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Pope in Belgium promises to help abuse victims after hearing of their trauma and needs


Pope in Belgium promises to help abuse victims after hearing of their trauma and needs


Pope in Belgium promises to help abuse victims after hearing of their trauma and needs

2024-09-28 21:28 Last Updated At:21:42

BRUSSELS (AP) — Pope Francis promised Saturday to “offer all the help we can” to aid clergy sexual abuse victims, after a group of Belgian survivors told him first-hand of the trauma that had shattered their lives and left many in poverty and mental misery.

Francis’ visit to Belgium has been dominated by the abuse scandal, with King Philippe and Prime Minister Alexander De Croo both blasting the Catholic Church’s dreadful legacy of priests raping and molesting children and its decades-long cover-up of the crimes.

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Pope Francis leaves after attending a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

BRUSSELS (AP) — Pope Francis promised Saturday to “offer all the help we can” to aid clergy sexual abuse victims, after a group of Belgian survivors told him first-hand of the trauma that had shattered their lives and left many in poverty and mental misery.

Pope Francis leaves after attending a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

Pope Francis leaves after attending a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

Pope Francis delivers his message during a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

Pope Francis delivers his message during a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

Pope Francis delivers his message during a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

Pope Francis delivers his message during a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

Pope Francis delivers his message during a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

Pope Francis delivers his message during a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

Pope Francis delivers his message during a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

Pope Francis delivers his message during a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

Pope Francis is greeted by Mia De Schamphelaere, coordinator of point of contact for victims of abuse, during a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

Pope Francis is greeted by Mia De Schamphelaere, coordinator of point of contact for victims of abuse, during a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

Pope Francis have a breakfast together with people who are experiencing homelessness and are assisted by the parish church of St. Gilles in Brussels, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

Pope Francis have a breakfast together with people who are experiencing homelessness and are assisted by the parish church of St. Gilles in Brussels, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

Pope Francis have a breakfast together with people who are experiencing homelessness and are assisted by the parish church of St. Gilles in Brussels, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

Pope Francis have a breakfast together with people who are experiencing homelessness and are assisted by the parish church of St. Gilles in Brussels, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

Pope Francis have a breakfast together with people who are experiencing homelessness and are assisted by the parish church of St. Gilles in Brussels, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

Pope Francis have a breakfast together with people who are experiencing homelessness and are assisted by the parish church of St. Gilles in Brussels, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

Pope Francis have a breakfast together with people who are experiencing homelessness and are assisted by the parish church of St. Gilles in Brussels, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

Pope Francis have a breakfast together with people who are experiencing homelessness and are assisted by the parish church of St. Gilles in Brussels, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

A priest waits attends meeting of Pope Francis with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

A priest waits attends meeting of Pope Francis with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

Nuns attend a meeting of Pope Francis with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

Nuns attend a meeting of Pope Francis with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

Pope Francis arrives at a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Belgium, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

Pope Francis arrives at a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Belgium, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

Faithful gather in the Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart during the meeting of Pope Francis with bishops, deacons, and religious people, in Brussels, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

Faithful gather in the Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart during the meeting of Pope Francis with bishops, deacons, and religious people, in Brussels, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

Pope Francis attends a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Brussels, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

Pope Francis attends a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Brussels, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

Pope Francis arrives for a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

Pope Francis arrives for a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

Francis met for more than two hours late Friday with 17 survivors who are seeking reparations from the church for the trauma they suffered and to pay for the therapy many need. They said they gave Francis a month to consider their requests, which the Vatican said Francis was studying.

“There are so many victims. There are also so many victims who are still completely broke,” survivor Koen Van Sumere told The Associated Press. “I have also been lucky enough to get a diploma and build a life for myself. But there are so many people who are completely broke and who need help and who cannot afford it and who really need urgent help now.”

Van Sumere said he was encouraged by the “positive” meeting with the pope, but was waiting to see what comes of it. The meeting itself was intense, victims said, “It was at certain moments very emotional and at certain moments it was very rough. When the pope was told things he did not agree with, he also let it be known so there was real interaction," Van Sumere said.

He said he hoped as a first step that the pope would receive the victims at the Vatican in the spring during Holy Week. “And then we can not only celebrate the resurrection of Christ but perhaps also the resurrection of all victims in Belgium,” he said.

On Saturday, during a meeting with Belgian clergy and nuns at the Koekelberg Basilica, Francis acknowledged that the abuse scandal had created “atrocious suffering and wounds,” and undermined the faith.

“There is a need for a great deal of mercy to keep us from hardening our hearts before the suffering of victims so that we can help them feel our closeness and offer all the help we can,” he said.

