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Chinese vice premier meets with senior Brazilian, British officials




Chinese vice premier meets with senior Brazilian, British officials

2024-10-18 20:08 Last Updated At:21:37

Chinese Vice Premier Ding Xuexiang met with Rui Costa, chief of staff of the Presidency of Brazil, and Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs of the United Kingdom David Lammy, respectively, on Friday in Beijing.

During the meeting with Costa, Ding, also a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, said both China and Brazil are important representative countries of the Global South, and the two countries are like-minded good friends and good partners marching forward hand in hand.

Ding noted that under the strategic guidance of the two countries' leaders, the China-Brazil comprehensive strategic partnership has shown vigorous development momentum, with political mutual trust constantly consolidated and new progress made in exchanges and cooperation in various fields.

China is ready to work with Brazil to earnestly act on the important consensus reached by the two countries' heads of state, and take the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations as an opportunity to constantly expand the depth, width and height of mutually beneficial cooperation, and promote bilateral ties to a new high, said Ding.

Costa said Brazil highly values China and takes China as a reliable long-term partner, expressing the hope to make joint efforts with China to make bilateral relations more strategic and comprehensive.

When meeting with Lammy, Ding said China and the UK are both permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and major economies in the world with deeply intertwined interests. The two countries' leaders reached important consensus in their phone call in August on enhancing exchanges and cooperation in various fields and pointed out the direction for the development of bilateral relations.

China is ready to work with the UK to further develop a more stable and mutually beneficial bilateral relationship from a strategic and long-term perspective and promote the upgrading of pragmatic cooperation in various fields, thus better benefiting the two countries and their people and injecting more momentum into world peace and prosperity, said Ding.

Lammy said the new UK government is willing to work with China to strengthen constructive dialogue, engage in candid communication, deepen cooperation in various fields, work for a consistent bilateral relationship featuring mutual respect, and jointly respond to global challenges.

Chinese vice premier meets with senior Brazilian, British officials

Chinese vice premier meets with senior Brazilian, British officials

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Superluna más grande de este año ilumina el cielo

2024-10-18 20:54 Last Updated At:21:07

La luna llena más grande del año pudo ser avistada el jueves de forma espectacular por turistas y locales desde distintos lugares de toda China.

En la ciudad de Lijiang,  en la provincia suroccidental china de Yunnan, la superluna se elevó detrás de la ciudad antigua, iluminando sus edificios históricos y creando un ambiente de romanticismo clásico.

En la prefectura autónoma dai y jingpo de Dehong, la luz de la luna cubrió la dorada Pagoda Menghuan, proyectando un resplandor espectacular, que lucía sagrado.

"Al contemplar el cielo iluminado por la luz de la luna me acuerdo de las cosas bellas y las personas bondadosas", expresó Xun Honglei, un turista. 

En la bandera Ejina de la liga Alxa, en la región autónoma de Mongolia Interior, en el norte de China, los visitantes quedaron maravillados ante el impresionante paisaje que se formó cuando la superluna se  elevó sobre el bosque de álamos del Éufrates, con la luz de la luna bañando suavemente como una cascada sobre la tierra, contrastando con los robustos árboles.

“Como lo había planificado, vi a la superluna, y con el bosque de álamos del Éufrates como fondo, se creó una imagen poética. Es una pena no haber traído mi lente de cámara de teleobjetivo", señaló Nie Hongyu, una turista.

En la ciudad de Lanzhou, provincia de Gansu, en el noroeste de China, la superluna iluminó el Edificio del Río Amarillo, que había sido decorado con luces rojas que lo hacía resaltar entre los edificios.

En la ciudad de Lanzhou, en la provincia noroccidental china de Gansu, la superluna realzó el emblemático Edificio del río Amarillo, que se iluminó de rojo.

"Es muy hermosa y diferente de la luna habitual. Parece como si uno pudiera extender la mano y tocarla", describió Li Wei, otra turista.

Superluna más grande de este año ilumina el cielo

Superluna más grande de este año ilumina el cielo

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