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Outgoing president of UNGA 78th session calls for accelerated efforts to achieve SDGs




Outgoing president of UNGA 78th session calls for accelerated efforts to achieve SDGs

2024-09-11 17:06 Last Updated At:09-12 01:27

The UN General Assembly (UNGA) concluded its 78th session on Tuesday, with its outgoing president calling for accelerated efforts to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.

Speaking in an interview with China Central Television (CCTV), Dennis Francis, president of the 78th session of the UNGA and permanent representative of Trinidad and Tobago to the United Nations, said there is still a long way to go to achieve the goals.

"There is no doubt we are still far, we are still too far. And so we have got to accelerate now in order to enhance the prospects for delivering the SDGs in 2030, as we committed to in 2015. It still remains one of the critical objectives of this organization," said Francis.

He also noted that all decisions made by the United Nations typically require consensus among all member states, so it is by no mean an easy task to reach agreement.

"Its decisions here require the engagement, the support of 193 member states. That's a huge challenge. And since decisions are made by consensus most of the time, it means that consensus is often elusive. And then, on the other hand, there are times of great exuberance and exhilaration when we actually do achieve our good results," he said.

The 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) was declared open at the UN headquarters in New York on Tuesday by Philemon Yang, the General Assembly's new president.

Yang was sworn in and declared the opening of the new session, following the announcement by Francis of the closure of the previous session at its 109th plenary meeting earlier in the day.

Outgoing president of UNGA 78th session calls for accelerated efforts to achieve SDGs

Outgoing president of UNGA 78th session calls for accelerated efforts to achieve SDGs

Outgoing president of UNGA 78th session calls for accelerated efforts to achieve SDGs

Outgoing president of UNGA 78th session calls for accelerated efforts to achieve SDGs

Outgoing president of UNGA 78th session calls for accelerated efforts to achieve SDGs

Outgoing president of UNGA 78th session calls for accelerated efforts to achieve SDGs

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In'tl Red Cross Committee vice president hails deepening ties with China

2024-09-17 18:58 Last Updated At:19:17

Vice President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Gilles Carbonnier on Saturday said he was encouraged by the humanitarian organization's deepening relationship with China.

In an interview with China Global Television Network (CGTN) during the 11th Xiangshan Forum, Carbonnier said the ICRC has not only been engaged in dialogue with China and other states, but has also welcomed the country's involvement in the launch of programs to help people affected by conflicts.

"China is definitely a major player. We really are very encouraged to see that our relationship with the PLA, with the People's Liberation Army, with the Ministry of Defense deepening on several issues of common interest, especially on International Humanitarian Law and humanitarian priorities. We at the ICRC really look forward to developing this dialogue, of course, here in Beijing, but also as we're doing in Geneva, in New York, as well as in the field, for example, where Chinese peacekeepers are also active," he said.

The three-day Xiangshan Forum opened on Thursday in Beijing, attracting more than 500 representatives of official delegations from more than 100 countries and international organizations, and over 200 experts and scholars to discuss global security.

At the forum, Carbonnier delivered a speech on the topic of the international mechanism and global security governance.

In'tl Red Cross Committee vice president hails deepening ties with China

In'tl Red Cross Committee vice president hails deepening ties with China

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