He said the Belgian church must learn from victims and serve them. “Indeed, one of the roots of violence stems from the abuse of power when we use the positions we have to crush or manipulate others,” he said.

Francis has met with victims in the United States, Ireland and Canada, as well as in multiple occasions at the Vatican. He has cracked down on some bishops who failed to protect their flocks by passing new church rules on investigations and punishments. But the scandal has continued to fester, and Francis' record is uneven, with several high-profile cases still pending or seemingly ignored.

Most galling to Belgians was that it took the Vatican 14 years to laicize Bruges Bishop Roger Vangheluwe, who admitted in 2010 to having abused his nephew for 13 years. Francis defrocked him in March in a move widely seen as attempting to remove a problem before his visit.

After the encounter, Francis went to the royal crypt in the Church of Our Lady to pray at the tomb of King Baudouin, best known for having refused to give a parliament-approved bill legalizing abortion his royal assent, one of his constitutional duties.

Baudouin stepped down for one day in 1990 to allow the government to pass the law, which he was required to sign, before he was reinstated as king.

Francis praised Baudouin's courage when he decided to “leave his position as king to not sign a homicidal law,” according to the Vatican summary of the private encounter, which was attended by Baudouin's nephew, King Philippe, and Queen Mathilde.

The pope then referred to a new legislative proposal to extend the legal limit for an abortion in Belgium, from 12 weeks to 18 weeks after conception. The bill failed at the last minute because parties in government negotiations considered the timing inopportune.

Francis urged Belgians to look to Baudouin’s example in preventing such a law, and added that he hoped Baudouin’s beatification cause would move ahead, the Vatican said.

With the visit, Francis waded straight into Belgian politics and dragged the royal family along with him.

The royals are bound by strict neutrality and the palace immediately issued a statement distancing itself from the visit. The statement said the “spontaneous visit, on the pope’s request, was not part of the official program” and added the king and queen were there only “out of hospitality toward the pope."

Francis started the day by having breakfast — coffee and croissants — with a group of 10 homeless people and migrants who are looked after by the St. Gilles parish of Brussels.

They sat around a table at the entrance of the parish church and told him their stories, and gave him bottles of beer that the parish makes, “La Biche de Saint-Gilles.” The proceeds of the beer sales help fund the parish’s charity works.

Francis thanked them for the beer and breakfast and told them that the church’s true wealth was in caring for the weakest.

“If we want to truly know and show the church’s beauty, we should give to one another like this, in our smallness, in our poverty, without pretexts and with much love.”

The breakfast encounter was presided over by Marie-Françoise Boveroulle, an adjunct episcopal vicar for the diocese. The position is usually filled by a priest, but Boveroulle’s appointment has been highlighted as evidence of the roles that women can and should play in the church.

Associated Press religion coverage receives support through the AP’s collaboration with The Conversation US, with funding from Lilly Endowment Inc. The AP is solely responsible for this content.

Pope Francis leaves after attending a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

Pope Francis leaves after attending a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

Pope Francis leaves after attending a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

Pope Francis leaves after attending a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

Pope Francis delivers his message during a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

Pope Francis delivers his message during a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

Pope Francis delivers his message during a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

Pope Francis delivers his message during a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

Pope Francis delivers his message during a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

Pope Francis delivers his message during a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

Pope Francis delivers his message during a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

Pope Francis delivers his message during a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

Pope Francis is greeted by Mia De Schamphelaere, coordinator of point of contact for victims of abuse, during a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

Pope Francis is greeted by Mia De Schamphelaere, coordinator of point of contact for victims of abuse, during a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

Pope Francis have a breakfast together with people who are experiencing homelessness and are assisted by the parish church of St. Gilles in Brussels, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

Pope Francis have a breakfast together with people who are experiencing homelessness and are assisted by the parish church of St. Gilles in Brussels, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

Pope Francis have a breakfast together with people who are experiencing homelessness and are assisted by the parish church of St. Gilles in Brussels, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

Pope Francis have a breakfast together with people who are experiencing homelessness and are assisted by the parish church of St. Gilles in Brussels, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

Pope Francis have a breakfast together with people who are experiencing homelessness and are assisted by the parish church of St. Gilles in Brussels, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

Pope Francis have a breakfast together with people who are experiencing homelessness and are assisted by the parish church of St. Gilles in Brussels, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

Pope Francis have a breakfast together with people who are experiencing homelessness and are assisted by the parish church of St. Gilles in Brussels, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

Pope Francis have a breakfast together with people who are experiencing homelessness and are assisted by the parish church of St. Gilles in Brussels, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

A priest waits attends meeting of Pope Francis with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

A priest waits attends meeting of Pope Francis with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

Nuns attend a meeting of Pope Francis with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

