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China makes steady progress in employment guarantee, social security: official




China makes steady progress in employment guarantee, social security: official

2024-09-25 02:49 Last Updated At:03:17

China has made steady progress in employment guarantee and social security, said an official of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on Tuesday.

At the press conference in Beijing, Li Zhong, vice minister of Human Resources and Social Security, stated that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the average annual number of new jobs created in urban and rural areas has been 13 million, while the number of migrant workers lifted out of poverty remains stable at over 30 million, ensuring overall stability in the employment situation.

Li emphasized that promoting high-quality and full employment is a priority goal for economic and social development. He highlighted efforts to align employment policies with macroeconomic measures, such as finance and currency, to enhance the employment-driving force of development. Additionally, he called for improvements to the lifelong vocational skills training system to boost workers' employability.

"We will focus on enhancing support policies for key groups, prioritizing the employment of young people, especially college graduates. We will improve financial and taxation policies, strengthen job development initiatives, assist grassroots students, and optimize the connection between on-campus and off-campus services to ensure the overall stability of youth employment," said Li.

The number of people participating in basic pension, unemployment insurance and work-related injury insurance reached 1.074 billion, 245 million and 301 million respectively, with social security cards held by 98 percent of the population.

China makes steady progress in employment guarantee, social security: official

China makes steady progress in employment guarantee, social security: official

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People in Jiangxi impressed with wide-ranging socio-economic changes

2024-09-25 01:09 Last Updated At:01:27

People in east China's Jiangxi Province have experienced profound changes in all aspects of life, as both material conditions and cultural-spiritual ethos have improved, including the revival of traditional theater and advancements in modern agriculture.

Jiangxi, home to the ancient art form of Gan Opera, boasts a rich cultural history. Recognized as an intangible cultural heritage (ICH), Gan Opera has deep roots in the province's traditions.

Chen Li, a professor at Nanchang University, plays a dual role as both an educator and a dedicated inheritor of this centuries-old art form.

In her earlier Gan Opera appreciation classes, the focus was largely on theory, which left students disengaged. To spark their interest, she introduced more interactive elements, like having students wear traditional costumes and actively participate in opera performances.

As the lessons became more hands-on, enthusiasm grew, with some students even sharing class videos online, making the course an unexpected hit.

"I'm deeply moved to see so many students arriving one or two hours earlier to secure a seat," Chen said.

This resurgence of interest in Gan Opera is also the result of broader national efforts to promote traditional Chinese culture, which have sparked a growing passion for the art form, especially among younger generations.

Meanwhile, dramatic changes are also reshaping rural life in Jiangxi, particularly in agriculture. Ding Dan, a local farmer born in the 1990s, has been at the forefront of this transformation, experiencing firsthand the rapid advancements in agricultural technology.

"Modern agricultural technology is advancing incredibly fast. Take this machine, for example. It's something we'd never seen around here before. Now, you can see that it's widely applicable from spraying pesticides to fertilizing," said Ding, pointing to a drone.

Thanks to mechanization, Ding was able to lease over 9,400 mu (about 627 hectares) of land this year, a task that used to be much more challenging.

Ding also noted changes in land-use rights transfer. Previously, he had to negotiate door-to-door with each family. Now, transparent bidding systems have made the process more streamlined and standardized.

"But it's not enough just to know how to farm. We also have to keep improving our techniques and technologies," he added.

People in Jiangxi impressed with wide-ranging socio-economic changes

People in Jiangxi impressed with wide-ranging socio-economic changes

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