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Scientists discuss green tech application at service trade fair sub-event




Scientists discuss green tech application at service trade fair sub-event

2024-09-13 20:07 Last Updated At:20:37

Scientists and industry leaders have called for swift action to apply methods to accelerate the green transition and to transform environmental technologies into a form of "new quality productive forces" which can spur innovation and development at a forum in Beijing on Thursday.

The Third Academician Forum on Ecological and Environmental Protection Industry Serving the Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality Strategy is a theme forum of the ongoing 2024 China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS), a major trade expo showcasing the country's service sector.

Nearly 20 academicians and scientists from China and around the world gathered to discuss the new technologies and trends taking shape as part of China's ambitious strategy to reach peak carbon emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060, which has been referred to as the country's "dual carbon" goals.

The key areas of the discussions included pollution reduction and cutting carbon emissions, working towards clean energy solutions, realizing 'zero-waste' cities, as well as topics such as carbon dioxide capture and the treatment of livestock and poultry waste.

"We need to take swift actions, not only to establish the theories and methods, but to encourage enterprises which should follow up and put these ideas into practice," said Jiao Nianzhi, a professor at Xiamen University's School of Ocean and Earth Sciences and an academician at the Chinese Academy of Science.

"In terms of management, we need to advance the integration of government, industry, colleges, research and application. For example, the scientific research achievements of experts and scientists should be transformed in a timely manner, and the technology incubated should be industrialized to form new productive forces. Therefore, the future direction of our environmental protection sector should be based on high-tech, complex, and high-quality integration," said Guo Chengzhan, president of the China Association of Environmental Protection Industry.

This year's CIFTIS, themed 'Global Services, Shared Prosperity,' features a variety of activities, including exhibitions, promotional events, and product launches.

Scientists discuss green tech application at service trade fair sub-event

Scientists discuss green tech application at service trade fair sub-event

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China holds ceremony to mark 93rd anniversary of Sept 18 Incident

2024-09-18 09:52 Last Updated At:11:07

A bell-ringing ceremony was held to mark the 93rd anniversary of the September 18 Incident in front of a monument at the September 18 Incident History Museum in Shenyang City, northeast China's Liaoning Province, on Wednesday.

It was on this fateful day in 1931 when Japanese troops blew up a section of the railway near Shenyang under their control, and accused Chinese troops of sabotage as a pretext for subsequent aggression against China.

Representatives of people from all walks of life struck a bell 14 times, symbolizing the 14 years of fight against Japanese aggressors by the Chinese people. The bell was cast with the words "Never forget national humiliation".

At 09:18, 14 cities in Liaoning sounded air raid sirens for three minutes, while vehicles came to a halt and honked their horns, and citizens were standing in silent tribute to mark this dark chapter in history. Ships and trains also sounded their sirens.

For years, China has kept marking the September 18 Incident.

The incident sparked Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War.

The 1931-1945 Japanese invasion caused more than 35 million casualties among Chinese troops and civilians, accounting for one third of the WWII casualties worldwide.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, China fought with two-thirds of Japan's army, making a major contribution to the allied victory in WWII.

China holds ceremony to mark 93rd anniversary of Sept 18 Incident

China holds ceremony to mark 93rd anniversary of Sept 18 Incident

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