Nuns attend a meeting of Pope Francis with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

Pope Francis arrives at a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Belgium, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

Pope Francis arrives at a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Belgium, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

Faithful gather in the Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart during the meeting of Pope Francis with bishops, deacons, and religious people, in Brussels, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

Faithful gather in the Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart during the meeting of Pope Francis with bishops, deacons, and religious people, in Brussels, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

Pope Francis attends a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Brussels, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

Pope Francis attends a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Brussels, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

Pope Francis arrives for a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

Pope Francis arrives for a meeting with bishops, deacons, and religious people in Koekelberg Basilica of the Sacred Heart, in Koekelberg, Belgium, Saturday Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Havana)

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PHOTO COLLECTION: Israel Lebanon Mideast Tensions

2024-09-28 21:28 Last Updated At:21:33

This is a collection of photos chosen by AP photo editors.

People take photos of the Israeli Iron Dome air defense system as it fires to intercept rockets that were launched from Lebanon, in Haifa, Israel, Monday, Sept. 23, 2024. (AP Photo/Baz Ratner)

People take photos of the Israeli Iron Dome air defense system as it fires to intercept rockets that were launched from Lebanon, in Haifa, Israel, Monday, Sept. 23, 2024. (AP Photo/Baz Ratner)

Israeli Iron Dome air defense system fires to intercept rockets that were launched from Lebanon, as seen from Haifa, northern Israel, Monday, Sept. 23, 2024. (AP Photo/Baz Ratner)

Israeli Iron Dome air defense system fires to intercept rockets that were launched from Lebanon, as seen from Haifa, northern Israel, Monday, Sept. 23, 2024. (AP Photo/Baz Ratner)

Israelis sit next to a public bomb shelter to stay safe from rockets fired from Lebanon, in Haifa, northern Israel, on Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Baz Ratner)

Israelis sit next to a public bomb shelter to stay safe from rockets fired from Lebanon, in Haifa, northern Israel, on Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Baz Ratner)

A man looks at a damaged house that was hit by a rocket fired from Lebanon, near Safed, northern Israel, on Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024. (AP Photo//Leo Correa)

A man looks at a damaged house that was hit by a rocket fired from Lebanon, near Safed, northern Israel, on Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024. (AP Photo//Leo Correa)

An Iranian demonstrator reacts while hearing news from Beirut during a gathering in support of Hezbollah at the Felestin (Palestine) Square in downtown Tehran, Iran, early Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)

An Iranian demonstrator reacts while hearing news from Beirut during a gathering in support of Hezbollah at the Felestin (Palestine) Square in downtown Tehran, Iran, early Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, Friday, Sept. 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, Friday, Sept. 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)

The Israeli Iron Dome air defense system fires to intercept rockets that were launched from Lebanon, as seen from Safed, northern Israel, on Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Baz Ratner)

The Israeli Iron Dome air defense system fires to intercept rockets that were launched from Lebanon, as seen from Safed, northern Israel, on Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Baz Ratner)

Kids look at a house damaged following a rocket attack from Lebanon, in Safed, northern Israel, on Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Baz Ratner)

Kids look at a house damaged following a rocket attack from Lebanon, in Safed, northern Israel, on Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Baz Ratner)

An Israeli Air Force Apache helicopter flies over the Mediterranean Sea near the northern Israeli city of Kiryat Yam, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Baz Ratner)

An Israeli Air Force Apache helicopter flies over the Mediterranean Sea near the northern Israeli city of Kiryat Yam, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Baz Ratner)

A car sits in a crater in Beirut's southern suburbs, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

A car sits in a crater in Beirut's southern suburbs, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

People check a damaged building at the site of an Israeli airstrike in Choueifat, south east of Beirut, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

People check a damaged building at the site of an Israeli airstrike in Choueifat, south east of Beirut, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

Smoke rises as a building collapses in Beirut's southern suburbs, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

Smoke rises as a building collapses in Beirut's southern suburbs, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

Smoke rises at the site of Israeli airstrikes in Beirut's southern suburbs, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

Smoke rises at the site of Israeli airstrikes in Beirut's southern suburbs, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

Families sit on the ground in Martyrs' square after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in Beirut's southern suburbs, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Families sit on the ground in Martyrs' square after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in Beirut's southern suburbs, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Smoke rises from Israeli airstrikes in Beirut's southern suburbs, Lebanon, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

Smoke rises from Israeli airstrikes in Beirut's southern suburbs, Lebanon, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

Smoke rises from Israeli airstrikes in Beirut's southern suburbs, Lebanon, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

Smoke rises from Israeli airstrikes in Beirut's southern suburbs, Lebanon, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

Smoke rises from Israeli airstrikes in Beirut's southern suburbs, Lebanon, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

