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Tackling climate change challenges takes center stage at East Asia Forum 2024




Tackling climate change challenges takes center stage at East Asia Forum 2024

2024-09-20 17:47 Last Updated At:09-21 01:37

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Delegates and experts gathered in Beijing on Thursday to discuss ways to tackle pressing climate change challenges at the East Asia Forum 2024.

The two-day forum serves as a platform to explore ways for China and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to enhance their partnership in addressing regional challenges related to climate change.

The discussions particularly emphasized the promotion of global and regional public goods among ADB member countries, and focused on key topics including nature conservation and ecosystem protection.

Hailing the impactful outcomes of ADB initiatives, Safdar Parvez, the ADB's Country Director for China, lauded the transformative effects these projects have had on infrastructure, climate resilience, and the overall quality of life in the region.

"I think this forum is an opportunity to share here, for example this afternoon, we will be sharing five case studies of projects that have been successfully completed here in China. And I have been totally impressed whenever I undertake visits to the various provinces. I visited the local governments. I see a lot of commitment for the successful implementation of the ADB projects. I meet with the local communities. They tell me about the benefits of these projects are bringing to them in terms of improved infrastructure, in terms of improved climate resilience, in terms of improved quality of life outcomes. And this brings us tremendous satisfaction and pleasure," said Parvez.

Scott Morris, vice president of the multilateral development institution headquartered in Manila, the Philippines, underscored the importance of seeking innovation within China and leveraging progress as a model for other regions to address the broader challenges grappling the Asia-Pacific region.

"I think, again, if we focus squarely on the climate agenda, it is multifaceted. There remain very large challenges certainly within China in addressing green transition. But we see these challenges across the Asia-Pacific, which is why I think we set an objective of seeking innovation within China and progress in a way that we can deploy that model in other parts," said Morris.

Tufail Ahmed Shaikh, a chief engineer with the Power Division of Pakistan's Ministry of Energy, highlighted the importance of knowledge exchange and collaboration in environmental conservation efforts.

"I think, when it is shared with the people, with the stakeholders, it will be very good for them to learn more. And one thing that ADB is also said that the people of the country, they want to work on the environment and conservation can come to Pakistan, and can come to China. And they could be very good for the people of Pakistan to send their people, send their engineers here for learning," said Shaikh.

Tackling climate change challenges takes center stage at East Asia Forum 2024

Tackling climate change challenges takes center stage at East Asia Forum 2024

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China's defense technologies shine at Africa's largest airshow

2024-09-20 23:40 Last Updated At:09-21 00:37

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠China's leading defense equipment displayed at the 2024 Africa Aerospace and Defence Exhibition (AAD) grabbed the spotlight in South Africa, attracting delegations from various countries.

The 2024 AAD, Africa's largest airshow, kicked off on Wednesday at an air force base near Pretoria, South Africa's administrative capital. 

Chinese enterprises participating in the air show displayed China's star products in the fields of armored assault, fire strike, air defense and anti-missile, intelligent ammunition, unmanned and anti-unmanned systems through models and multimedia. 

On the first day of the air show, South African Defense Minister Angie Motshekga visited the exhibition area of Chinese defense enterprises.

"For me, it's very interesting to show the world that war or defense has really become highly technical, it has become highly scientific. And therefore, of any relevance, you have to move quicker on science and technology," said Motshekga.

As the largest air show in Africa, the AAD is held every two years. This year, the air show will open for the public on Saturday.

China's defense technologies shine at Africa's largest airshow

China's defense technologies shine at Africa's largest airshow

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