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UNRWA chief condemns Israel's "terrorist" label as attack on multilateral system




UNRWA chief condemns Israel's "terrorist" label as attack on multilateral system

2024-09-27 22:06 Last Updated At:22:57

Philippe Lazzarini, Commissioner-General of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), on Thursday denounced Israel's labeling of UNRWA as a "terrorist organization" as an attack on both the agency and the multilateral system, while expressing hope for the smooth progress of the polio vaccination campaign in the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli Knesset voted in favor of a proposal to designate UNRWA as a "terrorist organization" in July.

Lazzarini stated that as a member of the UN, Israel's attack on UNRWA sets a dangerous precedent.

"It would be unconscionable to be in a situation where a UN member state labels a UN agency as a terrorist organization. It's not just an attack on UNRWA, it's an attack against the instrument of our common multilateral system. It would not have an impact only in Israel-occupied Palestinian territories, we would definitely enter into a complete uncharted territory, but we would also open a new Pandora box," he said.

The UNRWA chief hopes that the second phase of administering polio vaccinations to children under 10 years of age in Gaza's southern zone will progress smoothly.

According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, the first phase of polio vaccinations in central Gaza was completed on Sept. 4, with 187,000 children vaccinated, well more than the target of 156,000 vaccinations.

"Now for the second phase, I do believe that everyone understood the importance of the first phase, we know that polio has absolutely no border per se, so I would expect that we should be able also to implement as smoothly as doing the first phase, the second phase," Lazzarini said.

Transitioning to the broader context of UNRWA's relationship with Israel, Lazzarini elaborates on the multifaceted nature of their interaction.

"It is not one relation, it's a multilayer relation. When it comes to operation on the ground, we have our colleagues who are in daily contact because whatever we do, whatever movement we do, is also being coordinated and deconflicted," said Lazzarini, in regards to the current relationship between UNRWA and Israel.

UNRWA chief condemns Israel's "terrorist" label as attack on multilateral system

UNRWA chief condemns Israel's "terrorist" label as attack on multilateral system

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China's int'l trade in goods, services up 4 pct in August

2024-09-27 22:17 Last Updated At:22:37

The value of China's international trade in goods and services reached approximately 4.18 trillion yuan in August this year, marking an increase of 4 percent year on year, official data showed on Friday.

In U.S. dollar terms, the country's exports of goods and services amounted to 322.4 billion U.S. dollars, while imports totaled 263.5 billion dollars, recording a surplus of 58.9 billion dollars, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange said.

The export value of goods reached nearly 2.07 trillion yuan while the import value of goods totaled about 1.5 trillion yuan, resulting in a surplus of 572.4 billion yuan.

The value of exported services amounted to 230.8 billion yuan and the value of imported services stood at 383 billion yuan, producing a deficit of 152.2 billion yuan.

China's int'l trade in goods, services up 4 pct in August

China's int'l trade in goods, services up 4 pct in August

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