Smoke rises from Israeli airstrikes in Beirut's southern suburbs, Lebanon, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

Smoke and fire rise following an Israeli airstrikes in Beirut's southern suburbs, Lebanon, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

Smoke and fire rise following an Israeli airstrikes in Beirut's southern suburbs, Lebanon, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

Flames rise after an Israeli airstrike in the southern suburbs of Beirut, Lebanon, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

Flames rise after an Israeli airstrike in the southern suburbs of Beirut, Lebanon, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

Smoke rises from an Israeli airstrike in the southern suburbs of Beirut, Lebanon, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

Smoke rises from an Israeli airstrike in the southern suburbs of Beirut, Lebanon, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

Smoke rises from Israeli airstrikes in the southern suburbs of Beirut, Lebanon, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

Smoke rises from Israeli airstrikes in the southern suburbs of Beirut, Lebanon, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

Lebanese citizens watch smoke rise from Israeli airstrikes in the southern suburbs of Beirut, Lebanon, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

Lebanese citizens watch smoke rise from Israeli airstrikes in the southern suburbs of Beirut, Lebanon, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

Rescuers arrive at the site of an Israeli airstrike in Beirut's southern suburbs, Friday, Sept. 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

Rescuers arrive at the site of an Israeli airstrike in Beirut's southern suburbs, Friday, Sept. 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

A car sits in a huge hole at the site of an Israeli airstrike in Beirut's southern suburbs Friday, Sept. 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

A car sits in a huge hole at the site of an Israeli airstrike in Beirut's southern suburbs Friday, Sept. 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Ambulances arrive at the site of an Israeli airstrike in Beirut's southern suburbs Friday, Sept. 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Ambulances arrive at the site of an Israeli airstrike in Beirut's southern suburbs Friday, Sept. 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Israeli soldiers work on tanks in northern Israel on Friday, Sept. 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Baz Ratner)

Israeli soldiers work on tanks in northern Israel on Friday, Sept. 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Baz Ratner)

An Iranian worshipper holds up a poster of Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, reading in Arabic: "At your service Nasrallah" during an anti-Israeli rally after Friday prayers in Tehran, Iran, Friday, Sept. 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)

An Iranian worshipper holds up a poster of Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, reading in Arabic: "At your service Nasrallah" during an anti-Israeli rally after Friday prayers in Tehran, Iran, Friday, Sept. 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)

A man holds an anti-Israel placard calling for the evacuation of the northern Israeli city of Haifa, during a rally to support Lebanon's militant Hezbollah group and Palestinians after Friday prayers in Tehran, Iran, Friday, Sept. 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)

A man holds an anti-Israel placard calling for the evacuation of the northern Israeli city of Haifa, during a rally to support Lebanon's militant Hezbollah group and Palestinians after Friday prayers in Tehran, Iran, Friday, Sept. 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)

An Israeli soldier carries a shell next to a tank in northern Israel on Friday, Sept. 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Baz Ratner)

An Israeli soldier carries a shell next to a tank in northern Israel on Friday, Sept. 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Baz Ratner)

Residents mourn over the body of a relative killed in the Israeli airstrikes during the funeral procession in the village of Karak, Bekaa Valley, eastern Lebanon, Friday, Sept. 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

Residents mourn over the body of a relative killed in the Israeli airstrikes during the funeral procession in the village of Karak, Bekaa Valley, eastern Lebanon, Friday, Sept. 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

Mourners lower the body of a relative, wrapped in a Hezbollah flag, during the funeral procession in the village of Karak, Bekaa Valley, eastern Lebanon, Friday, Sept. 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

Mourners lower the body of a relative, wrapped in a Hezbollah flag, during the funeral procession in the village of Karak, Bekaa Valley, eastern Lebanon, Friday, Sept. 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

Mourners react during the funeral procession of their relatives, killed in Israeli airstrikes in the village of Karak, Bekaa Valley, eastern Lebanon, Friday, Sept. 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

Mourners react during the funeral procession of their relatives, killed in Israeli airstrikes in the village of Karak, Bekaa Valley, eastern Lebanon, Friday, Sept. 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

People hug during the funeral procession of Hezbollah members in Beirut's southern suburbs, Friday, Sept. 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

People hug during the funeral procession of Hezbollah members in Beirut's southern suburbs, Friday, Sept. 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Hezbollah members carry the coffin of Hezbollah drone commander, Mohammed Hussein Surour, during his funeral procession in Beirut's southern suburbs, Friday, Sept. 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Hezbollah members carry the coffin of Hezbollah drone commander, Mohammed Hussein Surour, during his funeral procession in Beirut's southern suburbs, Friday, Sept. 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

