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Giant Pandas Arrive in Hong Kong for Conservation and Celebration Ahead of China's 75th Anniversary


Giant Pandas Arrive in Hong Kong for Conservation and Celebration Ahead of China's 75th Anniversary


Giant Pandas Arrive in Hong Kong for Conservation and Celebration Ahead of China's 75th Anniversary

2024-09-26 22:45 Last Updated At:22:58

Smooth arrival of giant pandas gifted by Central Government in Hong Kong

The two giant pandas gifted by the Central Government to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) arrived smoothly in Hong Kong today (September 26) from Dujiangyan, Sichuan. The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Chan Kwok-ki, officiated at the Welcome Ceremony to greet the two giant pandas.

The two giant pandas left the Dujiangyan Base of the China Conservation and Research Centre for the Giant Panda at 3.05am today. They then left Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport this morning and arrived at the Hong Kong International Airport at 11.05am.

Speaking at the ceremony, Mr Chan said that it doubled the happiness to welcome the two recently matured and energetic giant pandas, which were again gifted to the HKSAR by the Central Government, to join the Hong Kong family in the run-up to the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

He said, "I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration, the China Conservation and Research Centre for the Giant Panda, and the Sichuan Provincial Government for their time and tremendous effort in arranging the transfer of the giant pandas to Hong Kong over the past few months. This fully demonstrates the Central Government's care and support for the HKSAR and recognises our efforts in conservation, caring and rearing of giant pandas, which is of great significance to Hong Kong."

Mr Chan also thanked Cathay Cargo for arranging and sponsoring the entire transportation of the giant pandas from Sichuan to the Ocean Park Hong Kong (Ocean Park); and the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust for their contribution in enhancing the new giant panda facilities at the Ocean Park, as well as their support for the Park's conservational education work related to giant pandas.

Upon their arrival in Hong Kong, the giant pandas were immediately transported to the Ocean Park. They will undergo a one-month quarantine period, followed by approximately one month to adapt to the new environment. The Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau (CSTB) will maintain close communication with experts from the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department and Ocean Park, and subject to the health and adaptation conditions of the giant pandas, arrange them to meet the public as early as possible.

The two giant pandas have already had names in the China Conservation and Research Centre for the Giant Panda. The male giant panda is named "An An" and the female giant panda "Ke Ke". To welcome these two giant pandas to the Hong Kong family, the CSTB will soon hold a citywide naming competition, inviting all Hong Kong citizens to exercise creativity and suggest meaningful new names for the giant pandas that highlight their characteristics. Besides, the CSTB will organise a large-scale painting competition, inviting all citizens to vividly depict the adorable nature of the giant pandas through their artwork. Details of the two competitions will be announced shortly.

In collaboration with the Ocean Park and Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB), the CSTB is also organising various promotional and marketing activities. The Government will seize the opportunity brought by the arrival of the giant pandas to connect different sectors of the society to actively plan and launch related promotional initiatives and create a joyful atmosphere to welcome the giant pandas in Hong Kong, thereby generating business opportunities for different sectors and boosting the economy.

​To provide citizens and visitors with more information, the HKTB has launched a one-stop "Giant Panda Special Page" on its tourism information platform "Discover Hong Kong". The Ocean Park has also established a "Hong Kong Giant Panda Fans Page" to provide update on the living condition of the two new giant pandas after their arrival in Hong Kong.

Smooth arrival of giant pandas gifted by Central Government in Hong Kong  Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

Smooth arrival of giant pandas gifted by Central Government in Hong Kong Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

Smooth arrival of giant pandas gifted by Central Government in Hong Kong  Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

Smooth arrival of giant pandas gifted by Central Government in Hong Kong Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

Smooth arrival of giant pandas gifted by Central Government in Hong Kong  Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

Smooth arrival of giant pandas gifted by Central Government in Hong Kong Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

5th Belt and Road Initiative Tax Administration Cooperation Forum concludes successfully

The 5th Belt and Road Initiative Tax Administration Cooperation Forum (BRITACOF) hosted by the Inland Revenue Department concluded successfully today (September 26). This three-day annual mega event in the international tax community attracted about 500 tax officials, tax experts, as well as representatives from international organisations, academic institutions and enterprises from nearly 50 countries and regions to discuss emerging tax issues and exchange tax administration experiences under the theme "Deepening Tax Administration Cooperation for High-Quality Belt and Road Development".

