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Labour Department Urges Safety Measures for Electrical Work Amid Hong Kong Rainstorm Warning


Labour Department Urges Safety Measures for Electrical Work Amid Hong Kong Rainstorm Warning


Labour Department Urges Safety Measures for Electrical Work Amid Hong Kong Rainstorm Warning

2024-09-17 21:50 Last Updated At:09-18 01:07

Employers, contractors and employees should be aware of electrical safety at work during rainstorm

As the rainstorm warning has been issued by the Hong Kong Observatory, the Labour Department (LD) reminds employers and contractors that they should adopt necessary work arrangements and take suitable safety measures to protect the safety of their employees when they are carrying out electrical work or handling electrical plant.

A spokesman for the LD said today (September 17) that employers and contractors should avoid assigning employees to carry out electrical work (like electric arc welding work) or handle electrical plant at places affected by rainstorms, and should refer to the "Code of Practice in Times of Adverse Weather and 'Extreme Conditions'" and the "Guide on Safety at Work in times of Inclement Weather" issued by the LD.

Even if electrical work is carried out or electrical plant is handled at places not affected by the rainstorm, suitable safety measures must still be adopted to prevent electric shock as the air would be more humid. Such measures include:

(i) Ensure that all live parts of an electrical installation are isolated from the power supply source and rendered dead, and the isolation from the power supply source must be maintained as long as electrical work is being carried out;

(ii) Before carrying out any electrical work or handling any electrical plant, cut off and lock out the power supply source, then test the circuit concerned to confirm it is dead and display suitable warning notices, and issue a work permit thereafter;

(iii) Ensure that protective devices (such as suitable and adequate fuses and circuit breakers) for the electrical installations or electrical plant have been installed and maintained in good working order, and portable electric tools must be double-insulated or properly earthed;

(iv) Provide suitable personal protective equipment such as insulating gloves and insulating mats for employees; and

(v) If live electrical work is unavoidable, a comprehensive risk assessment should be conducted by a competent person and the appropriate safety precautions should be taken to remove or properly control the electrical hazards involved before such work can proceed.

In addition, employees should co-operate with the employer or contractor to follow the safety instructions and use the safety equipment provided.

The LD has published guidebooks and leaflets on electrical work safety. These safety publications are available free from divisional offices of the department or can be downloaded from its website (

Should there be any questions about occupational safety and health matters, please contact the Occupational Safety Officer of the LD at 2559 2297.

Source: AI-generated images

Source: AI-generated images

Hong Kong soars in World Talent Ranking 2024

The International Institute for Management Development (IMD) published the World Talent Ranking 2024 today (September 19). Hong Kong's ranking rose visibly to nine, from 16 last year, returning to the top 10 for the first time since 2016.

Hong Kong improved across all three talent competitiveness factors in the Ranking as compared to last year. Its position rose from six to four in "readiness", and from 15 to 13 in "investment and development". Hong Kong's ranking in "appeal" also rose from 32 to 28. Among the indicators, Hong Kong topped the ranking in the percentage of graduates in sciences, and was among the global top five in the availability of finance skills, effectiveness of management education and remuneration of management.

A Government spokesperson said, "The return of Hong Kong to amongst the top 10 in the IMD's Ranking is clear evidence that the work of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government in education and talent admission has made remarkable achievements. Hong Kong has a sound education infrastructure, world-renowned universities and outstanding research talent. The quality of our teaching and learning is ranked among the top in various international comparative studies. Moreover, the HKSAR Government announced in the 2022 Policy Address an array of admission measures to entice global talent to come to Hong Kong. These include the launch of the Top Talent Pass Scheme, which targets high-income talent and graduates from the world's top universities, as well as enhancement of various talent admission schemes to trawl for outside quality talent to enrich the local talent pool."

The spokesman said, "The Chief Executive's 2023 Policy Address has set out clearly the strategic directions and objectives for enhancing the quality of education in Hong Kong, with a view to developing Hong Kong into an 'international post-secondary education hub and a cradle of future talent', nurturing a diversified talent pool, and enhancing Hong Kong's development momentum while promoting people-to-people exchanges and contributing to national development. On the other hand, as at end-August this year, over 360 000 applications were received under various talent admission schemes, with nearly 230 000 applications approved. During the same period, over 150 000 people of talent arrived in Hong Kong through various talent admission schemes. The arrivals of outside quality talent and their family members boost Hong Kong's labour force and inject new momentum into our local economy. The HKSAR Government established the Hong Kong Talent Engage in end-October 2023 to provide one-stop support services to incoming talent to enable their settlement in Hong Kong."

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