A Syrian boy fleeing the war in Lebanon with his family, arrives at the Syrian-Lebanese border crossing in Jdeidet Yabous, Syria, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Sanadiki)

A Syrian boy fleeing the war in Lebanon with his family, arrives at the Syrian-Lebanese border crossing in Jdeidet Yabous, Syria, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Sanadiki)

Displaced children play in a classroom at a school, in Beirut, after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in the south with their families, Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Displaced children play in a classroom at a school, in Beirut, after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in the south with their families, Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Relatives mourn over the coffin of Zulfikar Dergham Musa Al-Jabouri, in Najaf, Iraq, Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024 who died in Israeli airstrikes on Sept. 23 fighting alongside Hezbollah in Tyre, south Lebanon. (AP Photo/Anmar Khalil)

Relatives mourn over the coffin of Zulfikar Dergham Musa Al-Jabouri, in Najaf, Iraq, Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024 who died in Israeli airstrikes on Sept. 23 fighting alongside Hezbollah in Tyre, south Lebanon. (AP Photo/Anmar Khalil)

People run to take cover as a siren sounds a warning of incoming rockets fired from Lebanon, in Safed, northern Israel, Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)

People run to take cover as a siren sounds a warning of incoming rockets fired from Lebanon, in Safed, northern Israel, Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)

Ali Abdel Rahman Zorout, 5, who was wounded in an Israeli airstrike, poses for a picture at the Alaaeddine Hospital in Sarafand, south Lebanon, Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)

Ali Abdel Rahman Zorout, 5, who was wounded in an Israeli airstrike, poses for a picture at the Alaaeddine Hospital in Sarafand, south Lebanon, Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)

A man carries a damaged bicycle at the site of an Israeli airstrike in Saksakieh, south Lebanon, Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)

A man carries a damaged bicycle at the site of an Israeli airstrike in Saksakieh, south Lebanon, Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)

A man stands on top of a damaged car at the site of an Israeli airstrike in Saksakieh, south Lebanon, Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)

A man stands on top of a damaged car at the site of an Israeli airstrike in Saksakieh, south Lebanon, Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)

People take cover in a bomb shelter as a siren sounds a warning of incoming rockets fired from Lebanon, in Safed, northern Israel, Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)

People take cover in a bomb shelter as a siren sounds a warning of incoming rockets fired from Lebanon, in Safed, northern Israel, Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)

Residents and rescuers check a building that was hit by an Israeli airstrike in Beirut's southern suburbs, Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

Residents and rescuers check a building that was hit by an Israeli airstrike in Beirut's southern suburbs, Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

Lebanese soldiers cordon off the area at the site of an Israeli airstrike in Beirut's southern suburbs, Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

Lebanese soldiers cordon off the area at the site of an Israeli airstrike in Beirut's southern suburbs, Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

The damaged building at the site of an Israeli airstrike, seen from the shattered window of a car, in Beirut's southern suburb, Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

The damaged building at the site of an Israeli airstrike, seen from the shattered window of a car, in Beirut's southern suburb, Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

Hezbollah members shout slogans as they carry the coffins of Hezbollah commanders Ibrahim Kobeisi and Hussein Ezzedine during their funeral procession in Beirut's southern suburb, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

Hezbollah members shout slogans as they carry the coffins of Hezbollah commanders Ibrahim Kobeisi and Hussein Ezzedine during their funeral procession in Beirut's southern suburb, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

Emergency workers search for survivors at the scene of an Israeli airstrike in the town of Maisara, north of Beirut, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Emergency workers search for survivors at the scene of an Israeli airstrike in the town of Maisara, north of Beirut, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Hezbollah supporters carry a flag depicting Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah as they ride a scooter following the funeral procession of Hezbollah commanders Ibrahim Kobeisi and Hussein Ezzedine in Beirut's southern suburb, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

Hezbollah supporters carry a flag depicting Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah as they ride a scooter following the funeral procession of Hezbollah commanders Ibrahim Kobeisi and Hussein Ezzedine in Beirut's southern suburb, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

A woman reacts at the scene of an Israeli airstrike in the town of Maisara, north of Beirut, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

A woman reacts at the scene of an Israeli airstrike in the town of Maisara, north of Beirut, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Hezbollah members carry the coffins of Hezbollah commanders Ibrahim Kobeisi, seen in the picture left, and Hussein Ezzedine, right, during their funeral procession in Beirut's southern suburb, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

Hezbollah members carry the coffins of Hezbollah commanders Ibrahim Kobeisi, seen in the picture left, and Hussein Ezzedine, right, during their funeral procession in Beirut's southern suburb, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

A Syrian boy fleeing the war in Lebanon with his family, arrives at the Syrian-Lebanese border crossing in Jdeidet Yabous, Syria, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Sanadiki)

