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Unemployment rate holds steady at 3.0% in Hong Kong for July-September 2024, with slight employment increase.


Unemployment rate holds steady at 3.0% in Hong Kong for July-September 2024, with slight employment increase.


Unemployment rate holds steady at 3.0% in Hong Kong for July-September 2024, with slight employment increase.

2024-10-18 16:30 Last Updated At:16:38

Unemployment and underemployment statistics for July - September 2024

According to the latest labour force statistics (i.e. provisional figures for July - September 2024) released today (October 18) by the Census and Statistics Department (C&SD), the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate stood at 3.0% in July - September 2024, same as that in June - August 2024. The underemployment rate also remained unchanged at 1.2% in the two periods.

Comparing July - September 2024 with June - August 2024, movements in the unemployment rate (not seasonally adjusted) and underemployment rate in different industry sectors varied, but the magnitudes were generally not large.

Total employment increased by around 1 700 from 3 708 500 in June - August 2024 to 3 710 200 in July - September 2024. The labour force in July - September 2024 was 3 830 100, about the same as that in June - August 2024 (3 830 800).

The number of unemployed persons (not seasonally adjusted) decreased by around 2 400 from 122 300 in June - August 2024 to 119 900 in July - September 2024. Over the same period, the number of underemployed persons also decreased by around 1 500 from 47 500 to 46 000.


Commenting on the latest unemployment figures, the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Chris Sun, said, "The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate stayed low at 3.0% in July - September 2024, same as June - August 2024. The underemployment rate also remained unchanged at 1.2%. Total employment increased by 1 700 to 3 710 200. The labour force stayed largely steady at 3 830 100. The number of unemployed persons decreased by 2 400 to 119 900."

Compared with the preceding three-month period, the unemployment rates of various sectors showed diverse movements in July - September 2024, yet the changes were not large in general.

Looking ahead, Mr Sun said, "The overall labour market should remain tight in the near term alongside the sustained economic growth, though the employment situation may vary across sectors depending on their business performances."

In July - September 2024, the Labour Department (LD) recorded a monthly average of 66 271 vacancies from the private sector, representing a year-on-year decrease of 34.7% and a decrease of 2.8% over the average figure in June - August 2024.

On large-scale job fairs, the LD will organise "Building a Multicultural Workplace Job Fair" at MacPherson Stadium in Mong Kok on November 13 and 14, 2024. About 50 employers will participate, offering a large number of vacancies. Job seekers may also make use of the LD's online platforms, such as the Interactive Employment Service website, for obtaining more information on available vacancies.

Further information

The unemployment and underemployment statistics were compiled from the findings of the continuous General Household Survey.

In the survey, the definitions used in measuring unemployment and underemployment follow closely those recommended by the International Labour Organization. The employed population covers all employers, self-employed persons, employees (including full-time, part-time, casual workers, etc.) and unpaid family workers. Unemployed persons by industry (or occupation) are classified according to their previous industry (or occupation).

The survey for July - September 2024 covered a sample of some 26 000 households or 68 000 persons, selected in accordance with a scientifically designed sampling scheme to represent the population of Hong Kong. Labour force statistics compiled from this sample represented the situation in the moving three-month period of July to September 2024.

Data on labour force characteristics were obtained from the survey by interviewing each member aged 15 or over in the sampled households.

Statistical tables on the latest labour force statistics can be downloaded at the website of the C&SD ( More detailed analysis of the labour force characteristics is given in the "Quarterly Report on General Household Survey" which is published four times a year. The latest issue of the report contains statistics for the quarter April - June 2024 while the next issue covering the quarter July - September 2024 will be available by end November 2024. Users can also browse and download this publication at the website of the C&SD (

For enquiries about labour force statistics, please contact the General Household Survey Section (3) of the C&SD (Tel: 2887 5508 or email:

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New Legislation Enables Automated HKID Applications via Self-Service Kiosks

2024-10-18 16:02 Last Updated At:16:18

Legislative amendments enabling submission and processing of applications for Hong Kong identity cards by automated means gazetted

The subsidiary legislation under the Registration of Persons Ordinance (ROP Ordinance) (Cap. 177), namely the Registration of Persons (Amendment) Regulation 2024, was gazetted today (October 18).

Corresponding to the above amendments, amendments to the Electronic Transactions (Exclusion) Order (Cap. 553B), viz. the Electronic Transactions (Exclusion) (Amendment) (No. 2) Order 2024, was also gazetted today.

The above legislative proposals aim to enable the submission and processing of applications for Hong Kong identity cards (HKICs) by automated means via the Personal Documentation Submission Kiosks (PDSKs) of the Immigration Department (ImmD). Eligible applicants can complete the streamlined application procedures at the PDSKs in a self-service manner without the need to meet a Registration Officer in person. The proposed amendment regulation and order will be tabled at the Legislative Council on October 23 for negative vetting.

A spokesman for the ImmD said, "The first batch of PDSKs is now set up at the Immigration Headquarters in Tseung Kwan O. It is anticipated that the PDSKs' function in handling HKICs applications will be introduced by the end of this year, once the amendments to the related subsidiary legislations have passed through the scrutiny period. Eligible applicants will be able to submit HKICs applications in a self-service manner, which will be more convenient and time-efficient. Regardless of the means used to submit applications, the eligibility criteria for HKICs applications remain unchanged."

The service arrangements and details regarding HKICs applications via PDSKs will be announced in due course prior to its introduction at the end of this year.

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