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National Day Golden Week Sees Record Visitor Arrivals in Hong Kong Post-Pandemic


National Day Golden Week Sees Record Visitor Arrivals in Hong Kong Post-Pandemic


National Day Golden Week Sees Record Visitor Arrivals in Hong Kong Post-Pandemic

2024-10-08 20:01 Last Updated At:20:18

Interdepartmental working group on festival arrangements summarises visitor arrivals to Hong Kong during National Day Golden Week

The seven-day National Day Golden Week of the Mainland ended yesterday (October 7), with the overall number of inbound visitors aligning with earlier estimates. The number recorded on National Day (October 1) reached a daily record high since the post-pandemic full opening of the borders.

During the seven-day National Day Golden Week, the Immigration Department recorded a total of around 1.38 million visitors coming to Hong Kong through various sea, land and air control points. Among them, Mainland visitors accounted for about 1.22 million, representing 88 per cent of the total arrivals. The daily average of Mainland visitors was around 170 000, which exceeded that of the 2023 National Day Golden Week and the 2024 Labour Day Golden Week around 27 per cent and some 13 per cent respectively.

Mainland inbound visitor arrivals peaked on National Day with around 220 000 visitors arriving in Hong Kong, marking a daily record high since the post-pandemic opening of the borders and setting a corresponding record for the overall number of visitors to Hong Kong in a single day. During the National Day Golden Week, the Lok Ma Chau Spur Line and the Express Rail Link West Kowloon were the two ports with the highest daily average number of Mainland visitors, and operations at various control points and transport services ran smoothly.

Regarding large-scale events, the National Day Fireworks Display over Victoria Harbour on October 1 attracted over 330 000 spectators. The event concluded with effective crowd control arrangements and was well-received by local residents and tourists.

Visitors went to different parts of Hong Kong during the National Day Golden Week, with high visitor flow observed at major tourist attractions including the West Kowloon Cultural District, Ocean Park, Hong Kong Disneyland, the Peak Tram and Ngong Ping 360. Smooth and effective crowd management measures were implemented. In addition, according to the information provided by the hotel industry, the overall hotel occupancy rate during the first four days of the Golden Week (October 1 to 4) reached 90 per cent.

In terms of tour groups, according to the Travel Industry Authority's information, around 1 050 Mainland inbound tour groups visited Hong Kong during the National Day Golden Week, with around 80 per cent engaged in overnight itineraries. These tour groups involved around 36 000 visitors, accounting for around 3 per cent of all Mainland visitors, and they were generally in good order.

The interdepartmental working group on festival arrangements, led by the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Chan Kwok-ki, is pleased to note that the rich array of National Day special offers from the Government and various sectors of society were well-received by the public. Among them, the 1st October Movie Fiesta: Half-Price Spectacular 2024 organised by the Hong Kong Theatres Association and subsidised by the Government took place in 59 commercial theatres across Hong Kong. On the day of the event, there were nearly 2 000 screenings, with cumulative admissions reaching 189 000, breaking last year's record of 155 000 and representing an increase of 22 per cent. Free admission was offered to museums and art spaces under the Leisure and Cultural Services Department on October 1, attracting nearly 60 000 attendees. Among them, there were more than 11 000 visitors to the Hong Kong Space Museum, setting a record for single-day attendance.

In addition, several public transportation services provided free rides or discounts during National Day, benefitting a total of approximately 4.43 million passengers. Different sectors such as catering and retail actively launched special offers to attract spending from both locals and visitors, contributing to a festive atmosphere throughout the city. Various trade representatives and merchants reported increased customer flow and business during National Day.

The embarkation and disembarkation arrangements for two homeport deployments of a mega cruise ship at Kai Tak Cruise Terminal (KTCT) during the National Day Golden Week of the Mainland were smooth, with various transport services arranged to adequately meet visitor needs. Notably, direct coach services connecting the Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point and KTCT were arranged by the Hong Kong Tourism Board in collaboration with a local coach operator to provide facilitation for a total of 3 500 Mainland visitors.

Mr Chan said, "Thanks to the concerted efforts of relevant government departments, organisations and industries in making preparations and responses, this year's arrangements for receiving visitors during the National Day Golden Week operated smoothly, enabling both locals and visitors to celebrate National Day together. The Government will draw on this experience and further enhance various arrangements in future to provide an even better experience for visitors to Hong Kong during festive periods."

DH conducts interdepartmental enforcement operation "Thunder" against distribution of smoking product advertisements in public housing estates

​To step up enforcement actions against distribution of illicit cigarette leaflets in public housing estates, the Tobacco and Alcohol Control Office (TACO) of the Department of Health (DH) and the Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department (C&ED) launched a joint operation codenamed "Thunder" in various districts across Hong Kong between September 19 and October 6. TACO is following up on the investigation of three cases of distributing smoking product leaflets in Mun Tung Estate in Tung Chung, Long Shin Estate in Yuen Long and Upper Ngau Tau Kok Estate in Kwun Tong respectively, where over 1 700 pieces of illicit cigarette leaflets were seized. The three persons concerned were aged 23, 48 and 57. In accordance with the Smoking (Public Health) Ordinance (Cap. 371) (the Ordinance), no person shall distribute any smoking product advertisement (including any promotion leaflets). Any person who contravenes the regulation is liable to a maximum fine of $50,000.

TACO, together with the C&ED, have carried out 18 joint operations under this round of "Thunder" until today, during which a total of 31 public housing estates in various districts across Hong Kong have been inspected. In addition, TACO, the Police and the Housing Department have established a co-operation mechanism targeting the distribution of smoking product leaflets in public housing estates. When any smoking product leaflet distribution is detected at public housing estates, the housing estate staff will contact the Police for assistance and subsequently refer the case to TACO for further investigation. TACO will continue to carry out relevant interdepartmental operations, and follow up and investigate every complaint regarding the distribution of smoking product advertisements, as well as to refer any suspected cases of illicit cigarettes that involve violations of the Dutiable Commodities Ordinance (Cap. 109) to the relevant department for further investigation.

A spokesman for the DH stressed that the department has long been closely monitoring and taking stringent enforcement actions against violations of the Ordinance (including the distribution of smoking product advertisements). The spokesman reiterated that all tobacco products, regardless of whether they are duty paid or not, pose significant health risks. Smokers should quit smoking as early as possible for their own health and that of others. Information on smoking cessation can also be obtained from

DH conducts interdepartmental enforcement operation "Thunder" against distribution of smoking product advertisements in public housing estates  Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

DH conducts interdepartmental enforcement operation "Thunder" against distribution of smoking product advertisements in public housing estates Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

DH conducts interdepartmental enforcement operation "Thunder" against distribution of smoking product advertisements in public housing estates  Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

DH conducts interdepartmental enforcement operation "Thunder" against distribution of smoking product advertisements in public housing estates Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

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