A Syrian boy fleeing the war in Lebanon with his family, arrives at the Syrian-Lebanese border crossing in Jdeidet Yabous, Syria, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Sanadiki)

Rescuers check a building that was hit by an Israeli airstrike in Beirut's southern suburbs, Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

Rescuers check a building that was hit by an Israeli airstrike in Beirut's southern suburbs, Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

Smoke rises from Israeli airstrikes in Beirut's southern suburbs, Lebanon, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

Smoke rises from Israeli airstrikes in Beirut's southern suburbs, Lebanon, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

A child sleeps on the ground in Beirut's Martyrs' square after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in the southern suburbs of Dahiyeh, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

A child sleeps on the ground in Beirut's Martyrs' square after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in the southern suburbs of Dahiyeh, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Families carry their belongings in Beirut's Martyrs' square after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in the southern suburbs of Dahiyeh, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Families carry their belongings in Beirut's Martyrs' square after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in the southern suburbs of Dahiyeh, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Smoke rises as a building collapses in Beirut's southern suburbs, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

Smoke rises as a building collapses in Beirut's southern suburbs, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

Smoke rises from Israeli airstrikes in the southern village of Kfar Rouman, seen from Marjayoun, south Lebanon, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

Smoke rises from Israeli airstrikes in the southern village of Kfar Rouman, seen from Marjayoun, south Lebanon, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

An Israeli firefighters plane uses a fire retardant to extinguish a fire after a rocket fired from Lebanon hit an open area near the city of Safed, northern Israel, on Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Leo Correa)

An Israeli firefighters plane uses a fire retardant to extinguish a fire after a rocket fired from Lebanon hit an open area near the city of Safed, northern Israel, on Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Leo Correa)

Two Israeli navy vessels patrol the Mediterranean sea off the coast of Hadera Israel, Tuesday , Sept. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/(AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)

Two Israeli navy vessels patrol the Mediterranean sea off the coast of Hadera Israel, Tuesday , Sept. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/(AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)

A Lebanese fleeing the Israeli bombardment, arrives at the Syrian-Lebanese border crossing in Jdaidet Yabous, Syria, Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Sanadiki)

A Lebanese fleeing the Israeli bombardment, arrives at the Syrian-Lebanese border crossing in Jdaidet Yabous, Syria, Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Omar Sanadiki)

A Turkish Air Force personnel unloads medical aid boxes at Beirut airport, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

A Turkish Air Force personnel unloads medical aid boxes at Beirut airport, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

A man sleeps on the sidewalk in the southern coastal town of Sidon, Lebanon, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)

A man sleeps on the sidewalk in the southern coastal town of Sidon, Lebanon, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)

People gather at the site of an Israeli airstrike that hit a hangar in the southern town of Jiyeh, Lebanon, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)

People gather at the site of an Israeli airstrike that hit a hangar in the southern town of Jiyeh, Lebanon, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)

An armed Israeli fighter jet flies over Haifa, northern Israel, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)

An armed Israeli fighter jet flies over Haifa, northern Israel, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)

People look at a damaged house that was hit by a rocket fired from Lebanon, near Safed, northern Israel, on Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024. (AP Photo//Leo Correa)

People look at a damaged house that was hit by a rocket fired from Lebanon, near Safed, northern Israel, on Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024. (AP Photo//Leo Correa)

A Lebanese woman who fled the southern villages amid ongoing Israeli airstrikes Monday, settles with her kids on a public beach in the southern port city of Sidon, Lebanon, Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)

A Lebanese woman who fled the southern villages amid ongoing Israeli airstrikes Monday, settles with her kids on a public beach in the southern port city of Sidon, Lebanon, Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)

A rescuer searches for survivors in a building that was hit by an Israeli airstrike in Beirut's southern suburb, Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

A rescuer searches for survivors in a building that was hit by an Israeli airstrike in Beirut's southern suburb, Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

A Lebanese police intelligence stands near a crater at the site of an Israeli airstrike that hit a hangar in the southern town of Jiyeh, Lebanon, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)

A Lebanese police intelligence stands near a crater at the site of an Israeli airstrike that hit a hangar in the southern town of Jiyeh, Lebanon, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)

Smoke rises behind a destroyed house following an Israeli airstrike on Khiam village, as seen from Marjayoun town, south Lebanon, Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

Smoke rises behind a destroyed house following an Israeli airstrike on Khiam village, as seen from Marjayoun town, south Lebanon, Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

Israelis stay in a residential building bomb shelter to stay safe from rockets fired from Lebanon, in Kiryat Haim, northern Israel, on Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Baz Ratner)

