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Three Outline Zoning Plans Approved for San Tin Technopole, Mai Po, and Ngau Tam Mei Development.


Three Outline Zoning Plans Approved for San Tin Technopole, Mai Po, and Ngau Tam Mei Development.


Three Outline Zoning Plans Approved for San Tin Technopole, Mai Po, and Ngau Tam Mei Development.

2024-09-20 09:00 Last Updated At:09:49

Three draft outline zoning plans for San Tin Technopole and Sam Po Shue Wetland Conservation Park approved

The Chief Executive in Council has approved the draft San Tin Technopole Outline Zoning Plan (OZP), the draft Mai Po and Fairview Park OZP and the draft Ngau Tam Mei OZP.

"The three approved OZPs provide statutory planning frameworks for the development of the San Tin Technopole (except the Loop) and the Sam Po Shue Wetland Conservation Park (SPS WCP)", a spokesman for the Town Planning Board (TPB) said today (September 20).

The planning scheme area of the approved San Tin Technopole OZP, covering the San Tin/Lok Ma Chau (STLMC) area (about 1 004 hectares), is bounded by the Shenzhen River and the SPS WCP to the north, the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park of the San Tin Technopole at the Loop to the north-east, Kwu Tung North New Development Area and Hadden Hill (Ki Lun Shan) to the east, Ngau Tam Mei area, San Tin Barracks and Tam Mei Barracks to the south, and Mai Po area to the west.

The planning of the STLMC area is not only to provide an innovation and technology (I&T) park but also a self-contained and vibrant town centre for a quality new town with green commuting, blue-green and "sponge city" features and a better home-job balance. About 313.24 hectares are zoned "Other Specified Uses" ("OU"), of which about 210 hectares are designated for I&T uses to create a critical mass in the area to foster I&T advancement, meet the increasing demand of land for I&T development and deepen the I&T collaboration with the Mainland and the world. The other "OU" zones are designated for specific uses, namely "Mixed Use", "Cultural and Community Uses with Supporting Uses and Facilities", "Logistics, Storage and Workshop", etc. Other areas are zoned "Residential (Group A)" (about 44.78 hectares), "Village Type Development" (about 78.48 hectares), "Government, Institution or Community" (about 56.52 hectares), "Open Space" (about 55.88 hectares), "Green Belt" ("GB") (about 207.29 hectares) and "Conservation Area" ("CA") (about 139.36 hectares).

The Explanatory Statement of the San Tin Technopole OZP has been revised to incorporate the requirements of a Planning and Design Brief for the future developments, which would be submitted to TPB for approval after consultation with relevant stakeholders.

The approved Mai Po and Fairview Park OZP has incorporated amendments shown on the draft Mai Po and Fairview Park OZP No. S/YL-MP/7, which mainly involve (i) incorporating an area from the north-western part of the former San Tin OZP, with the major part rezoned from "CA" and "OU" annotated "Comprehensive Development and Wetland Enhancement Area" to "OU" annotated "Wetland Conservation Park" ("OU(WCP)") and the remaining part retained as "CA", and (ii) rezoning an area around Tam Kon Chau, Pak Hok Chau and Yau Mei San Tsuen from "CA", "Recreation" and "OU" annotated "Comprehensive Development to include Wetland Restoration Area" to "OU(WCP)". The "OU(WCP)" zone, which covers a total area of about 348.63 hectares, is intended primarily for the development of the SPS WCP by the Government to ensure no-net-loss of the ecological function of the wetlands.

The approved Ngau Tam Mei OZP has incorporated amendments shown on the draft Ngau Tam Mei OZP No. S/YL-NTM/13, which mainly involve (i) excising land for incorporation into the San Tin Technopole OZP to reflect the boundary of the STLMC area, (ii) rezoning a site abutting San Tam Road from "Residential (Group C)" to "Government, Institution or Community (1)" for development of a proposed social welfare facility, and (iii) rezoning a site to the north of the Tam Mei Barracks from "Comprehensive Development Area" to "GB" to reflect the existing site conditions.

