone in the country's development. This is also the first National Day since the HKSAR Government improved district governance and completed the enactment of legislation on Article 23 of the Basic Law, making it even more meaningful. The HKSAR Government has spared no effort in planning a wide array of rich, diverse and creative celebratory activities for members of the public to share the joy of National Day and foster a sense of patriotism in the community. It is hoped that these celebratory events and special offers will boost local consumption and showcase to visitors the unique advantages and charm of Hong Kong, highlighting the staunch support it has received from the motherland and its global outlook.

In the morning of National Day, the HKSAR Government will hold a flag-raising ceremony and National Day reception. A large-scale fireworks display will also take place over Victoria Harbour that evening. Mr Chan said the Government and various sectors of the community will organise more than 400 celebratory activities before and after National Day to share the joy with members of the public and spread the festive atmosphere of National Day to every corner of the community. Many of these activities are novel and unique. For example, on the night of September 30 (the eve of National Day), a special event titled "Celebration of National Day - The Next Generation Chorus Performance" will be held in the outdoor area of the West Kowloon Cultural District, featuring a drone show with a record-breaking 2 099 drones (symbolising the "2024" in the year of 2024 plus the "75" from the 75th National Day) to celebrate National Day with the public. The elements and features of the number "75" will also be incorporated into various signature events. The 18 District Offices, together with District Councils and local groups, will organise signature events with local characteristics. In addition, some of the events are designed for the youth, aiming to promote patriotism and instil the spirit of Chinese culture, thereby deepening patriotic sentiments among young people.

Mr Chan also introduced a rich array of special offers rolled out by different sectors of the community as led by the Government, covering areas including public transport, culture, arts and leisure, dining and consumption, as well as reward activities, encouraging public participation to share in the joy of National Day while boosting local consumption.

Regarding public transport, members of the public can enjoy free rides on all passenger trams for all tram routes and a number of ferry routes on October 1. Passengers using Octopus on the MTR, Light Rail and MTR Bus will receive a 25 per cent discount. Children using Octopus can ride designated daytime bus routes of KMB, Long Win Bus and New Lantao Bus for free, and enjoy free rides on that of Citybus by using electronic payment methods.

On culture, arts and leisure, the public will have free admission to a range of fee-charging leisure facilities and all exhibitions at the museums under the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, and to the Hong Kong Wetland Park under the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department on October 1. Various organisations, including the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, Ocean Park Hong Kong, Ngong Ping 360 and Peak Tramways Company Limited, will also provide different offers.

For dining and consumption as well as reward activities, all commercial cinemas will provide half-price discounts on movie tickets on October 1. On the same day, at least 10 000 public markets and hawker stalls will offer a 25 per cent shopping discount, and around 3 000 restaurants and merchants will provide offers on selected catering items. Moreover, Hong Kong International Airport, various shopping malls and department stores, food kiosks at Temple Street Night Market and more will roll out offers or reward activities during the National Day period.

Meanwhile, the HKSAR Government will display a large number and a wide range of National Day decorations across the city, creating a festive and joyful atmosphere. Mr Cheuk remarked that the city's decorations for this year's National Day are substantial in scale. Various bureaux and departments will showcase more than 185 000 pieces of festive displays for National Day, including national flags, regional flags, giant banners, large stickers, posters, lamppost buntings, electronic screens, flower plaques and lighting. For the first time, outdoor areas of 75 government properties were selected to install tilted flagpoles to display national and regional flags to enhance the festive atmosphere.

Mr Cheuk also introduced the diverse signature events organised by various bureaux and departments, including themed carnivals, fun days, featured markets, cultural and arts activities, large-scale exhibitions, and activities specially arranged for people in need. Mr Cheuk said that since this year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the PRC, various bureaux and departments have added special elements related to the number "75" in these signature events, making them more attractive and meaningful. For example, 75 civil service voluntary service teams will provide services for the underprivileged, 75 special manhole covers will be installed at 75 locations, and there will be a one-off free dental check-up for 750 elders and free Chinese medicine consultation services for 750 elders as well as a parade of 75 classic cars and antique cars across the city.

Mr Yeung said the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau has co-ordinated more than 20 celebrations to share National Day with the public while promoting patriotic education and Chinese culture, as well as implementing "Tourism is Everywhere" and boosting tourism. He highlighted five major celebrations, namely "Celebration of National Day - The Next Generation Chorus Performance", featuring 1 000 students singing and 2 099 drones expressing patriotic sentiments; the National Day Fireworks Display, themed "The Great Fireworks dazzling the National Day", symbolising the country's prosperity; and "Celebration of National Day - A Thousand Youths in Chinese Costume", which involves 1 000 young people from Hong Kong and the Mainland showcasing the charm and heritage of Chinese culture. There is also an exhibition series "A Glorious Journey: Splendid Achievements of the People's Republic of China in Celebration of the 75th Anniversary of Founding", showcasing the country's breakthroughs and achievements in economic, infrastructure, social, cultural, sports, technological and other fields since its founding 75 years ago. The "1st October Movie Fiesta: Half-Price Spectacular 2024" will celebrate with the public through half-price movie tickets. It is hoped that these various static and dynamic activities will share joy with the public and send beautiful blessings and expectations to the motherland.

Miss Mak mentioned that the Hong Kong Jockey Club will hold two National Day Mark Six Snowball Draws in early October. To enhance the festive atmosphere for National Day, the estimated first division prize fund for each draw is estimated to be around $75 million. In addition, District Offices will work with respective Care Teams to launch the "Local Tours of 18 Districts in Celebration of 75A", organising a total of 75 local tours from late September to late October. Co-ordinated by Care Teams from all districts, 7 500 public members from underprivileged groups, including the elderly, grassroots families, and ethnic minorities, are invited to participate in sightseeing at special attractions in various districts, sharing the joy of National Day and experiencing the pleasure of "Tourism is Everywhere".

In addition, the Home Affairs Department, together with clansmen associations and the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR, will co-organise the "Bazaar Carnival in Celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the Founding of the PRC" (National Day Bazaar Carnival) at Sha Tin Park in late October. Admission is free. The National Day Bazaar Carnival will feature 75 stalls offering local specialties, delicacies and traditional handicrafts provided by clansmen associations from different provinces. Special cultural performances will be arranged to enable members of the public and tourists to experience a rich variety of customs and unique cultures from across the country.

The Home and Youth Affairs Bureau will organise exchange tours to the Mainland as celebratory events specifically for the youth, allowing them to deepen their understanding of the country's developments and achievements while fostering patriotism. Through exchanges with university students there, participating youths will learn about the history and development of the motherland, strengthening their sense of belongings and pride in their country.

Mrs Cheung added that the 18 District Offices, together with District Councils and district groups, will organise a series of diverse activities with regional characteristics in celebration of National Day from this month to late November, including special performances such as drone shows, shopping and gourmet events like carnivals, sports and outdoor events such as beach festivals and football matches, and large-scale lantern display exhibitions suitable for photo opportunities. All these events are tailored for the public and tourists of different age groups and preferences.

The Government is grateful to different sectors for actively supporting and echoing the celebration by launching a wide variety of celebratory events and special offers to celebrate with the public the 75th anniversary of the founding of the PRC. Information about the celebratory events and offers is available on the dedicated website ( Relevant government departments and organisations will make further announcements on the details.

Source: AI-generated images

Source: AI-generated images

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