Israelis stay in a residential building bomb shelter to stay safe from rockets fired from Lebanon, in Kiryat Haim, northern Israel, on Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Baz Ratner)

A protester waves a Lebanese flag as demonstrators gather to protest against the war on Gaza and Israeli military strikes on Lebanon in front of the Los Angeles Federal Building on Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024, in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Etienne Laurent)

A protester waves a Lebanese flag as demonstrators gather to protest against the war on Gaza and Israeli military strikes on Lebanon in front of the Los Angeles Federal Building on Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024, in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Etienne Laurent)

People gather near a damaged car at the site of an Israeli airstrike that hit a hangar in the southern town of Jiyeh, Lebanon, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)

People gather near a damaged car at the site of an Israeli airstrike that hit a hangar in the southern town of Jiyeh, Lebanon, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)

Lebanese citizens who fled the southern villages amid ongoing Israeli airstrikes Monday, sit on their cars at a highway that links to Beirut city, in the southern port city of Sidon, Lebanon, Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)

Lebanese citizens who fled the southern villages amid ongoing Israeli airstrikes Monday, sit on their cars at a highway that links to Beirut city, in the southern port city of Sidon, Lebanon, Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)

Children play as they take shelter in a school in Beirut, after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in the southern Tyre district, Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Children play as they take shelter in a school in Beirut, after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in the southern Tyre district, Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Flames and smoke rise from an Israeli airstrike on Mahmoudieh mountain, as seen from Marjayoun town, south Lebanon, Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

Flames and smoke rise from an Israeli airstrike on Mahmoudieh mountain, as seen from Marjayoun town, south Lebanon, Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

Firefighters work to extinguish a fire after a rocket, fired from Lebanon, hit a local municipality storage in Kiryat Shmona, northern Israel, Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Leo Correa)

Firefighters work to extinguish a fire after a rocket, fired from Lebanon, hit a local municipality storage in Kiryat Shmona, northern Israel, Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Leo Correa)

People react during the funeral procession of their relatives, who were killed in Monday's Israeli airstrikes, in the southern village of Saksakieh, Lebanon, Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)

People react during the funeral procession of their relatives, who were killed in Monday's Israeli airstrikes, in the southern village of Saksakieh, Lebanon, Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)

Relatives mourn over the coffins of Hezbollah members who were killed in an Israeli airstrikes, during their funeral procession in the southern village of Saksakieh, Lebanon, Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)

Relatives mourn over the coffins of Hezbollah members who were killed in an Israeli airstrikes, during their funeral procession in the southern village of Saksakieh, Lebanon, Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)

Israeli Iron Dome air defense system fires to intercept rockets that were launched from Lebanon, in northern Israel, Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Leo Correa)

Israeli Iron Dome air defense system fires to intercept rockets that were launched from Lebanon, in northern Israel, Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Leo Correa)

Relatives mourn over the coffins of Hezbollah members who were killed in an Israeli airstrikes, during their funeral procession in the southern village of Saksakieh, Lebanon, Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)

Relatives mourn over the coffins of Hezbollah members who were killed in an Israeli airstrikes, during their funeral procession in the southern village of Saksakieh, Lebanon, Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)

Flame and smoke rise from an Israeli airstrike in the Khiam valley, as seen from Marjayoun town, south Lebanon, Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

Flame and smoke rise from an Israeli airstrike in the Khiam valley, as seen from Marjayoun town, south Lebanon, Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

Smoke rises from Israeli airstrikes on villages in the Nabatiyeh district, seen from the southern town of Marjayoun, Lebanon, Monday, Sept. 23, 2024.(AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

Smoke rises from Israeli airstrikes on villages in the Nabatiyeh district, seen from the southern town of Marjayoun, Lebanon, Monday, Sept. 23, 2024.(AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

Cars sit in traffic as they flee the southern villages amid ongoing Israeli airstrikes, in Sidon, Lebanon, Monday, Sept. 23, 2024. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)

Cars sit in traffic as they flee the southern villages amid ongoing Israeli airstrikes, in Sidon, Lebanon, Monday, Sept. 23, 2024. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)

A wounded girl lies in a hospital bed in the southern village of Saksakieh, Lebanon, Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)

A wounded girl lies in a hospital bed in the southern village of Saksakieh, Lebanon, Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)

Cars sit in traffic as people flee the southern villages amid ongoing Israeli airstrikes, in Sidon, Lebanon, Monday, Sept. 23, 2024. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)

Cars sit in traffic as people flee the southern villages amid ongoing Israeli airstrikes, in Sidon, Lebanon, Monday, Sept. 23, 2024. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)

Emergency workers use excavators to clear the rubble at the site of Friday's Israeli strike in Beirut's southern suburbs, Lebanon, Monday, Sept. 23, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

