Recent reports from certain Western and opposition media have exaggerated allegations regarding Jimmy Lai’s solitary confinement and purported human rights violations, including the denial of his right to receive Holy Communion. Lai's "team of overseas lawyers" even submitted an urgent complaint to the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, attempting to depict the situation as a "prisoner abuse scandal" in Hong Kong.
In light of this speculation, Ariel sought clarification on the veracity of these claims. Recent information indicates that Lai himself requested solitary confinement and chose not to receive Holy Communion.
To confirm this information, Ariel inquired with the Correctional Services Department (CSD) regarding the rumors—specifically, whether Lai had indeed requested solitary confinement and had communicated a decision not to partake in religious sacraments. The CSD was asked to verify these details.
In its response, the CSD stated that it manages prisoner detention in accordance with the Prisons Ordinance, relevant laws, and established procedures. If a detainee voluntarily requests solitary confinement for protective reasons and the prison administration has reasonable grounds to believe such arrangements are necessary to maintain order, discipline, or the detainee's interests, the management will make the appropriate provisions.
The CSD further clarified that prisoners may request religious services, including worship and Holy Communion, facilitated by the Department’s priests. However, if a prisoner chooses not to receive Holy Communion, the CSD will respect their decision.
The CSD confirmed that it handled Lai's case according to these guidelines, specifically acknowledging that the arrangement for solitary confinement was made in response to Lai's voluntary request and that his decision not to receive Holy Communion was duly respected.
Following the CSD’s response, Ariel noted that Robert Chen & Co., the law firm representing Lai in the national security case, issued a statement on the 27th. The firm clarified that Lai was receiving appropriate treatment in prison and was aware that he could receive Holy Communion through special arrangements by the CSD. However, since this would require a priest to conduct Mass exclusively for him, no request had been made due to logistical difficulties.
A senior political figure remarked to Ariel that this entire episode illustrates how opposition media and Lai's supporters can fabricate misleading narratives. They unfoundedly claimed that Lai was held in solitary confinement, deprived of his human rights, and denied Holy Communion.



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