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Over 100 countries voice support for China's just position on human rights




Over 100 countries voice support for China's just position on human rights

2024-09-25 17:21 Last Updated At:22:17

More than 100 countries have voiced their support for China's just position on issues concerning human rights and their opposition to the politicization of human rights issues at a meeting held on Tuesday in Geneva, Switzerland, during the 57th regular session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC).

The representative of Cuba, speaking on behalf of nearly 80 countries including China, emphasized that it is important to respect the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all nations, and that non-interference in the internal affairs of sovereign countries is a fundamental principle of international relations.

He said that issues related to Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Xizang are internal affairs of China, and this large number of countries oppose politicizing and applying double standard on human rights issues, as well as using human rights as guise to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.

All parties should abide by the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, follow the principles of universality, justice, objectivity and non-selectivity, and respect the right of people of all countries to independently choose their own development paths based on their respective national conditions, the Cuban representative said.

The permanent representative of China to the UN office in Geneva and other international organizations in Switzerland Chen Xu, speaking on behalf of member states of the Group of Friends on the Promotion of Human Rights through Dialogs and Cooperation, noted that the current atmosphere of politicization and polarization within the UNHRC is intensifying.

The Human Rights Council should not be a venue for confrontation and pressure, but should play its rightful role in fostering trust and promoting cooperation among countries through dialogs and exchanges.

The representative of Uganda, on behalf of the Non-Aliened Movement, the representative of Venezuela, on behalf of the Group of Friends in Defense of the UN Charter, and the representative of Gambia, on behalf of the African Group, voiced support for China’s position.

They stressed that all parties should view the human rights situations of other countries objectively and engage in dialog and cooperation on human rights issues based on equality and mutual respect.

They called for avoiding selective and double standard, urging a collective resistance against the politicization, instrumentalization and weaponization of human rights issues.

During the meeting, the Chinese delegation presented the true situation of human rights protection in China and exposed serious human rights violations occurring in certain countries including the United States, urging them to take concrete actions to effectively protect human rights and make positive contributions to the international human rights cause.

Over 100 countries voice support for China's just position on human rights

Over 100 countries voice support for China's just position on human rights

Over 100 countries voice support for China's just position on human rights

Over 100 countries voice support for China's just position on human rights

Over 100 countries voice support for China's just position on human rights

Over 100 countries voice support for China's just position on human rights

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Anti-corruption body GlobE Network passes Beijing consensus

2024-09-27 21:30 Last Updated At:22:07

The Global Operational Network of Anti-Corruption Law Enforcement Authorities (the GlobE Network) concluded its plenary meeting in Beijing on Friday, with a consensus on anti-corruption law enforcement cooperation approved at the meeting.

The Beijing Consensus on Law Enforcement Cooperation and Denial of Safe Haven for Corruption was passed during a high-level forum of the four-day meeting.

The consensus reiterates the GlobE Network's zero-tolerance against corruption and pledges respect for sovereign equality and differences in laws. It aims to promote anti-corruption law enforcement cooperation to prevent and combat corruption with concerted efforts. "The great differences in political systems and legal systems among countries have posed great difficulties and challenges for carrying out anti-corruption law enforcement cooperation. The Beijing Consensus proposes to establish a secure and encrypted information sharing platform which can promote information sharing while ensuring national security and personal privacy, thus playing a very important role in cracking down on transnational organized crimes," said Guo Yong, dean of the Institute of Discipline Inspection and Supervision of Tsinghua University.

China has organized the "Sky Net" operation for ten consecutive years hunting down corruption suspects who have fled abroad, using extradition, repatriation, and other methods to repatriate more than 13,000 fugitives from over 120 countries and regions, and recovered 63.1 billion yuan (about 9 billion U.S. dollars) in illicit funds.

Currently, China has concluded more than 170 extradition treaties, judicial assistance treaties, and asset return and sharing agreements with more than 80 countries, and signed financial intelligence exchange and cooperation agreements with more than 60 countries and regions.

The National Commission of Supervision of China has also established working contacts with anti-corruption agencies of more than 100 countries, and has promoted bilateral law enforcement agency cooperation mechanisms through high-level leadership exchanges.

Established in 2021, the GlobE Network is the world's most represented anti-corruption law enforcement cooperation platform.

Anti-corruption body GlobE Network passes Beijing consensus

Anti-corruption body GlobE Network passes Beijing consensus

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