Emergency workers use excavators to clear the rubble at the site of Friday's Israeli strike in Beirut's southern suburbs, Lebanon, Monday, Sept. 23, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

Smoke rises from Israeli airstrikes on villages in the Nabatiyeh district, seen from the southern town of Marjayoun, Lebanon, Monday, Sept. 23, 2024.(AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

Smoke rises from Israeli airstrikes on villages in the Nabatiyeh district, seen from the southern town of Marjayoun, Lebanon, Monday, Sept. 23, 2024.(AP Photo/Hussein Malla)

Emergency workers use excavators to clear the rubble at the site of Friday's Israeli strike in Beirut's southern suburbs, Lebanon, Monday, Sept. 23, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

Emergency workers use excavators to clear the rubble at the site of Friday's Israeli strike in Beirut's southern suburbs, Lebanon, Monday, Sept. 23, 2024. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

Cars sit in traffic as they flee the southern villages amid ongoing Israeli airstrikes, in Sidon, Lebanon, Monday, Sept. 23, 2024. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)

Cars sit in traffic as they flee the southern villages amid ongoing Israeli airstrikes, in Sidon, Lebanon, Monday, Sept. 23, 2024. (AP Photo/Mohammed Zaatari)

Israeli security forces examine the site hit by a rocket fired from Lebanon, in Kiryat Bialik, northern Israel, on Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024. (AP Photo//Ariel Schalit)

Israeli security forces examine the site hit by a rocket fired from Lebanon, in Kiryat Bialik, northern Israel, on Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024. (AP Photo//Ariel Schalit)

Hezbollah supporters carry pictures of Hezbollah commander Ibrahim Akil, during his funeral procession in Beirut's southern suburb, Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Hezbollah supporters carry pictures of Hezbollah commander Ibrahim Akil, during his funeral procession in Beirut's southern suburb, Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

A man walks with a suitcase as Lebanese soldiers drive near the site of Friday's Israeli strike in Beirut's southern suburb, Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

A man walks with a suitcase as Lebanese soldiers drive near the site of Friday's Israeli strike in Beirut's southern suburb, Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Israeli security forces examine the site hit by a rocket fired from Lebanon, in Kiryat Bialik, northern Israel, on Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024. (AP Photo//Ariel Schalit)

Israeli security forces examine the site hit by a rocket fired from Lebanon, in Kiryat Bialik, northern Israel, on Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024. (AP Photo//Ariel Schalit)

Mourners carry the coffins of Hezbollah fighters who were killed in Friday's Israeli strike, during their funeral procession in the southern suburb of Beirut, Lebanon, Saturday, Sept. 21, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Mourners carry the coffins of Hezbollah fighters who were killed in Friday's Israeli strike, during their funeral procession in the southern suburb of Beirut, Lebanon, Saturday, Sept. 21, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Municipality workers hang an Israeli flag over a damaged building that was hit by a rocket fired from Lebanon, in Kiryat Bialik, northern Israel, on Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024. (AP Photo//Ariel Schalit)

Municipality workers hang an Israeli flag over a damaged building that was hit by a rocket fired from Lebanon, in Kiryat Bialik, northern Israel, on Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024. (AP Photo//Ariel Schalit)

An Israeli police officer examines the site hit by a rocket fired from Lebanon, in Kiryat Bialik, northern Israel, on Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024. (AP Photo//Ariel Schalit)

An Israeli police officer examines the site hit by a rocket fired from Lebanon, in Kiryat Bialik, northern Israel, on Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024. (AP Photo//Ariel Schalit)

A woman walks past a house hit by a rocket fired from Lebanon, in Moreshet, northern Israel, on Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024. (AP Photo//Ariel Schalit)

A woman walks past a house hit by a rocket fired from Lebanon, in Moreshet, northern Israel, on Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024. (AP Photo//Ariel Schalit)

Hezbollah supporters carry pictures of Hezbollah commander Ibrahim Akil, right, and Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, centre, during Akil's funeral procession in Beirut's southern suburb, Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Hezbollah supporters carry pictures of Hezbollah commander Ibrahim Akil, right, and Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, centre, during Akil's funeral procession in Beirut's southern suburb, Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Hezbollah members carry the coffin of Hezbollah commander Ibrahim Akil during the funeral procession in Beirut's southern suburb, Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Hezbollah members carry the coffin of Hezbollah commander Ibrahim Akil during the funeral procession in Beirut's southern suburb, Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Emergency workers use excavators to clear the rubble at the site of Friday's Israeli strike in Beirut's southern suburbs, Saturday, Sept. 21, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Emergency workers use excavators to clear the rubble at the site of Friday's Israeli strike in Beirut's southern suburbs, Saturday, Sept. 21, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

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