The Notes and Explanatory Statements of the Mai Po and Fairview Park OZP and Ngau Tam Mei OZP are amended to take into account the above amendments. The opportunity is also taken to update the general information of various land use zones and the planning scheme areas, where appropriate.

The approved San Tin Technopole OZP No. S/STT/2, the approved Mai Po and Fairview Park OZP No. S/YL-MP/8 and the approved Ngau Tam Mei OZP No. S/YL-NTM/14, are available for public inspection during office hours at (i) the Secretariat of the Board, (ii) the Planning Enquiry Counters, (iii) the Fanling, Sheung Shui and Yuen Long East District Planning Office, (iv) the Yuen Long District Office and (v) the San Tin Rural Committee.

Copies of the three approved OZPs are available for sale at the Map Publications Centres in North Point and Yau Ma Tei. The electronic version of the three approved OZPs can be viewed on the Board's website (

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Government pressing ahead with San Tin Technopole project

2024-09-20 09:30 Last Updated At:09:47

Government pressing ahead with San Tin Technopole project

The Chief Executive in Council has approved the draft San Tin Technopole Outline Zoning Plan (OZP), the draft Mai Po and Fairview Park OZP and the draft Ngau Tam Mei OZP. The approval provides a statutory planning framework for taking forward the San Tin Technopole (except the Loop with approved statutory planning earlier) and the Sam Po Shue Wetland Conservation Park (SPS WCP).

A spokesman for the Development Bureau said today (September 20) that, with the completion of the statutory planning process, the Government will press ahead with the San Tin Technopole and related projects. Although the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report for San Tin Technopole is under the challenge of a judicial review, the project is underpinned by comprehensive and professional studies and extensive consultation in accordance with the laws and regulations. The project also carries strategic importance to innovation and technology (I&T) development, and there is a strong voice in the society for accelerating I&T development without further delay.

"The Government is striving to promote the development of the Northern Metropolis as a strategic growth area, pressing ahead with various land development, infrastructure and housing projects to address the needs of the society, people's livelihood and economic development. The Government will not, and should not, halt a project that will bring benefits to the society simply because an individual has applied for a judicial review. The Government team will tackle the challenges of the judicial review in full strength, while proceeding with the project cautiously and pragmatically, with a view to minimising the impact to the project progress arising from the judicial review being pursued by that individual," the spokesman said.

"The Government will seek funding approval for the first batch of site formation and infrastructure works for the San Tin Technopole from the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council towards the end of this year as scheduled, targeting to have the first batch of I&T sites formed in 2026. The availability of I&T land in a progressive and timely manner will create more space for local I&T start-ups to grow and better attract companies outside Hong Kong to settle in here. This will fuel up the momentum for development of the whole I&T sector, duly responding to the strategic support for Hong Kong to develop into an international I&T centre under the 14th Five-Year Plan," the spokesman added.

"Besides, the Government has been emphasising 'co-existence of development and conservation'. One of the goals of establishing the SPS WCP is to achieve no-net-loss in the ecological function and capacity arising from development. When we apply for the funding of works towards the end of this year, we will bundle it with the funding application for the design work of the SPS WCP Phase 1."

The spokesman stressed that the funding application for the first batch of works will not involve pond filling. As committed earlier, the Government will not start the pond filling works before commencement of works for the SPS WCP in 2026/27.

Other preparatory work includes formulation of the Planning and Design Brief (PDB), which will be submitted to the Town Planning Board for approval after consultation with relevant stakeholders. The PDB will provide more detailed development guidance for the relevant I&T sites.

The San Tin Technopole is the flagship project of the Northern Metropolis. Together with the Loop, there is a total area of about 600 hectares, half of which are I&T land. The San Tin Technopole will provide about 160 000 employment opportunities, about 50 000 flats, as well as comprehensive transport infrastructures and community facilities. It will become a modern new development area with industrial development, ecological conservation and a livable environment. During the two-month public engagement activities held last year, members of the public generally supported the development of the San Tin Technopole. The EIA Report has proposed various mitigation and compensatory measures to address the environmental impacts arising from the project, including the establishment of the SPS WCP. Not only will no-net-loss in the ecological function and capacity of the wetland concerned be achieved under the project, it will also enhance the ecological value of the existing wetland.

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