The Executive Secretary of the Belt and Road Initiative Tax Administration Cooperation Mechanism (BRITACOM) Secretariat and the Deputy Commissioner of the State Taxation Administration (STA), Mr Wang Daoshu, announced the outcomes of the 5th BRITACOF at the closing ceremony today, including four outcomes of the task forces of the Nur-Sultan Action Plan (2022-2024), the Joint Statement of the Fifth BRITACOF, the Hong Kong Action Plan (2025-2027), the Annual Report of the BRITACOM (2024), the joining of Maldives Inland Revenue Authority as a new BRITACOM Council member tax administration, and the establishment of the BRITA·Algiers. The relevant documents set out in detail the efforts made by various parties in promoting the establishment of BRITACOM and the achievements made, reflecting the importance of BRITACOM in international tax co-operation. The documents also advocate multilateral and equal-footed dialogue to create a positive impact through facilitating the enhancement of the international tax environment amidst a future global tax administration landscape.

Speaking at the closing ceremony, the Commissioner of Inland Revenue and the Chairman of the 5th BRITACOF, Mr Tam Tai-pang said, "The knowledge and insights gained from this forum are invaluable to all of us in our endeavours to improve our tax systems and enhance the quality and capacity of our tax administrations, which are vital to economic development in our respective jurisdictions."

He pointed out that BRITACOM had achieved significant outcomes and reached consensus on the work of deepening tax administration co-operation of the Belt and Road jurisdictions in the future. The success of the Belt and Road Initiative hinges on all parties' ability to work together, and the collective efforts in tax administration co-operation will be pivotal in achieving shared goals.

Hong Kong also took the opportunity of the 5th BRITACOF to deepen tax co-operation within the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA). On the margins of the 5th BRITACOF, the Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, met with the Commissioner of the STA, Mr Hu Jinglin, and witnessed the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on tax co-operation within the GBA among the finance and taxation departments of Guangdong Province, Shenzhen, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) and the Macao SAR. The MOU will promote the co-ordination of tax administration and services in the GBA and facilitate Hong Kong's active integration into the overall national development.

As regards international tax co-operation, during the 5th BRITACOF the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Mr Christopher Hui, held bilateral meetings separately with representatives from Kazakhstan, Maldives, Tajikistan and Türkiye to discuss deepening tax co-operation at the international and Belt and Road levels. He also signed a comprehensive avoidance of double taxation agreement (CDTA) with the Government of the Republic of Türkiye on behalf of the Hong Kong SAR Government, marking a significant step forward for Hong Kong in its continuous fostering of international tax co-operation and expansion of the CDTA network.

The 5th BRITACOF fully demonstrates Hong Kong's unique advantages as a "super connector" and a "super value-adder". The exchange of tax administration experiences has deepened relations among countries and regions, and facilitated the sharing of opportunities and achievements brought by the Belt and Road Initiative, contributing to the high-quality Belt and Road development.

To showcase Hong Kong's hospitality and tell the good story of Hong Kong, the Inland Revenue Department, as the host of the 5th BRITACOF, arranged various experiential activities for the participants to give them first-hand experience of Hong Kong's unique charisma as an East-meets-West metropolis. Highlights include a cruise tour to enjoy the magnificent view of the Victoria Harbour, visits to the Hong Kong Palace Museum and M+ museum, and rides on Ngong Ping 360 cable cars.

Established in 2019 under the lead of the STA, BRITACOM is a non-profit official mechanism for discussions on tax administration co-operation among countries and regions along the Belt and Road. BRITACOF, the annual signature event of BRITACOM, is hosted by member tax administrations in rotation. It was announced at the closing ceremony that the 6th and 7th BRITACOF would be held in Nepal in 2025 and Indonesia in 2026 respectively.

For details of the 5th BRITACOF, please visit the thematic website (

5th Belt and Road Initiative Tax Administration Cooperation Forum concludes successfully  Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

5th Belt and Road Initiative Tax Administration Cooperation Forum concludes successfully Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

5th Belt and Road Initiative Tax Administration Cooperation Forum concludes successfully  Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

5th Belt and Road Initiative Tax Administration Cooperation Forum concludes successfully Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

5th Belt and Road Initiative Tax Administration Cooperation Forum concludes successfully  Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

5th Belt and Road Initiative Tax Administration Cooperation Forum concludes successfully Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

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