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Strategic communication helps avoid misjudgments between China, US militaries: lieutenant general




Strategic communication helps avoid misjudgments between China, US militaries: lieutenant general

2024-09-13 16:42 Last Updated At:17:27

Military communication helps prevent misjudgments and manage risks between China and the United States, said Lieutenant-General He Lei, noting that actions speak louder than words in fostering understanding.

He, the former vice president of the People's Liberation Army Academy of Military Sciences, made these remarks in response to the meeting held in Beijing at the end of August between Zhang Youxia, vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, and U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan.

"When Vice Chairman Zhang Youxia met with Sullivan, Zhang further expounded the Chinese government's firm position and principles on China's core interests, especially its centerpiece of core interests. Their meeting will play a positive role in enhancing strategic communication, avoiding misjudgments and managing risks between the two militaries. It remains a truth that meeting is better than not meeting and talking is better than not talking. However, there is also an old saying in China that we should not only listen to what they say but also watch what they do," said He, during an interview with the Global Television Network (CGTN) ahead of the 11th Beijing Xiangshan Forum which takes place in Beijing from Thursday to Saturday.

He also expressed his views on U.S. interference in Asia-Pacific regional affairs, warning that the true intention of the U.S. is to provoke confrontation and potential war in the region, thereby advancing its agenda for hegemony.

"I think the goal of the United States is to vigorously promote the so-called Indo-Pacific Strategy, to engage in bloc confrontation and form exclusive blocs in the Asia-Pacific, to contain and suppress major strategic opponents, and thus achieve the goal of dominating the Asia-Pacific region and even the world. In fact, the result it brings is not stability or peace in the Asia-Pacific region, but contradictions, disputes, and even confrontation and war. I believe that as long as most countries in the Asia-Pacific region have a clear mind and a firm stance, the American plot to boss around in the Asia-Pacific region and the world will not succeed," said He.

Initiated in 2006, the Beijing Xiangshan Forum is a high-level security and defense forum in Asia-Pacific with significant international influence.

Under the theme of "Promoting Peace for a Shared Future," this year's event features critical discussions on global security, regional stability, and innovative technologies in defense.

Strategic communication helps avoid misjudgments between China, US militaries: lieutenant general

Strategic communication helps avoid misjudgments between China, US militaries: lieutenant general

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China holds ceremony to mark 93rd anniversary of Sept 18 Incident

2024-09-18 09:52 Last Updated At:11:07

A bell-ringing ceremony was held to mark the 93rd anniversary of the September 18 Incident in front of a monument at the September 18 Incident History Museum in Shenyang City, northeast China's Liaoning Province, on Wednesday.

It was on this fateful day in 1931 when Japanese troops blew up a section of the railway near Shenyang under their control, and accused Chinese troops of sabotage as a pretext for subsequent aggression against China.

Representatives of people from all walks of life struck a bell 14 times, symbolizing the 14 years of fight against Japanese aggressors by the Chinese people. The bell was cast with the words "Never forget national humiliation".

At 09:18, 14 cities in Liaoning sounded air raid sirens for three minutes, while vehicles came to a halt and honked their horns, and citizens were standing in silent tribute to mark this dark chapter in history. Ships and trains also sounded their sirens.

For years, China has kept marking the September 18 Incident.

The incident sparked Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War.

The 1931-1945 Japanese invasion caused more than 35 million casualties among Chinese troops and civilians, accounting for one third of the WWII casualties worldwide.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, China fought with two-thirds of Japan's army, making a major contribution to the allied victory in WWII.

China holds ceremony to mark 93rd anniversary of Sept 18 Incident

China holds ceremony to mark 93rd anniversary of Sept 18 Incident

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