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China delivering in efforts to address global climate change: former UN official




China delivering in efforts to address global climate change: former UN official

2024-10-25 05:52 Last Updated At:06:17

Former UN Under-Secretary-General Erik Solheim says China is standing out as a proactive force in global climate governance and is making significant contributions to addressing the most pressing environmental challenges thanks to its "enormous development" in the green energy transition.

Solheim was speaking in an exclusive interview with the China Global Television Network (CGTN) ahead of the United Nations Day, which falls each year on Oct. 24 and marks the anniversary of the UN Charter entering into force in 1945.

One of the central goals of the UN is working towards fulfilling its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, with protecting the environment being one of the core aims. Regarding this, Solheim pinpointed three major global environmental issues -- namely pollution, climate change, and the destruction of ecosystems -- as being the biggest areas of concern.

However, despite highlighting the severe damage being caused on ecosystems by the effects of deforestation, the former UN official noted there are positive signs, including China's efforts to establish the world's largest national park system by 2035, after the country designated over a million square kilometers as national park space in order to better protect wildlife species and their habitats.

"If you ask me what is the biggest [issue], I tend to believe it's the destruction of ecosystems, because we have had such a reduction of rainforests, [and in] a lot of other very vulnerable ecosystems, we have seen the number of animals in many parts of the world coming down. However, there is also now good news in this area - China's now embarking upon the biggest national park system in the world in parallel with the United States. It's the biggest tree-planter in the world. Indonesia has reduced the deforestation rate in Indonesia to zero through good policies by the government and responsible action by business. So, there are good news we can learn from to tackle these," he said.

Solheim also China's experience in solving pollution offers a valuable lesson to the world, and said the country is well ahead in its promises to hit peak emissions before 2030 and become carbon neutral by 2060.

"It seems to the credit of China that it's one of the few nations which will deliver upon its promises prior to the [targeted] date. It seems that the peak emissions in China was either last year or at the very latest, this year, so six years before the promise of 2030. This is of course thanks to the enormous development of green energies in China. Two-thirds of all solar and wind energy on the planet last year came in China alone. One-third was the rest of the world combined," he said.

Solheim also hailed the developments he has seen after visiting a groundbreaking solar power plant project in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, which he said further demonstrates how China is well on track in its green energy transformation and to fulfilling the commitments made in the climate change agreement drawn up in Paris in 2015.

"Just recently I went to Xinjiang, just outside of Urumqi, which has the biggest solar plant in the world. It's four gigawatts. Most people don't really know how much is four gigawatts. Four gigawatts is as much as the total grid in Nigeria, which is the biggest nation Africa [by population]. Four gigawatts, just [from] this one plant is more than the grid in most nations in the world. So it's an enormous development just this one plant and you see these plants coming up now all over China, [such as in] Gansu, Inner Mongolia, so many other places. And this is of course why China has been able to reduce its emissions prior to the promise, which was made in the Paris [Agreement] process," he said.

China delivering in efforts to address global climate change: former UN official

China delivering in efforts to address global climate change: former UN official

The mayor of the Russian city of Kazan, host of the just-concluded 16th BRICS Summit, says the significant infrastructure improvements made in preparation for the event will leave a lasting legacy for residents and vowed the city will continue to foster close ties with its Chinese sister cities.

Ilsur Metshin, Kazan's mayor, outlined some of the extensive work that went in to prepare the summit in a recent interview with China Global Television Network.

The three-day BRICS summit wrapped up on Thursday after gathering global leaders and officials in Kazan, the capital of Russia's Republic of Tatarstan. Notably the event was the first to be held since the expansion of the BRICS group earlier this year.

The emerging-market cooperative mechanism began with Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, and has now evolved into an influential international cooperation mechanism with an expanded membership. Besides the countries that officially joined the BRICS family on Jan 1, 2024, over 30 countries like Thailand, Malaysia, Türkiye and Azerbaijan have either formally applied for or expressed interest in membership.

In accommodating this expanded format as the host city, Metshin listed some of the major improvements seen in Kazan, and stressed these have been designed not only to cater for the summit but will also deliver lasting benefits to its residents.

"We have built a record number of parks and squares this year. We have rebuilt quite a lot of structures, and we have done some work on transport infrastructure, including a railway station. Our airport's throughput and capacity have been expanded and can now receive all types of aircraft at the same time. All these upgrades will remain after the BRICS Summit and will serve our residents and future visitors," said the mayor.

Kazan also enjoys strong ties with 10 Chinese cities, including Guangzhou and Shenzhen in southern China, Xi'an and Chengdu in the west, Qingdao in the east, as well as Harbin and Qiqihar in the north.

While acknowledging the ongoing exchanges and cooperation between these sister cities, Metshin also emphasized the importance of China-Russia relations as a key factor in promoting global peace.

"We have 10 sister cities with the People's Republic of China, so we are connected by real brotherly bonds. We are very active with those cities. We work together, we cooperate, and we constantly exchange delegations. China is our reliable, proven, true friend and partner. We believe that the Russia-China friendship is the future and the guarantee of peace throughout the world," he said.

Kazan mayor highlights how infrastructure upgrades made for BRICS summit will leave lasting legacy

Kazan mayor highlights how infrastructure upgrades made for BRICS summit will leave lasting legacy

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