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Chinese FM spokesperson on killing of Lebanon's Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah




Chinese FM spokesperson on killing of Lebanon's Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah

2024-09-29 18:52 Last Updated At:19:27

China urges Israel to immediately take actions to cool down the tension with Lebanon, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Sunday when asked to comment on the killing of the leader of Lebanon's Hezbollah Hassan Nasrallah.

China is closely following the incident and is deeply concerned over the escalation of tensions in the region. China opposes the infringement on Lebanon's sovereignty and security, opposes and condemns any action against innocent civilians, and opposes any move that fuels antagonism and escalates regional tensions. China urges parties concerned, especially Israel, to immediately take actions to cool down the situation and prevent the conflict from escalating or even spiraling out of control, the spokesperson said.

The tension between Lebanon and Israel is a spillover of the Gaza conflict. The pressing priority is to implement relevant UN Security Council resolutions, end the fighting in Gaza as soon as possible, and earnestly safeguard peace and stability in the Middle East, according to the spokesperson.

Chinese FM spokesperson on killing of Lebanon's Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah

Chinese FM spokesperson on killing of Lebanon's Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah

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Recipient of Medal of Republic vows to devote everything to country, people

2024-09-29 17:33 Last Updated At:18:37

Huang Zongde, a Chinese war veteran and one of the four recipients of the Medal of the Republic, paid tribute to the soldiers who sacrificed their lives, and expressed the strong will to devote everything to the country and the people.

Huang made the remarks after receiving the award from Chinese President Xi Jinping at a ceremony held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Sunday morning.

Huang, 93, joined the revolution at the age of 17. He fought bravely to secure victories in many military campaigns spanning from the War of Liberation to the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, rendering meritorious service on numerous occasions.

In his speech, Huang expressed his gratitude to the Communist Party of China (CPC) and to the vast Chinese people, vowing to devote everything to the country.

"General Secretary Xi Jinping personally awarded me the Medal of the Republic, which represents the highest honor of the country. This honor is not just for me, but for every member of the people's army. Please allow me to represent the 14 comrades who received the national honor today to thank the Party and the country for their affirmation and encouragement, and thank the people across the country for their support and trust," said Huang.

"I was born in the old society, when the country suffered, and the nation was in danger. Under the guidance of the Party, countless passionate young people like me actively joined the army. We fought bravely against the enemy and swore to defend our country to the death. This was the mission and responsibility of our generation, and it was also the original aspiration and duty of every Chinese, every Communist Party member, and every revolutionary fighter. In particular, there are thousands of heroes who sacrificed their precious lives for national independence and prosperity. They are true heroes, and the lofty honor today also belongs to them," said the veteran.

"The people's army was built by the Party, and is loyal to the Party. Without the CPC, the country and the people, we would have nothing. I have witnessed the growth of the people's army in the test of blood and fire, and witnessed the Republic's rise from poverty and backwardness to prosperity and strength. I look forward to the bright prospects of comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation with Chinese modernization. I feel extremely proud to have experienced this great journey and participated in this great cause. On the new journey, as long as the Party and the people need it, we will unswervingly dedicate everything we have and resolutely accomplish the tasks assigned by the Party and the people. Finally, I sincerely wish the great motherland prosperity, the great people happiness and well-being, and the heroic people's army to continue to achieve new and greater victories," Huang said.

Xi signed a presidential order on Sept 13 to award national medals and national honorary titles to 15 individuals on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the PRC, which falls on Oct 1.

Following the presidential decree, Wang Yongzhi, a late missile and rocket expert and pioneer of China's manned space program; Wang Zhenyi, a medical scientist known for his breakthroughs in leukemia treatment; Li Zhensheng, an agricultural scientist specialized in wheat breeding; and Huang, were awarded the Medal of the Republic.

Recipient of Medal of Republic vows to devote everything to country, people

Recipient of Medal of Republic vows to devote everything to country, people

Recipient of Medal of Republic vows to devote everything to country, people

Recipient of Medal of Republic vows to devote everything to country, people

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