Fugitive Nathan Law, after losing support in the UK, recently traveled to Taiwan, where he received backing from pro-independence groups and was seen with a local woman. However, his most pressing issue now is not the Hong Kong police’s cross-border pursuit but rather allegations of sexual assault involving a former female assistant from several years ago. The scandal has continued to gain traction, with members of the pro-democracy "Yellow Camp" openly criticizing him, significantly damaging his reputation. In an apparent attempt to address the issue, Law posted on social media yesterday, vaguely alluding to past incidents that might have caused "embarrassment" to the "involved party." He characterized it as a misunderstanding, denying any "violent intimate behavior."

Political insiders who reviewed his statement argue that this is merely a rhetorical maneuver. They point out that the assistant, who is the alleged victim, confided in members of the Yellow Camp at the time, and there are multiple witnesses. Despite Law’s attempts to explain, they believe he cannot fully exonerate himself. Furthermore, as the victim has not publicly disclosed the incident, it remains a metaphorical time bomb that could detonate and ruin Law’s reputation at any moment.

The alleged incident reportedly took place during Law’s peak period when he served as Chairman of the now-dissolved Demosistō and as a member of Hong Kong’s Legislative Council. At the time, he employed a female assistant, referred to here as "X," known for her linguistic skills and international engagement. In 2018, during a visit to Belgium, Law allegedly acted inappropriately towards X after consuming alcohol. According to sources within the Yellow Camp, X later confided in a close friend, but Law dismissed her claims, accusing her of seeking fame and attention.

Since X chose not to make the matter public, it gradually faded from public view. However, a month ago, the Hong Kong Democratic Committee suddenly severed ties with Law without explanation. Rumors soon surfaced suggesting the decision was linked to the sexual assault allegations, reigniting the controversy. The scandal even reached Oxford University, which cited Law’s misconduct as the reason for rejecting his application to a master’s program. The controversy then spread further, becoming a focal point of discussion among both the pro-democracy ("Yellow") and pro-establishment ("Blue") factions.

This controversy has significantly tarnished Law’s image and dealt a severe blow to his political career. His recent social media post appears to be an attempt to frame the incident as a "misunderstanding." In his statement, he acknowledged that he may have mishandled past relationships but insisted he had "never engaged in any intimate conduct against someone’s will or with violence." This statement suggests that some form of interaction occurred with X, but he claims it was consensual rather than non-consensual. In a previous interview with the online media outlet Notus, he described the encounter as "romantic."

A political insider remarked that in many sexual assault cases, men often claim that the other party was "willing," but judges rarely accept such defenses without credible testimony from the victim and corroborating evidence. Therefore, Law’s one-sided defense is seen as unconvincing.

Law also claimed in his post that he had engaged in "friendly and positive communication" with the "involved party" at the time and had kept relevant records. However, he added that he would not publicly clarify the matter unless absolutely necessary, citing multiple complicating factors. Political observers criticize this as another example of his "rhetorical maneuvering," suggesting he wants to appear as though he has evidence proving his innocence but is either unwilling or unable to disclose it, thereby creating an image of being unjustly accused.

In closing, Law issued an apology to X, expressing regret for any embarrassment or misunderstanding he may have caused her in the past. He also invited her to contact him directly to resolve any lingering issues. Political insiders interpret this as his attempt to downplay the incident as merely a "misunderstanding" and to reach a settlement with X.

The same insiders suggest that Law’s eagerness to address the scandal stems from his understanding that these sexual assault allegations are a severe threat to his career. Despite his efforts, his explanations remain weak, and the stigma of sexual misconduct continues to haunt him. They conclude that the unresolved allegations are like a ticking time bomb, poised to destroy his reputation completely when it explodes.

Lai Ting Yiu

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