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Arab countries expect China's role in resolving Palestinian issue at UNGA




Arab countries expect China's role in resolving Palestinian issue at UNGA

2024-09-22 19:45 Last Updated At:23:37

The Palestinian issue is poised to take center stage at the upcoming United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) session, with China expected to play a pivotal role following its mediation in a reconciliation agreement between Palestinian factions.

At China's invitation, senior representatives of 14 Palestinian factions held reconciliation talks in Beijing in late July, and signed the Beijing Declaration on Ending Division and Strengthening Palestinian National Unity. The signing of the declaration came amid a large-scale conflict in the Gaza Strip since Oct. 7, 2023, leaving 41,391 Palestinians dead as of Saturday.

The Arab countries welcomed the agreement, saying it would end the 17-year internal division between the two Palestinian rivals, Fatah and Hamas, and promote security and peace in the Middle East

"Beijing made huge efforts to reach that agreement. Strategically, China supports the Palestinian people, and these recent efforts have aimed to break the deadlock in the reconciliation among Palestinian decision-makers. Even a little child in Palestine knows that reconciliation is a priority. China has been helpful in this regard, and we're grateful for their efforts," said Ayman Rigib, professor of political science at the University of Jerusalem.

Aligning with the Arab position, China has called for the enforcement of UN resolutions to achieve peace in the Middle East, advocating for a two-state solution based on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine.

"This session will be critical for addressing various issues, particularly the Palestinian issue, as well as other critical situations in the region and beyond. But the Palestinian case will be the priority amongst them during this session. Thus, the focus on reconciliation and its promotion in the region and beyond is essential for gaining international support. Because the Palestinian reconciliation can lead to the emergence of a unified Palestinian entity," said Al-Azab Al-Taher, deputy editor in chief, Arab Political Affairs, Al Ahram.

The general debate of the 79th session of the General Assembly will open on Sept 24 and continue through Sept 28.

Arab countries expect China's role in resolving Palestinian issue at UNGA

Arab countries expect China's role in resolving Palestinian issue at UNGA

Arab countries expect China's role in resolving Palestinian issue at UNGA

Arab countries expect China's role in resolving Palestinian issue at UNGA

Arab countries expect China's role in resolving Palestinian issue at UNGA

Arab countries expect China's role in resolving Palestinian issue at UNGA

Conservation efforts and information sharing between China and Vietnam are helping to protect the eastern black crested gibbons, one of the rarest and most critically endangered primates in the world, for future generations.

Deep in the jungles of northern Vietnam lies the Trung Khanh Cao Vit Gibbon Species and Habitat Conservation Area bordering China. That is where Asia's last black crested gibbons or Cao Vit gibbons as they are known in Vietnam, roam.

"Gibbons can just cross over. For example, they might be in Vietnam in the morning and sleep in China at night, then return to Vietnam the next day. This is a normal occurrence," said Hua Van Trụ, a member of a Vietnamese gibbons conservation team.

The elusive tree-dwelling primate was believed to be extinct, but their rediscovery in the 2000s ignited cross-border conservation efforts between China and Vietnam to save the species from extinction.

"To protect this gibbon species, we have to continuously exchange information, collaborate and have frequent cross-border conservation activities," said Hoang Van Duong, head of Trung Khanh's forest ranger station.

Kilometers away on the Vietnamese side of the border, a team of men in charge of their continued survival ventured into this wild terrain.

"Our department has increased the frequency of patrol activities with a focus on preventing any illegal trapping and capturing of the gibbons. There aren't many of them left. Within this 2,000-hectare area, there are only 74 of them. That's why we must undertake these actions together to try our best to prevent them from going extinct," said Hoang.

The cooperation team of five is made up of members of Fauna and Flora International, or FFI's gibbons conservation team and Trung Khanh's forest rangers. They will make an overnight trek to reach an observation point where they hope to spot an elusive troop they have been tracking for months.

The team will only observe them from afar, for fear of startling the troop. Here, patience and silence are their greatest tools. The team's efforts finally pay off.

"Based on the observations we have made of this group over the last five months, there are now nine individuals in this troop," said Hua.

Hua continued to watch them. Every sighting is a victory, a reminder of the importance of their work. He recorded the sightings in a shared platform with his Chinese counterparts.

"We frequently share reports (with our Chinese counterparts) about poaching activities, waste from border crossers, and information about the gibbons. For example, if we see gibbons near the border, we'll quickly exchange updates," said Hua.

"As a forest ranger being assigned to manage and protect this conservation area, I feel very fortunate. This is also a source of pride that motivates me to play a part in nature conservation," said Hoang Duc Tuan, forest ranger of the Cao-Vit Gibbon Species and Habitat Conservation Area.

The work these conservationists do is about more than protecting a species. Their work is a symbol of the amazing positive impact that can be made on a global scale when countries work together for a common cause.

China-Vietnam conservation efforts save eastern black crested gibbons from extinction

China-Vietnam conservation efforts save eastern black crested gibbons from extinction

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