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Taxi Driver Offence Points System Launches September 22 to Improve Service Quality


Taxi Driver Offence Points System Launches September 22 to Improve Service Quality


Taxi Driver Offence Points System Launches September 22 to Improve Service Quality

2024-09-12 17:00 Last Updated At:09-13 08:50

Taxi-Driver-Offence Points Ordinance to come into operation on September 22

The Transport Department (TD) today (September 12) reminded the taxi trade that the Taxi-Driver-Offence Points (TDOP) Ordinance will come into operation on September 22 to introduce the TDOP system.

A spokesman for the TD said, "The quality of taxi services has been an issue of concern in recent years. Considering the public's strong demand for enhancing the quality of taxi services, the Government modelled on the existing driving-offence points system and introduced the TDOP system. The TDOP system aims to strengthen the deterrent effect against malpractices by taxi drivers for combating the black sheep in the taxi industry and enhancing the service quality and overall image of the trade."

The TDOP system covers 11 taxi-driver-related offences that affect taxi service quality and carry higher penalties under the existing legislation, including overcharging, wilfully refusing or neglecting to accept a hire and driving to a destination other than by the most direct practicable route. These 11 offences are categorised into three layers based on their seriousness and assigned with 10, five and three points respectively (see Annex). If a person is convicted of, or becomes liable to, a fixed penalty for a related offence, a respective number of points will be incurred.

Under the TDOP system, for any taxi driver who has accumulated points incurred to a specified level within any two-year period, a respective action or penalty will be triggered. Specifically, an Advice of Taxi-Driver-Offence Points will be served by the Commissioner for Transport to any person incurring eight to 14 points; and a Notice of Obligatory Attendance of Taxi Service Improvement Course (TSIC) will also be served to any person incurring 10 points or more, requiring the person to attend and complete a TSIC at his/her own cost within a specified period of time. Failure to comply with such requirement without reasonable excuse is an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine of $5,000 and imprisonment for one month. All taxi drivers who have incurred points (including those who have not been served with a Notice of Obligatory Attendance) can attend a TSIC, and three points will be deducted from the total number of points previously incurred by that person after completing a TSIC and passing its examination. Furthermore, any person incurring 15 points or more is liable to be disqualified from driving a taxi. The disqualification period will be three months for the first disqualification and six months for each subsequent disqualification.

Following the passage of the TDOP Bill by the Legislative Council in mid-December and the publication in the gazette on December 22, 2023, the TD has been maintaining close liaison with the taxi trade, including briefing the taxi trade on the operation of the TDOP system, and reminding them to get prepared for it. The TD has again briefed the taxi trade on details and requirements of the TDOP system and the Ordinance through regular taxi trade conferences and letters from early September onwards, to enable the trade to familiarise themselves with the operation of the TDOP system.

Source: AI-generated images

Source: AI-generated images

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Hong Kong Celebrates 75th Anniversary of PRC with Major Events and Special Offers

2024-09-17 18:44 Last Updated At:18:58

Press conference remarks on events of HKSAR Government in celebration of 75th anniversary of founding of People's Republic of China (with photo/video)

The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Chan Kwok-ki, held a press conference today (September 17) on various celebratory events and special offers by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government in celebration of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. The Deputy Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Cheuk Wing-hing; the Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr Kevin Yeung; the Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, Miss Alice Mak; and the Director of Home Affairs, Mrs Alice Cheung, also attended. Following are the remarks made at the press conference:

Reporter: For the largest-ever street decorations that will be put up across the city for National Day, how much did that cost and who have shouldered that part of the budget? As for total government spending, how much did the Government spend in total? And, were these monies taken from each department's respective budget, or were there more centralised budget to provide for these events? Thank you.

Chief Secretary for Administration: Thank you for your questions. Actually, we have no detailed breakdown on which department spent how much on this celebration. But I would say all the activities, all the events, some major ones, actually, they are sponsored by the commercial sector and some organisations. They are not government money. Actually for some departments and bureaux, if they need to use money, this will be absorbed in their own expenses.

Reporter: What about the decorations? How much did they cost?

Chief Secretary for Administration: No breakdown on that.

Reporter: Can you give more details of the concert hosted on September 30 and the drone show to be hosted that day? What specific elements are being implemented that relate to the 75th anniversary that make these shows unique from the other shows we have had in Hong Kong for this specific occasion?

Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism: Are you referring to the event on September 30? It is an event to be held at the West Kowloon Cultural District, and it is organised by my bureau, and with the support of some outside organisations. It is composed of two parts. One is a drone show with 2 099 drones with all the different figures celebrating the 75th anniversary. For example, we will have some symbols with 75 as a figure. The other part is sort of a gathering of 1 000 youths who are coming together to sing some songs with the theme of celebrating the 75th anniversary. So it is a very good event for both people watching the drone show as well as for the youths to demonstrate their wish to celebrate this very important date for our country.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the remarks.)

Press conference remarks on events of HKSAR Government in celebration of 75th anniversary of founding of People's Republic of China (with photo/video) Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

Press conference remarks on events of HKSAR Government in celebration of 75th anniversary of founding of People's Republic of China (with photo/video) Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

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